Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2902 Water and Dream (5)

On December 5, 1933, sailors in Port St. Pierre, Trinidad, lowered the flags of the United States and France at half-staff in mourning for Prohibition, which was buried.

In the 14 years from its promulgation in 1920 to its abolition in 1933, the whole world knew how "thirsty" Americans were. The first was neighboring Canada, where millions of gallons of booze were sent to American speakeasies despite a 1918 law by the Canadian Federal Parliament banning the interprovincial transport of alcohol, with the only exception being for medical use.

There was also a struggle before Prohibition, when pro-prohibitionists banned beer brewing on the grounds that it was a waste of food and that it was a time of war. At that time, many American men went to Europe to participate in World War I. Because the local infrastructure was severely damaged, the French could not provide clean drinking water to their allies, and the soldiers had to drink wine to replenish their water.

Even as the beer companies tried to refute the attacks with statistics, claiming that the entire beer industry consumed less than 0.75 percent of the total food produced in the United States, the opposition attacked them for hogging railroads and squeezing supplies of fuel and other war necessities.

What's more, many American beer companies are opened by Germans, so the American public feels that closing some spirits and breweries is not a big deal at all.

While the Canadians used ox-drawn sledges and men and women to pull sledges over the mountains to transport wine to the United States, the French also shipped wine to the United States for sale. According to the law at that time, as long as the ship did not dock, the U.S. Navy had no right to drive it away from the coastline for 3 miles, and then the people along the coast drove countless small sailboats, single rowing boats, inflatable lifeboats, and grasshopper boats with paddles. "Go forward to connect in a mighty way, and sometimes there are even a few seaplanes.

This has resulted in people in Canada and coastal areas not being as "thirsty" as in the Midwest, where they can drink not just an occasional drink, but a whole bottle.

Then rabbis and Catholic priests wanted to allow their congregants to drink communion wine, even though America has its own vineyards. However, according to the provisions of Article 29 of the "Wodestead Act", the alcohol content of "juice" cannot exceed 0.5%, such as apple juice, which is prone to fermentation during storage, but it is not within this limit, because there are A South Dakota lawmaker co-authored the bill, and he wants hard cider to be served in his hometown.

The "Woldstead Act" deliberately used "intoxicating alcohol" instead of "alcoholic beverages". For example, sauerkraut has an alcohol content of 0.8%, and some chocolate cakes have an alcohol content of 0.62%. Obviously, no one will eat sauerkraut. Eat till you get drunk.

With exceptions, the bill became less absolute, and as a result, federal courts suffered from a 14-year misdemeanor flood.

These criminals, unlike Capone, simply stored fruit in their homes, "accidentally" let it ferment into wine, and then sold some to their neighbors and friends.

In the "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" case in 1939, the police monitored the phone and learned that Nadon's illegal business was selling bootleg alcohol.

In fact, before Congress passed Prohibition, states such as Kansas had enacted Prohibition, but it was not passed solely because of women's protests.

Congress passed the War Tax Act, raising taxes on alcohol to finance America's participation in the war. At the same time, after Roosevelt's New Deal began, the "National Industrial Recovery Act" was passed. Article 217 of the law stipulates that if the Prohibition Amendment is passed or the fiscal balance is achieved, whichever comes first, the federal conquest will be immediately revoked. The state imposes a dividend tax and a super profit tax.

That is to say, every state has to face a situation, whether to make money or lose money by abolishing Prohibition. In places like Tennessee, Prohibition was still implemented in the state in 1939. Winery workers can make wine locally and sell it elsewhere, but they cannot make wine locally. Buying alcohol, unless paying the 10% tax on "illegal sale" of alcohol.

In addition, unrestrained booze can also be carried out on transoceanic cruise ships. This period has spawned many luxury vacation routes in American ports and the Caribbean, and it has also made Port Pierre in Trinidad boom.

But the "most interesting" places were speakeasies, nightclubs, etc. There was a song at that time, "The girls who go to speakeasies to drink are the most beautiful", especially New York, where there were booze detectives everywhere. As a party member, going to a speakeasy takes a certain amount of guts than stealing your husband and dad's drinks.

At first the bar was only open to men, but the bar owners soon discovered that the business of bars with female customers would be better than other bars. In order to attract female customers and make them attract more male customers, the bar has undergone some modifications .

First, the high stools by the bar, which do not allow the ladies to sit gracefully on them, nor allow them to put their feet up on the brass bars. So the bar was changed into a restaurant, and there was even table service. People could sit down and chat and drink more. New entertainment programs, jazz, sad female singer, and Charleston dance were born with the era of co-ed drinking. .

Some bars will hang a striking sign at the entrance - "The most beautiful girls in the world go in here to drink." Of course, if someone believes it, they will find that all the drinking customers inside are male customers. Waiting anxiously for the "prettiest girl" to come in.

The law-abiding female employees during the day have a different look after get off work, just like Batman and Superman, both have another identity.

It is said to be a ban on alcohol, but not all alcohol-containing things, such as perfume and aftershave, the police sometimes light a match to check, and the liquid in the bottle labeled "perfume" and "aftershave" is A flame was lit.

A new type of literary work was popular at that time, "She slowly drank the 'yogurt' in the bottle, and calmly experienced the deliciousness and efficacy of it. After drinking the second cup, a completely liberated new woman was born, and she walked to the table. Opposite, tenderly stroking the bow tie of the handsome and strong suitor."

Drunk driving wasn't a bad word back then, and someone even made the heroine of the novel blatantly say "I hate reformers, especially those who want to reform me."

Most bars have a serious shortage of high-end alcohol. After all, this is different from drinking secretly in one's own home in the countryside. Who would invite beautiful girls to drink that kind of self-brewed distilled alcohol. The intensification of the contradiction between supply and demand has led to rampant counterfeit wine. Some people even blend industrial alcohol for sale. In order to pretend that these drinks are smuggled from the sea, they will deliberately soak the wine bottles in sea water for a period of time.

If there is no reminder from the clown, some people might not have thought of putting on the Batman mask and driving a modified car to have a "race" with the Gotham police. Just get caught by the police.

At this time, Batman may fall from the sky to help the police catch these people who pretend to be themselves.

"What's the difference between us?" Fake Batman might ask.

Batman gets into his Batmobile and says "This is not a car" in a husky, voice-changing voice.

Then he drove away in that conspicuous "car".

Bruce Wayne’s family business is involved in the military industry. The Batmobile is actually a military prototype called “Tumbler”, which is used to load personnel and equipment across trenches. The Batsuit is not Superman’s one-piece sweater. Function.

But it was too expensive to be used in the army. It was left unused in the warehouse, and was taken by Bruce Wayne, and later became his "chariot".

In court, sometimes the defendant will hire an excellent team of lawyers to find loopholes in the law and exonerate the benefactor.

At this time, if there is a smart, honest, and powerful prosecutor standing in the position of the prosecution, perhaps the defendant will be brought to justice and justice will be realized.

In the 13th century, there was a "doctor" from Oxford University. When he first selected a doctor, he was not selected because there were too many people who wanted to be a doctor. Become a Ph.D.

He was a figure in the post-scholastic philosophy period, when he mainly studied logic, and he also defined "human" and "animal".

Where does Fantastic Beasts talk about "beast", "animal" refers to all animals, including birds and insects, and "beast" refers specifically to quadrupeds, but Scamander's book also records that the ball escapes the bird and other non-quadrupeds.

This does not fit the title of the book. When Hogwarts wanted to include his book as a textbook, he went to the Ministry of Magic to attend a hearing to explain why the title of the book was chosen, and then Scamander translated the article. Out.

It was a long article dealing with Latin grammar and reference.

'Animal' praedicatur de homine, meaning "animal predicates man", in this Latin sentence homine does not refer to the word "homine" because animal does not predicate "homine", in this sentence "homine" refers to The word "homo" because of the word "homo" in the predicate of "animal" in "homo est animal".

Also in "homo praedicatur de amino in ohliquo", which means "one predicates 'fool' in the indirect case", in this Latin sentence the word "homo" refers to "hominis" because in "asinus est hominis" , in the proposition that fools are people, it is not the word "homo" but the word "hominis"...

Then the Ministry of Magic no longer asked Scamander to change his name, so Hogwarts had "fantasy beast".

"So...you don't remember what happened yesterday when you got drunk?" Minerva said as she painted Pomona's gold nail polish.

"Maybe remember a little," Pomona said with a headache.

"Remember what?" Minerva asked, staring at her.

"I... probably went to the Daily Prophet," Pomona said guiltily.

"And then?" Minerva continued.

She really didn't want to recall, but some fragments still came to mind.

"Did you do something bad?" Minerva asked gravely.

"A little bit," Pomona said resignedly.

"What's up?" Minerva asked.

She was silent for a moment, making sure Minerva couldn't reach her wand with nail polish in her hand.

"I went to Rita Kester," Pomona said.

"Then what."

"I had a 'chat' with her for a little while," Pomona said.

"What did you talk about?" Minerva continued to ask.

Pomona hesitated.

"Talking about how Rita Kisser would chop her up and feed her pigs if she made up stories out of thin air to move her students." Severus walked into the staff room and glanced at Pomona's nails "very nice."

Instead of saying "thank you," Minerva looked at Pomona in surprise.

"You said that to her?" Minerva said.

"Loud and clear, half the editorial staff could hear it," Severus said coldly, before drifting away.

"Yes." Pomona said resignedly.

"Merlin," Minerva exclaimed, "how could you do that?"

"I was drunk," Pomona said apologetically.

"I'm talking about why you didn't take me with you." Minerva said reproachfully.

Pomona looked at Minerva.

"Chopping it up and feeding it to pigs is a good way to destroy the body, but I'd rather turn her into a pig," Minerva said.

"What if she sues you?"

"Dare she?" Minerva said, continuing to paint Pomona's nails, "telling the others that she not only became a pig, but lived with the pigs in a pigsty."

Pomona thought of Rita Kiester's affectedly glamorous attire, and soon realized she was worrying too much.

"Other than that, nothing else?" Minerva asked.

"I don't remember, by the way, you can help me look at my back later." Pomona said, "There is an itchy spot."

"Hold on, the nail polish isn't dry!" Minerva warned, keeping Pomona's hands from scratching her back.

She writhed in pain, trying to relieve the itching by rubbing her clothes.

Then some pictures began to flash in her mind...

"Don't move," Minerva warned, "I'm about to die."

Needless to say, Minerva was also petrified. She turned her head to look at Severus, who was chatting with Felevi, on the other side of the faculty lounge. He seemed to be normal.

In fact, the smell of sage on his body was not perfume, but the smell of aftershave. He shaved his beard very cleanly, and she couldn't find a stubble after searching for a long time.

How did she get from the Leaky Cauldron to the Daily Prophet?

Pomona tried hard to remember, but his mouth seemed to taste mint, like eating a toad candy.

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