Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2906 Water and Dream (9)

Arthur's spelling is terrible, and his left hand is even worse, maybe they accidentally spelled clown as crown, and Thomas Wayne also used the name clown on TV, so he asked Morrie to introduce himself. It is a joker.

Although "grown-ups" can look stupid sometimes, the clown can't read Hamlet, he's a comedian, and he's been working out how to make jokes that make everyone laugh.

Hamlet is a tragedy, even if he kills all his enemies, he is no longer the optimistic and enthusiastic young man.

Hamlet once asked: to be or not to be.

But that's not a problem.

When Hamlet said this line, he was struggling in his heart. He knew that the beautiful Ophelia was sent by the king to test him, and he also knew that it was the king who killed his father. He pretended to be trapped by love, so that the king thought he was not a threat. He was preparing to assassinate the king in the future, but he hesitated when he was about to do it.

He had tested the king and mother, and was very suspicious of them, but he had no real evidence, only the testimony of a ghost.

Do people really become ghosts after death? Or was it just his hallucination, or was he having a dream?

In that sleep of death what dreams shall come When we have shrugged off this mortal shell, Must give us pause.

It is for this reason that men are willing to live long in misery, who will bear the whips and scorns of the world, the insults of oppressors, the indifference of arrogant men, the pangs of despised love, the delay of laws, the insolence of officials, and the exhaustion of toil? In exchange for the contempt of the villain, if he only needs to use a small knife to liquidate his life, who is willing to bear such a burden, moaning and sweating under the pressure of a tiresome life?

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action.。

No one ever came back from the kingdom of the dead to describe what he had seen. But if living is more painful than dying, like extorting a confession by torture, dying is like falling asleep, and you may still have dreams when you fall asleep.

More painful than physical death is spiritual death. Arthur asked many times, is this world crazy, or is it just him?

When Pomona walked towards the Daily Prophet, he saw Gringotts not far away.

Thomas Wayne actually thinks that those three young people have as much as he does, but who doesn't want to be born with a rich father who will leave them a rich inheritance, what kind of work will they have to do, and they will work overtime until late Take the subway home, and if they have a driver, they can send a car to pick them up.

They live within the rules, and while grabbing the benefits they bring, they are also bound by them. Their anger and pressure need to be vented.

Hamlet also said: Man is the essence of the universe, the primate of all things.

But in the eyes of astronomers, human beings are as small as dust, an insignificant and fragile creature in the universe. The medieval church also compared human beings to ants, and only God is sublime.

As human beings gain more and more power, self-awareness begins to expand infinitely, and they feel that they can conquer nature and even change the power of the world. In that comic about superheroes, there is actually a plot of killing gods.

It is good to have self-confidence, but once a person regards himself as the master of the universe, it will bring bad results in the process of practice.

The "Superman" who can prevent the God of Creation from destroying the world does not dare to write a righteous news, and he seems to be less and less like an ordinary Clark, so he is becoming more and more like a fictional character.

If those who are defeated and desire to rule the world are crazy, are they crazy who overcome them and think they can rule the world?

Aristotle said that fighting against absurd and ignorant ideas is what empty and stupid people do.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, let us assume that every Hamlet lives in a world, he will make various choices, because of love for Ophelia, he gave up revenge, or sees him through The true face of his father, understands the reason why his mother and uncle got married, and no longer thinks his father is the perfect king.

If they have a good father-son relationship, why was he sent abroad?

Suppose Hamlet was not sent abroad, but lived under the shadow of his father, would he still love his father so much?

The Hamlets of these thousands of worlds all originate from the vengeful Hamlet, the "prime world", just like the Superman of Earth 2 and the Superman of Earth 1, the Superman of Earth 2 and Louis can care, and the Superman of Earth 1 loses Everything is gone, only memories are left, and crystals are needed to recall, but once crystals are used, Louis will become weaker.

In other words, the story of "Superman" is over, and the earth is destroyed. Of course, this is not the ending that the audience wants to see, so he can continue to "live" in other "universes". It's just that he has become an out-and-out villain, not only causing trouble everywhere in the universe, but even his adoptive parents continue to raise him out of fear rather than love.

He should have died when the Earth was destroyed so he would still be a hero.

Pomona turned her head and looked at Severus who was not far away, he followed closely behind her with no expression on his face.

She suddenly wanted to ask him, do you want to be a saint or a sinner?

But she stopped unconsciously, because the Daily Prophet had arrived.

If it were a Muggle newspaper, it would be filled with the clatter of typewriters, but here it is silent, the writers use quills, and there is no printing press, and the "printing" is done with the Copying Charm.

Among so many professions, why choose the profession of journalist? If you're going to make a living writing stories, so can a writer.

In fact, by the time Scamander arrived in New York with his crate of Fantastic Beasts, the state of New York had already lifted Prohibition in 1923. At that time, the beer company bought a lot of newspapers, and what appeared in the advertisements were not drunken poor people who smelled of wine, rosacea, but well-dressed gentlemen, and they held wine glasses filled with golden liquid in their hands. Can you smell it? This rich malt and hop aroma".

Pomona really didn't understand why little Henry Shaw used prohibition as the topic of his speech. Could it be because his father's newspaper company was behind the Prohibition faction?

"What's the matter with you?" a young man approached Pomona.

"Where's Litaquist?" Pomona asked.

The young man took a step back subconsciously, as if smelled of alcohol in her mouth.

"We're from Hogwarts," said a muffled voice, and Pomona turned to see it was Severus.

"What do you want from her?" the young man asked Severus.

"Big news," Severus said, but the young man didn't quite believe it.

"I seem to have heard that news related to Hogwarts cannot be reported casually, sir." The young man said politely.

Pomona regained her composure. If she had come to question the teacher, she would definitely not see Rita Kester. She would even avoid "making a fool of herself in public" and choose to avoid seeing her.

"Werewolves," said Pomona, "there's a secret weapon against them."

The young man looked at her in surprise.

"What kind of weapon?" asked the young man.

"It's the scoop, and we're only telling Rita Kister," Pomona said.

The young man hesitated.

"We can also tell other reporters, but I hope Rita Kistor won't blame you when she finds out." Severus said with a smile.

"Please wait a moment." The young man said immediately, then turned and walked upstairs.

Severus looked at Pomona, but didn't say a word.

Pomona's mind was immersed in Morrie's stand-up show, the clown's "speech", she did hear the word "werewolf", and maybe she heard it wrong.

A werewolf was once a man, and after becoming a werewolf, he became a beast.

Veela are also beasts, although they look like humans in appearance.

After a while Rita Kist came downstairs, she was wearing high heels, and she smelled like a fox with a strong smell of perfume.

She adjusted her jeweled glasses, and then walked towards the two of them, her target was Severus, Pomona subconsciously blocked him behind.

"I heard you have news." Rita Kiester said with a smile.

"Yes, big news." Pomona suppressed a tremor.

"Where's the 'weapon'?" Rita Kiester said.

"You can make it up, aren't you good at it?" Pomona said.

Rita Kist looked at Pomona contemptuously, then at Severus "She's not sober, are you sober? Severus Snape."

Severus smiled and said nothing, and Pomona remembered that Rita Kist used to be a court recorder.

But she was obviously unwilling to be a little person who was ignored, so she left the Ministry of Magic to work for the Daily Prophet.

She has accumulated contacts in the Department of Legal Affairs, so she is not worried that she will be sued for defamation for spreading rumors.

"If you dare to write about my students, I'll chop you up and throw you to the pigs!" Pomona yelled.

"Is that what you want to say?" Litaquist said coldly.

"Look at me!" Pomona ordered. "Has no one taught you manners?"

"I only talk to civilized people." Litaquist adjusted her glasses, not looking at Pomona at all.

Pomona wasn't angry, and if she did, the security guards would throw her out, which would be indecent.

"Please stop writing like that, you are setting a bad example for young people, who will believe in truth and justice in the future?" Pomona said.

"Even without me, someone would have written it like that. I just saw a wasteland that no one dared to go to. Now that I have succeeded, you feel jealous, right?" Rita Kister said triumphantly." You have stayed in the ivory tower for too long, Professor, do you really believe that there is justice in this world?"

Pomona wanted to say more, but Severus took her away instead.

"I'm not done yet!" she said angrily, trying to free herself from the hands on her shoulders.

"Hush." ​​He gestured to her and walked out of the Prophet with a mysterious smile.

Then they rounded up with Hagrid, who bought the gut, and went back to school.

Pomona glanced at Minerva, who was concentrating on painting her nails, and at Severus, who was chatting with Feliway.

It seemed like nothing else really happened that day.

"There!" Minerva announced loudly.

Pomona looked at her fingernails. Not all of them were painted with gold nail polish. Two nails on each hand were painted with black nail polish with silhouettes of plants, and the rest were the original color of the nails.

"Why wasn't it painted all over?" Pomona asked.

"This is the art of leaving blank space. Just now Severus said it looks good." Minerva said triumphantly, "Felius, come and see it too."

Fei Liwei nodded with a smile, "I believe in your vision."

Pomona looked at his hands. "Looks like I'm going to wear more dragonhide gloves. I don't want to ruin the artwork."

"It's okay, I'll make it up for you," Minerva said.

Satisfied, Pomona wanted to show Sinistra.

"What did Rita Kist say later?" Minerva asked with great interest.

Pomona suddenly regained the feeling of "chatting" in the girls' bathroom before, and talked to Minerva, as if wanting to fill up the "blank space".

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