Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2827 The Runaway Wolf (10)

There was a dark wizard in the middle ages. He suddenly thought that if his spiritual power was strong enough to surpass all human beings, then he could control the whole world, so he invented a potion that could improve mental power.

Although he died of stupidity in the end (Snape's words), but this potion really works, the mysterious man used this potion when training Severus Occlumency, good and bad , but at present, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

There should be a huge gap between the spiritual power levels of "Paul" and the troll, so that Paul can directly control the troll without drinking potions.

Rudy gave the troll a long memory, remembering that those helmets of unknown origin could not be picked up, making her feel like seeing a real version of Barnabas teaching the troll to dance ballet.

Paul did the opposite. When using the Imperius Curse, his mind would go blank, as if his brain had stopped functioning. This effect could also be achieved with a powerful Legilimency.

There is potential in the human body. For example, a mother sees her son about to fall from a building, and she catches the falling child with superhuman speed and strength. It's just that this potential is usually dormant, and the ability that humans use now is only one-tenth of the potential. This is a kind of self-protection. If it explodes every day, human muscles and bones will not be able to bear it.

Stress, pain, and desperation, all of which will stimulate people's potential and exchange for strength. Salazar Slytherin likes this kind of students, and he calls them outstanding.

Godric Gryffindor believed in another way to stimulate potential, which is also found in Muggle-borns. He had a big fight with Slytherin, and then Slytherin left a note and left Hogwarts.

It is much more difficult to stimulate the potential of brain power than to practice muscle bursting. Fairies have higher mental power than trolls. However, fairies generally have not learned Occlumency, just like a city without walls, it is easy to be attacked. Just now, Severus took advantage of the goblin's carelessness and the gap in his mind, and used a powerful Legilimency on him, a little bit harder, but it would not cause permanent and irreversible damage to the brain like the Unforgivable Curse.

In the Brain Hall of the Department of Mysteries, there is a department dedicated to researching this. There is another way to achieve a blank mind. Take a brick or a stone and hit the target's head. This can be regarded as physical damage. If the injury is too serious, the brain will also be damaged. Unrecoverable, but the Unforgivable Curse causes permanent damage in a non-physical way.

The Imperius Curse produces extra powerful effects or releases powerful spells, as if involuntarily unlocking the body's self-protection mechanisms. Paul didn't need these, or in other words, he turned the trolls into marionettes. He could achieve the purpose of "pulling the string" and "releasing the string" through the summoning spell and the driving away spell.

This is the first generation, and the second generation helmet uses "Forget Nothing" to wipe out all the original memories of the troll, and then fills in a lot of fake memories, a bit like an amnestic wipes out the memories of Muggles , and then give them false memories.

Determination is but a slave to memory.

Pomona hadn't known that the ghosts "eat" rotting food before, and she lost her temper with the house-elves.

But wizards don't just have to deal with the living. When Myrtle is in a good mood, she won't cry, and if she doesn't cry, she won't let the corridors be filled with water, which is good for everyone. But Pomona can't "sacrifice" a boy just to make Myrtle feel better, just to keep the second-floor corridor clear of water.

When children don't know that there are many people in this world and are still starving, there is no guilt in celebrating birthdays and throwing cakes at each other.

He knew it, and decided to do it. There is a difference between knowingly committing a crime and not knowing it. Fenrir Greiberg is biting people whether he is conscious or unconscious. He wants to spread the word to as many little wizards as possible, so that they Form an army, "overthrow" the wizard's rule, and establish a world ruled by werewolves. When Remus completely lost his mind after becoming a werewolf, he attacked Severus who was attracted by Sirius, and James prevented a worse situation from happening.

A werewolf like Remus shouldn't be hunted down, but Cecil doesn't know Lupine's personality. In his eyes, Lupine should be captured because he is a werewolf. The capture team is so tired and fruitless, after all werewolves are not real wolves.

Now that Barnaby is with such a dangerous Paul, Pomona feels that Cecil, the guardian, needs to communicate with him more. After Cecil communicates with Barnaby, he will talk to her again, so that they can know what these children are doing behind their backs. what are you doing.

The Unforgivable Curse "Past" is not classified as "harmful" because people don't know enough about its permanent harm to people. It has nothing to do with black and white, good and evil, but Paul urged Barnaby to use it against each other. The Unforgivable Curse.

He really wasn't a good playmate for a kid.

"for you."

Pomona stuffed a swallowtail into Barnaby's arms.

Barnaby was eating at the auditorium table when a fluffy dog ​​suddenly stood on his lap, and he froze.

"What's this for?" Barnaby asked her.

"Merry Christmas." Pomona smirked. "Here's my present."

"I never said I wanted a dog," said Barnaby deliriously.

"Oh, so you want a cattail?" Pomona said suddenly. "I'll remember to call you the next time Hagrid has a furry party."

"I don't want a cattail either... I'm not in the right situation for a pet," Barnaby said wearily.

"Woof~" The puppy licked Barnaby's face, and the two tails wagged like windmills.

"Paul told us to learn wand wood," said Ben grimly. "Do you know what he means?"

"He's a puppet, right?" Pomona asked.

Ben nodded.

"It's always useful to learn more, and do as he says," Pomona said, looking at Barnaby as he left. "It's called Dexter."

"I feel like I have the right to name my pet," Barnaby said.

"So it's your pet now?" Pomona asked.

"No!" said Barnaby.

"Then why are you still telling me you have naming rights?" Pomona asked.

Barnaby was speechless.

"Tut tsk tsk." Pomona looked at him and shook his head.

"What's that look on your face!" said Barnaby angrily.

"Help me take care of them, Dexter." Pomona rubbed the dog's head. "It's all up to you!"

"Woof!" Dexter replied happily.

Then Pomona walked to the faculty bench.

Tomorrow the holidays are over, the children are back at school, and Albus' trip should be almost over.

She glanced at Snape beside him with a serious face, it was difficult to connect him with the young man who was a bit carried away yesterday.

She sat down calmly and ate quietly.

Today is the last day of the holiday, and she needs to sleep well no matter what.

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