In The Third Defense by Paracelsus: All substances are poisons, and there is no substance that is not poisonous. What distinguishes a drug from a poison is the proper dose.

Even a highly poisonous aconitum can be used as a medicinal material for chamaejasma if it is handled properly and the dosage is controlled.

Just to master this measurement, a lot of experimentation is needed. In fact, Cecil also thought about it. The werewolf capture team sent the captured werewolves to the prison every day. What would happen to those prisoners?

All kinds of dire speculation made the werewolf capture team, which was in a high-intensity job, feel uneasy and anxious. Although it was only with his nephew for a short time, Cecil could stay away from those things for a while. They arrived at Feliway's spell classroom, and Cecil found the place where he used to sit in class.

Cecil's grades were not outstanding when he was studying, at least not as talented as Gerald Rohart, who would think of using an anthropomorphic spell to temporarily turn a werewolf into a human form to deal with Wags Wags Werewolf ).

Cecil once asked Rohart in a seminar, and Rohart said that the anthropomorphic spell is very complicated, and the wand must be pointed at the other person's throat, and the Vija Vija werewolf is not exactly the same as the Lycan (lycan) , so Rohart declined Cecil's invitation to hunt werewolves with the werewolf hunting team, and then Rohart went abroad for a new adventure.

The Christmas holiday will be so long this time, and it is also related to the information Cecil received. The werewolves planned to attack Hogwarts on Halloween, but that day was the last day of the full moon. Most of the werewolves had already transformed and their bodies were weak. State, so I plan to do it for Christmas.

This group of people is called "blackback" (blackback), because the fur on their backs after becoming werewolves is dark gray, close to black, unlike other werewolves, which are either all black or all gray, so they are also called Considered "special", is a loyal follower of Fenrir.

After two years of hunting, Cecil also felt tired. He rented a house in the village of Upper Hogsmead, which was close to Hogwarts and the Forbidden Forest, and had enough space for Barbara. Nabi's new pet, the swallowtail Dexter "Sahuaner".

Of course, Pomona couldn't fail to see what Cecil expressed in the letter. Dealing with a wizard like Paul requires full concentration. A coquettish puppy will definitely distract Barnaby, but she doesn't want to let Barnaby Bee felt the companionship of his pet, so he gave the swallowtail dog to Barnaby to raise.

If the snow on the roofs of Hogsmeade villages makes it look like a Christmas card, the snow in the Forbidden Forest conjures up a sea of ​​snow, and even Hagrid would be taller than his thighs.

It is difficult for humans to travel in such weather unless they ride a broom, but fortunately Leeds Stewart has other "transportation".

"Here they come," Graplan said, and through the window of the "birdcage" she could see Vera the horned animal in the distance and Liz sitting on her back, wearing a windbreaker like a Quidditch player. Glasses.

"Let's go down," Pomona said, walking up the stairs to the large office on the ground floor, filled with the singing of various songbirds.

"I've always wanted an office like yours, actually," Pomona told Graplan.

"Cleaning up guano every day is enough." Graplan lit his pipe. "I rather like your greenhouse."

"Fertilizing is enough," Pomona said. "Pruning, please."

While they were chatting, Liz arrived, her windshield on top of her head, her cheeks flushed from the cold.

"Dean, Professor Graplan." Liz greeted obediently.

"Come here, Liz, drink this." Pomona beckoned to her.

"Butterbeer, just for you," Graplan said with a smile.

Without any doubt, Liz walked over directly, picked up the butter beer on Graplan's desk and drank it all in one gulp.

"There's ginger juice in it to keep out the cold," Pomona said. "I hope you don't hate ginger."

"No, I think it's just right." Liz said, putting the empty wine glass back on the table. "What can you do for me?"

"Sit there," said Graplan, pointing to the chair opposite the two of them, and took a puff on his pipe. "Have you heard the story Hagrid told?"

"What story?" Liz asked.

"A story of a lone wolf and a crow, living together in the forest," Graplan said.

"I think I've heard of it," Liz said. "But they separated in the end because the wolves found their own kind and formed a new wolf pack."

"In this story, the crow lent the 'sight' to the wolf, and this is what we want to tell you." Graplan paused, "Have you ever heard of 'sight vision' (hugr)?"

Liz looked at Graplan in bewilderment.

"You can think of it as a metamorphosis," Pomona said. "It's like we die and become butterflies, but not actually dying. Have you ever tried an Animagus?"

"I swear not!" Liz said sternly.

"When you try to transform an animagus, you see an animal that represents yourself. I have a friend whose 'vision' is a black dog. The dog represents loyalty. The characteristic of his character is loyalty." Pomona didn't care what Liz thought, and continued to say, "Spiritual vision is your personal characteristic, and it can also help you find your patron saint, and some patron saints can pass on your behalf. .”

"But the Patronus can't see far away for you," Graplan said. "You have to use the eyes of an animal."

"It's like they're lending you their eyes," Pomona said, looking at a confused Liz. "That's what we're going to teach you."

"You gave Barnaby a dog," Liz murmured. "Now teach me how to spy on him?"

"I prefer to protect him," said Pomona. "If Barnaby listens to Paul and plans to cast the Unforgivable Curse on either you or Ben, it will hurt not only you and Ben, but also Barnaby." Than myself, once there is a crack in the heart, it will give the other party an opportunity, Barnaby is a very talented child, I don't want him to fall because of it."

"Stop 'em, as you always do," Graplan pointed at Liz with a pipe. "But it makes you a nuisance, a nuisance."

Liz thought silently.

Pomona and Graplan did not continue.

"You called me so far away because it's so far away from the castle that Paul can't hear you?" said Liz.

"Paul wouldn't care about a puppy," Pomona said. "But Barnaby does. He's like giving Dexter to his uncle. You have to stop him."

"Otherwise you have to use another animal," says Graplan. "Trust me, dogs are the easiest animals to train."

"Easier than a human?" Liz wrinkled her nose.

Pomona didn't speak, she really didn't want to hit Leeds.

"Sometimes there is not much difference between people and animals," Graplan said. "As Professor Dumbledore said on Halloween, there is a beast inside of us, and anger will not help us make wise decisions, but will make the other end." The beast became ferocious and violent, smashing everything to pieces with blind action, including the cage in which it was kept."

"How dare you stand in Vera's way while she's on a rampage?" Pomona asked Liz.

Liz took a deep breath as if it was difficult to breathe.

"I want to stop them before they make bigger mistakes," Leeds said.

"Including the troll?" Graplan asked.

"I'm just a there no other way?" Liz asked.

"I'm afraid so." Pomona said helplessly. "He lost his mind."

Leeds looked a little hard to take.

"I don't like blood," she said despondently, "neither human nor animal."

"But you have messed with blood." Pomona said, "You can think about whether you want to provoke more blood and light. If you don't want to, you can leave now, as if today's conversation didn't happen .”

"I'm upstairs, if you want to understand, you can come to me." Graplan said.

"Where's the dean?" Liz looked at Pomona.

"Of course I'm going back to the castle." Pomona said with a smile, "I'm not going back to cook. What do you guys have for lunch?"

"I want a steak Wellington," Graplan said.

"I'll get the owl to deliver it," Pomona said with a smile, before leaving his office in the Forbidden Forest of Graplan.

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