Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2904 Water and Dream (7)

Before Barty Crouch Jr. was accused by Karkaroff, he was recognized as a good boy, not only with good grades, but also very obedient. He never rebelled, ran away from home, or did other mischief like Sirius Black .

There are no cameras in Gotham's subway. This is a world that is both under the sun and in the dark. When the subway is full of people, it is a public place, with countless pairs of eyes watching, and cameras and other equipment to record.

But at midnight, there was no one else in the subway except the five of them, and when the girl left, it was only Joker and three others left.

These "good babies" no longer need to act in front of "adults".

They may not be monsters, they just had a bad day, "elites" like them have to work in a place with people who are much worse than them, their self-esteem will not allow mediocrity, so they work hard overtime, hoping to get Opportunities to advance, the same as being the top student in school, to be the best of your peers.

They worked late, drank a few drinks together, whined a bit, and made a "kinda nasty" joke with a woman they didn't know.

But the pressure didn't disappear. According to the kicking cat effect, they launched an attack on the clown, but they didn't expect that the kitten would turn into a tiger and kill them.

They didn't want to kill the clown, and the clown had a bad day, and even in self-defense, the clown was too defensive, not to mention he shot a few more shots afterwards.

Bruno believed that the universe is infinite and has no edge, so naturally there is no fixed center.

The clown knows that he is an antisocial personality on the fringes of society, and he doesn't want to hear an old man who has never been in a studio tell him what is the right thing to do.

There's only one reason he's sitting there, because he used to be like those spectators who could only sit in their seats and listen to people like Morrie. Now he can also sit in the guest's position and express his thoughts and opinions.

He doesn't need to be like a good boy, trying to please his elders, thinking that obedient children will always be rewarded.

Well aware of the advantages of following society's rules, those three fine young men wore their disguises with such care that there was little chance of seeing them take them off. But they know that there are no cameras in the subway.

If those three young men committed many serious crimes at a young age, Murray probably wouldn't have talked about it on the talk show. Criminals die in fires every day in Gotham.

Morrie's accusation of Arthur's reasoning was based on false speculation and prejudice, and he felt he was right that "everything" Arthur said was an excuse.

Pomona pushed open the door of the Leaky Cauldron, and the wizards and wizards in the bar took one look at her before going about their business.

It's hard to imagine someone having a birthday party here in such a dark and old bar, but it was just after work and everyone got together to drink. Puglia lost the key and no one cared, even the bartender took Sleepy Bean. No one took the berries of the sage to be a big deal either. Except for Puglia, people who celebrate birthdays forget about it. Young people are always forgetful.

"What would you like to drink, Professor?" Tom asked.

"Have some Gamp vintage wine," said Pomona.

Tom was a little surprised "Are you going to challenge too?"

"I'm kidding, a bottle of brandy," said Pomona.

After Tom brought the wine, Pomona drank to herself, looking around, hoping to see where Severus was. Later, she gave up, took out the manga again, and put it on the table to read.

In fact, there is a piece of news next to the newsstand, about Chernobyl leaked, almost all the newspapers are publishing this news, she bought the comics of Superman on purpose.

Even if the human world is really about to be destroyed, Hogwarts will still start normally, as long as there are students coming.

Although the Mobius ring can allow people to travel in time and space, it will trap a person in a loop forever. In contrast, the "parallel universe" based on the butterfly effect is easier for readers to accept. In the story, there is an earth that is completely controlled by the villain, but it cannot escape the fate of being swallowed by antimatter.

"Professor, are you alone?"

The Bomer case looked up and it was Hagrid.

"Still the same, Hagrid?" Tom asked.

"Uh, no, I'm not thirsty today." Hagrid smiled awkwardly, but kept his eyes on the Pomona brandy.

"Two more bottles of brandy, sir, and a glass by the way," said Pomona.

Using the Levitation Charm, Tom placed the wine and glasses in front of the two from behind the bar.

"I don't usually drink," said Hagrid.

"I know," Pomona said. "Come with me."

Then he clinked his own glass with Hagrid's.

"What's bothering you?" Hagrid asked after his drink.

"One thing I just learned from the centaur is to control what you can control." Pomona said lightly, taking a sip of brandy as well.

"Can I ask what it is?" Hagrid asked.

Pomona was thinking, now talking about Chernobyl and You-Know-Who will come back again, how will these wizards react?

It's just a door, but it seems to separate two parallel worlds.

"The centaurs don't like me, and my brother," said Hagrid in a snarky voice. "They shoot him with arrows whenever he shows up."

"Glop you say?" Pomona asked.

"How many brothers can I have?" Hagrid said mockingly, gulping down the brandy in one gulp.

Even though she was a half-giant, Pomona didn't dare to underestimate Hagrid's drinking capacity. They drank a few more bottles one after another, because having Hagrid with her made her feel a lot more at ease, and she drank even more when she was in a better mood. up.

"Oh, almost forgot, thank you for the dragon dung, Headmaster," said Hagrid. "Bubber's stems are growing strong now, and Glop can eat enough."

"I think you should grow some pumpkins, and we'll go buy some pumpkin soda later." Pomona said a little confused.

"Why, there's enough food," said Hagrid.

"Happy." Pomona held the wine glass in his hand, "You can't just eat and drink enough to live!"

"Yes, I did it for that!" said a wizard next to him, and drank the wine in his hand.

"You're so boring here, Tom, isn't there any music or anything?" asked Pomona.

"There's a record store out there," said Tom grimly.

Pomona did hear a little voice.

"That opens the door."

"No!" cried the wizards and wizards. "Muggles will get in."

Pomona was feeling overwhelmed when Severus appeared.

"Let's go," he said.

"Found the key?" asked Pomona.

"did not find."

Pomona sighed. She felt that Puglia's key had been lost.

"Shall we go get pumpkin pop?" Hagrid asked.

"Come on," said Pomona, staggering to his feet.

"How much did you drink?" Severus asked.

Pomona looked at his face, was it young or old? He obviously doesn't have a beard, but he looks almost thirty years old.

She was a little tempted to play crazy with the drink, and a little worried about the rumors about the wizards in the Leaky Cauldron, although Severus was not in court, many people knew him.

Then they left the bar just like that, Hagrid going to Honeydukes for a pumpkin pop, and Pomona going with him.

"What are you going to do?" Severus said patiently.

"I want candy!" she yelled.

After he walked into Honeydukes, he dropped a candy in her mouth.

Pomona tasted it was toad mints, and it bounced in her mouth.


She started wailing.

"Why are you crying?" he said impatiently.

She didn't know what to cry about, but she cried anyway.

As a result, crying made her dizzy even more.

"Come on," said Hagrid.

"Where's the pumpkin soda you bought?" Severus said.

"I guess I'll make my own." Hagrid said awkwardly. "Too expensive."

"Exactly, we'll take her back," Severus said impatiently.

"Need me to hold her?" Hagrid asked.

"No need," Severus said coldly, and left Honeydukes with the half-conscious Pomona in his arms.

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