Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2903 Water and Dream (6)

"If you really want to help Priya Moore, how about helping her find the key?" Severus said.

The wind blowing from the Thames made Pomona sober, and she felt that this was indeed a better way than handing the arrow to Puglia and letting her do meritorious service.

"But how?" Pomona said.

"What else can I do?" Severus said, leading her to follow the signs and walk towards Charing Cross Road.

No need for Apparation at that distance, and certainly no Death Eater fly spells, even if no Muggle has nothing to look up, ready to say "Look, that's a bird? That's an airplane? That's Superman." !", the appearance of the black clouds billowing is also eye-catching.

Compared with Batman, Clark Kent from Kansas is a warm-hearted guy with an innate superpower and a sense of justice, the latter of which is not unrelated to the cultivation of his adoptive parents.

He is an alien, although he looks no different from ordinary people on earth, he always saves people in distress. But if a prosecutor who defies power can be protected because of his status as a prosecutor, then the reporter may be fired at any time. Because Superman's income is meager, he can only live in a dilapidated apartment. Unable to pay the rent, if he does not want to live on the streets, Clark can only give up his dream of living in a big city and return to his hometown in Kansas to continue working as a farmer.

Clark understands this truth. Even if Superman has divine power similar to Hercules, some things cannot be reversed by strength.

In the beginning of Superman, there is no compassionate divinity, but a kind of cruelty, even if his powerful power may cause harm to human beings, he doesn't care. In the later stories, Superman's attitude became milder, and he also established the bottom line of "never hurt the innocent", instead of falling down without a bottom line like the clown.

The "clown" as a comedian was also a "good guy" at the beginning. One day he got a gun and killed three young people. The talk show host who was originally indifferent to him became interested in him, or He wanted to "publicly execute" and condemned him for killing three "young people" who had never met him.

How indifferent to Morrie was the true character of these three young men, who had good jobs and were young and promising. As long as these two tags are there, they are "innocent". What's more, they drank a little wine after get off work, and they probably took the subway because they were afraid of drunk driving. What an honest child.

It's a pity that there is no surveillance on the subway, otherwise it can be used as evidence that the clown shot in self-defense. And they harassed the girl in advance, the girl looked at the clown as if asking for help, the clown didn't want to meddle in this business at first, but he has a mental illness, he will laugh harshly when he is under great pressure, and then the attention of these three promising young people Just focus on him.

"Joker" killing Morrie is also a "public execution". What he "killed" was a kind of value, a social system, "it's up to you to decide what is right or wrong", "if I was lying on the side of the road, No one will even look at it, but Thomas Wayne gets so much attention by shedding a few tears for three scumbags."

Before dying, Murray asked him "Are you killing people to cause a movement?"

The clown smiled and replied "Do you think I'm the kind of clown who can start a movement?"

"Oh look!" Pomona exclaimed. "New Superman comic!"

Severus frowned at her.

"Wait for me," Pomona said, running to a newsstand along the road and buying a comic book.

"I never asked you, how do you know about Batman." Severus asked her when she came back from buying the comic books.

"It's in the common room," Pomona said, turning the pages of the book.

"I haven't seen that," Severus said.

"You mean the Slytherin lounge. Are there any Muggleborns in your house?" Pomona asked without looking up.

He fell silent.

Then Pomona read the story while walking. This time, Superman’s enemy is not a big villain, but an unprecedented common enemy that characters in all universes have to face—the anti-monitor. All parallel universes make the positive universe return to nothingness, and the anti-universe expands, and the anti-monitor, originally named Mobius, is a creation god from another dimension, which existed before the existence of the multiverse.

Except for those fighting scenes, the setting of this story is very interesting. In Bruno's booklet, an infinite world is also set, with infinite suns and infinite galaxies revolving around it like the earth.

There are even infinite earths, and the universe is not all composed of worlds, but also voids and spaces beyond the worlds. Epicurus regards all things and the universe as a mixture of objects and voids.

Due to the limitations of perception and understanding, human beings think that the "world" is the "universe". The "parallel universe" in comics is similar to the real world, with only slight changes, and they can travel through each other through special methods, such as this world You die, and in another universe you're alive.

In fact, when the earth is destroyed, the universe still exists, and the nemesis that is so much higher than the civilization of the earth is destroyed, and there is only one "Superman". Isn't the universe still functioning? Human beings, the earth, and even the Milky Way are just a grain of sand in the universe. Human beings feel that the end of the world is coming, but they can't even hear a sound in the universe.

The universe does not need to be saved by humans, and even the earth does not need to be saved by humans. The Möbius loop has no boundaries. For example, that piece of paper has two sides, its four sides are its boundaries. If there is an ant, if it wants to get from side a to side b, it must wear cross this border.

Many people know about the grandfather paradox. If a person uses a time machine to go back in time and kill his grandfather, then his father will not be born, and he will not be born either.

But find a piece of paper, write the correct timeline on the front, grandfather is alive, father is alive, and you are alive, and on the back, write grandfather is dead, father was not born, and you were not born, and after turning it around, it will become in the same At the point in time, the grandfather was alive and killed by you, the father was alive and not born, and you were alive and not born.

Schrödinger's poor cat, there are two states of dead cat and live cat at the same time, you have to open the box to know the result. Many people cross the road and see a small cardboard box on the side of the road, and the kitten inside is meowing. Is the cat dead or alive?

Any activity that does not involve your consciousness is parallel to you, that is, has nothing to do with you. Those kittens may freeze to death or be adopted by someone, but will you use a time machine to go back to that point in time and track the follow-up of those cats?

A high-dimensional creator god, went to a low-dimensional world to destroy the "universe" and expand the universe he created. If the relationship between the positive universe and the anti-universe is to gain material expansion after destroying one, then he only needs to wait slowly, since his time is infinite anyway.

It is the rule maker, and there is no need to play it. There are so many superheroes who are not his opponents. This certainly makes him look very powerful, and it also makes the superheroes who can defeat him even more extraordinary.

"How?" Severus asked.

"I was thinking about the Joker, he's still human," Pomona said, pocketing the comic.


"There's a treatise written by a 13th-century Oxford Muggle doctor on how to define a person, and he thinks that people laugh are people," Pomona said.

Severus looked at the golden retriever passing by, it was "smiling" at them while being led by its owner.

"Yes, he's right," Severus said dryly. "It's only human beings who can laugh."

Pomona frowned, but didn't bother to say anything, because the Leaky Cauldron was not far away.

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