Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2826 Runaway Wolf (9)

Mina and I have been on the edge of the cliff for a while. I am writing, and she is picking marigolds on the edge of the cliff. We will not go back when it is lunch or tea time, until the sunset is low in the sky, and the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the cliff. The cliffs and the ancient monastery seemed to be bathed in magnificent light, and we went back to have dinner along the steps.

This kind of marigold is an ordinary wild flower on the roadside, far inferior to the roses and lilies planted in the noble gardens, but the Huck family adorns every corner of the inn with it. Mina has a good appetite, and she never seems to worry about her waistline.

I expect something to turn us around, and if need be, I will go to the captain's house again.

None of the soil samples we collected were tested for human remains. Van Helsing was not surprised by this result, and he turned his attention to the local stray dogs.

Because of my warning, the villagers stopped letting the children out to play, and hunted them consciously. After autopsy, Van Helsing found that there were ground bees in the stomachs of many dogs.

Bees always give people the impression of being busy and lively, but they are also old. Young bees are easy to distinguish from old bees. Young bees are brightly colored, while old bees are dull and listless.

These old bees will be rejected by the young bees because of their inability to work, and eventually they will be expelled from the family. They cannot return to the hive, so they become food for animals such as lizards.

The wasp is solitary and lays its eggs in loose soil and stores the material needed for the eggs to hatch in the hole. The dogs seem to have found the wasp's hole, dug up the soil and ate the honey along with the larvae .

The ground bee only collects special flowers, such as roses. I don't think this is a great clue, although I saw a very amazing scene on the first day I came here.

The Coast Guard sent in their findings on Lucy, and as we expected, she wasn't really a nobleman. She hasn't been back to her rented apartment for a long time, it seems that she hasn't been back since her trip to Brittany, and no one knows where. The other people who went on the expedition with her seemed to have been wiped out of memory, and they couldn't remember anything.

The castles of the nobility are always very attractive to the nouveau riche. They seem to be still in the period when the castle equals power. A Dutch couple bought a castle outside the wolf area. They bought a lot of things and needed to transport them by boat. They also opened up a garden and invited nearby "celebrities" to listen to concerts in the garden.

I thought it was a good chance to relax, so I agreed, and Van Helsing was still more interested in the dogs and ground bees.

I can't think of anything else to write, that's all for today, hope we have a nice evening in the garden.


The Mungertons and Professor Richard Carter were in a rivalry, and while it was hard to put the "Quidditch captain" in the red cape on the broomstick with the "artist," they both needed to combine some "Difficult" items are handed over to Bokinbok.

This kind of contradiction has been accumulated for a long time, and then Carter didn't know what to think, and planned to acquire Bojinbok, so that he would no longer need to compete with Monggertons.

If he can afford to make enough money to buy Bokinbok, why should he do it?

Pomona really didn't understand what he was thinking, but they didn't have much time to dwell on Carter's problems. After the concert, Severus took her to Gringotts.

"I have something to deposit in the vault," he said to the goblin on the counter.

The goblin put down the Galleon in his hand, and squinted at the two of them.

"Is there an appraiser?" Severus asked.

"Professor Snape, and this lady, isn't it?" said the goblin, "If we do the appraisal separately, we will issue a certificate, but you will have to pay an extra fee."

"I don't need a certificate, just put it in the vault after identification," Severus said.

"Well, come with me, please," said the goblin, jumping down from the chair.

"You have a vault too?" Pomona smiled. "Mind if I take a look?"

"I was afraid to scare you." He smirked.

Frightened by the poverty inside?

She really wanted to say that, but she wisely didn't say it.

The goblin took them to a circular room, where there was only one table, and only one goblin was "office".

"Professor Snape needs to store an item, and it needs to be identified before storage." The goblin who received them said.

"What is it?" said the goblin in charge of identification, stuffing the crossword puzzle into the desk.

"This." Severus said, taking out a silver box.

It was so beautifully made that for a moment Pomona and the Goblin thought it was the box he was storing.

But he opened the box, and inside was a very old parchment floating on a black velvet cushion.

The goblin in charge of identification looked at it carefully.

"This is a message from Salazar Slytherin to future generations." The appraiser looked at Snape and said, "If it's true, I suggest you better buy an insurance policy."

"Are you sure?" Severus asked.

The two goblins got together and talked for a while, and then the goblin who had received them left.

"Can I have a look?" Pomona asked curiously.

Severus placed it in front of Pomona.

'I'm tired of fighting, and I don't want to see those imbeciles pushing and pretending to be witches or wizards in the corridors, and now I realize with a heavy weight that I have to get out of this place, and I'll let the creature Sleep until one who shares my vision awakens it, that chosen heir will reverse the sins others inadvertently committed, those who are not worthy will only tarnish my legacy, and my heir will bear the burden The task of purifying Hogwarts. '

Pomona couldn't help but gasp, when the director of Gringotts arrived, and under their joint witness, the goblin cast a spell on the piece of parchment.

A white light flashed.

"Merlin's beard." The goblin supervisor exclaimed with a smile, "It's real."

Severus laughed silently.

"We will upgrade the level of the vault for you for free, Professor Snape, is the lowest level okay?" said the goblin supervisor.

"I have a few niggles," Severus said.

"Please follow me." The goblin supervisor said, leading them to the VIP reception room.

He was not unfamiliar with this place, Pomona, but seeing Severus sitting here felt strange.

"What do you want to drink? Tea, or wine?" the goblin supervisor asked.

"Have you ever heard of the name 'Paul'?" Severus said to the goblin.

Pomona quickly swallowed the words "black tea with brandy."

"Paul, which Paul?" asked the Goblin Supervisor, confused.

"A human goldsmith who worked with you in the eighteenth century." Severus paused. "I guess he spoke with a French accent."

The goblin supervisor recalled.

"I seem to remember such a person." The goblin supervisor murmured, pulling his beard, "Please wait a moment, it's been a while."

"Think slowly." Severus said slowly, "I want accurate information."

"Anyone have tea?" asked Pomona.

"Go ahead," Severus said with a smile, as if pampering her.

There was a strong sense of misfit in Pomona.

Fortunately, the goblin always kept these things, and Pomona quickly poured three cups of black tea out of a silver tea set.

She placed them in front of Severus and the goblin with the Levitation Charm, and took a sip herself.

"Oh, I remembered!" the goblin shouted, "There is such a person."

No one spoke.

"But his name isn't Paul, he calls himself Blackstone," said the goblin.

"What does he look like?" Severus asked.

"I can give you memories, if you can give me..."

"No." Severus said without waiting for the goblin to finish. "I won't trade that piece of paper with you."

The goblin supervisor continued to smile, "Then I'm afraid I can't give you the memory."

"What about something else?" said Pomona listlessly.

"This human is involved in the goblin rebellion, I'm not that stupid." The goblin supervisor said, taking a sip of tea.

Then a weird smile appeared on his face.

"What's wrong with him?" Pomona asked.

Severus took his wand from his sleeve, walked up to the goblin, and pointed it at the goblin's head.

After a while, he took out a piece of silver substance and put it in the test tube.

"You cast the Imperius Curse on him?" Pomona asked.

"That's the Unforgivable Curse, how can I use it." He said heartlessly, "Let's go."

"Paper!" Pomona said, pointing to Slytherin's 'sticky note' on the table.

"Stay here, they'll take care of it." Severus looked at the goblin supervisor "Right?"

"Yes, sir, welcome to visit next time." The goblin supervisor said with a smile.

Then Snape left without looking back.

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