Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2825 Runaway Wolf (8)

I slept until late in the morning, and the hot bath made me feel relaxed and refreshed when I woke up, although my muscles were a little sore from digging.

I went next door to find Van Helsing. He was shaving. When we were all tidied up, the coachman was waiting for us downstairs. I hadn't seen him since the day of the accident. He seemed to be doing well.

When we got to the church, the priest was holding a funeral, and we waited in the carriage for the funeral to end.

Van Helsing told me at this time of his findings that the captain was a veteran of the Navy, and after his discharge he married the daughter of a librarian with a modest income, and they had a daughter after their marriage.

After a symbolic application of thin soil, the funeral was over, and the mother and daughter left surrounded by everyone.

I looked at the girl, and she caught my gaze and looked at me, but she quickly averted her gaze to the lowering coffin.

"Come on," said Van Helsing, opening the carriage door.

I opened the other end. After the funeral, the scattered people seemed to have discovered that the captain’s tomb had been dug up. They gathered together and discussed a lot. Just as I was about to ask, Van Helsing had already walked straight to Father John.

"I know what you want to ask." After the priest sprinkled the holy water in his hand, he looked at us and said, "If you want to talk about it, you can talk about it here. I won't discuss that topic with you in the church."

"Where is the captain's body?" asked Van Helsing.

"It has been burned, so that his long suffering can be ended," the priest said.

I said it wasn't dogmatic, but the old man, not the priest, looked crazy.

"It's good intentions, I sympathize with what happened to him, he can't be resurrected, he can't go to heaven to be reunited with his family, but it's good for the whole community."

"Has his family gone to heaven?" asked Van Helsing.

"They all disappeared after the captain went mad, and it was his funeral held by the villagers."

"Are his ashes placed where he lived?" asked Van Helsing.

"Yes." The priest looked at Van Helsing, "How do you know?"

Van Helsing had got what he wanted, and after a polite farewell to the priest we rejoined the carriage.

After a moment's silence, Van Helsing informed me that two children had disappeared before my arrival. One was missing in a game where they were playing hide and seek and the other was missing in the middle of the night we gotta keep an eye out for stray kids and also for the man in the navy uniform he wants me to warn the parents of the kids now Letting them hang around outside is deadly.

Now I deeply feel what kind of dangerous and weird incident I am in, no wonder no one is willing to come.

"You've done your best, and you'd better go about your business," said Van Helsing.

I don't know what to do, maybe like Van Helsing said, I have tried my best, and the next thing is beyond my ability.

I ended up asking Van Helsing when we were going to explore Rice's castle. Van Helsing told me to be patient, because there is nothing we can do now but wait.


Before going out, Pomona put the recreational book back on the shelf. The Christmas holiday was coming to an end in a blink of an eye. She thought it would be a long time and shouldn't be used for sleeping.


She heard Severus' voice.

She picked up the two-way mirror and saw his face.

"Where are you?"

"The Leaky Cauldron," she replied.

"You come out and meet me outside the record store," he said, and his face disappeared from the mirror.

Pomona glanced at the crowded bar and thought that his presence here would not be something to be celebrated, then she pushed open the door and came to Muggle London. The streets here are very spacious, unlike Diagon Alley, which is crowded and cramped.

She was about to arrive at the record store when one hand dragged her into the alley, and she was about to spell him a lesson when she found out it was Severus.

His face was young and rosy, as if he had just run a long distance, and his breathing was still very short.

He made her stand against the wall, London is not as cold as Scotland, but it is always raining, and the rain-soaked clothes emit an unpleasant smell after being heated by body temperature, although he covered it with sage .

"Congratulations, you are also a father." She smiled stiffly.

He didn't seem to hear what she was saying, and he rubbed her lips with his fingers, feeling a rough pain.

"What father?" he asked.

"You're Draco Malfoy's godfather," she said.

He tried to touch her teeth with his fingers, but she didn't know what his hand had touched, so she turned her head away.

At this point he took a step back, the cold air keeps one calm.

"Why didn't you drink Polyjuice Potion?" he asked, leaning against the other wall.

"You invited me to the concert," Pomona said.

"It's not a concert, it's a ballet."

"I prefer classical ballet. Since when did you love watching ballet?"

He suddenly showed a weird smile, took her hand, and apparated to the Albert Auditorium.

This was built by Queen Victoria to commemorate Prince Albert. It was originally planned as an art and science museum. From the outside, it looks like a large yurt, but people prefer to call it "Village Hall", although the official The introduction calls it an antique Roman building.

The interior decoration is mainly red, and the "friend" who gave Severus the ticket, his box is on the third floor. Although the location is not very good, it is the first time for Pomona to enter the box to watch the ballet, and it feels very fresh.

Today's performance is a modern ballet performed by the Royal Ballet. She is not interested in this style of ballet. When they entered, the orchestra was still tuning, and the chairman's seat was vacant.

"I heard the Prince of Wales is coming today." Severus said excitedly.

She looked at him in shock.

"That's why I invited you to the show today," Severus said.

"Are we here for the show or the Prince?" asked Pomona.

But none of that mattered to Severus, who was as happy as a child.

She shook her head and picked up the playlist. There are no princes, princesses, swans, or sleeping beauties in modern ballet, but there is "uptown girl".

The show was 10 minutes later than previously announced due to the presence of "guests of honor," and the Prince came to his box, and everyone present applauded in that direction.

"Where is the princess?" Pomona looked at the box for a long time, but did not see the princess.

"You'll find out in a moment," Severus said mysteriously.

As the curtain was slowly opened, a piece of jazz sounded. The first to appear was the principal actor of the Royal Ballet. After his appearance, he stretched out his hand towards the backstage, as if inviting someone.

Then Pomona saw a female dancer in a champagne dress...


Pomona gasped, along with the rest of the audience.

Severus smiled smugly, like he knew it was coming.

Many people know that the Princess of Wales can dance ballet, and it has been published in newspapers, but in social occasions, she is more elegant and dignified, just like a real princess.

Pomona looked at the Prince of Wales again. Although there was no expression on his face, it was completely different from the relaxed smile when he first entered the arena.

Perhaps the original intention of the princess was to give the prince a "New Year's surprise". In fact, there is not much difference between watching or not watching the subsequent performances, because everyone is talking about the "gossip" that has just been acquired.

If she was aware of it, she looked towards another box, and the guests in the box were watching her through opera binoculars.

She thought it was impolite of him to do so, even though it was in public, so she stretched out her hand and pulled the curtain of the box to block his view, but she could still feel it.

Like he's a hunter in the shadows, only sadly, she's that prey.

She glanced at Severus, he still didn't notice, and she wanted to punch him angrily.

Later, she dragged him to leave early, because she felt that there was really nothing to see.

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