Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2824 Runaway Wolf (7)

Draco Malfoy was already five years old, and of course he couldn't be the godson of Severus Snape after being baptized and blessed in the arms of his parents like a newborn baby.

Although in theory he should be the protagonist of the party, in fact it is a party for adults. Everyone who has a relationship with Lucius Malfoy is here. As expected, it was a Death Eater reunion.

Most of the Death Eaters without masks, such as Bella, had already been imprisoned in Azkaban, and Karkaroff didn't recognize everyone who wore masks. As for how Snape was recognized by Karkaroff, maybe it was because of his greasy hair, even on the day when he was someone else's godfather, he didn't wash it.

But the guests didn't care. It doesn't matter that he is a special "talent" who can become a Hogwarts professor at such a young age and become the head of Slytherin. What's more, he doesn't have the support of his family and parents. Learn from him to urge juniors.

The reactions of the juniors were "various and strange", some were dismissive, some were disapproving, anyway, no matter what they thought in their hearts, they had to pretend on the surface, and they could only go out to play after this boring party ended safely.

Someone also chatted with him about going to XZ. Everyone knew that Snape went to XZ during the Great Trial, and it happened that Gerald Rohart had written a novel about the XZ Yeti. Everything was "normal" until he was summoned by the Pomona Double Mirror.

Snape didn't have many friends, and it was obviously a woman's voice. The Director of the Department of Legal Enforcement of the new Ministry of Magic who was chatting with him paid more attention, but Snape went to a place where no one was around, although he still In the monitoring of other Aurors, but not in the director's sight.

But Snape came back soon, but he didn't leave in a hurry. He only said that his colleagues at Hogwarts had asked him to go back earlier, and he had something to help with.

At this time, Dumbledore was "traveling" in Europe, the director expressed his understanding, and then casually asked whose child was not going home for Christmas, and caused trouble for the teacher to go back. Snape casually asked about the goblin rebellion things to come.

"By the way? How did you pass the topic along?" Pomona said incredulously.

He glanced at her coldly, and then narrated in that deliberately protracted tone.

Also in 1717, a goldsmith named Paul was brought to the Goldsmiths' Hall in London to be interviewed by inspectors' officers because he was selling large quantities of large plates which had not been brought to the hall to be marked.

Silversmiths at the time were also known as goldsmiths because they worked with both gold and silver. This is not the first time Paul the goldsmith has gone to court. In 1714 he was taken to the private court of Goldsmiths Hall for failing to mark his handicrafts.

Many of his works are not marked, which proves that he is at least suspected of evading the tax on finished silverware, not to mention the possibility of fraud, plating a layer of gold and silver at the blacksmith, and selling it as gold and silverware.

Without his mark, it is impossible to prove that the silverware came from his own hands, and gold and silverware transactions do not need to sign contracts like trade exchanges. Then there is gem setting. There is a job called a gem appraiser, and his job is to determine the authenticity of gems. An apprentice who was a chimney sweep found a gemstone ring by accident. He took the ring and wanted Paul to identify it. Paul was not there at the time, so the apprentice took the gemstone off the ring, pretended to look at it for a while, and then Said the gem was glass and was only worth 1.5p.

The chimney apprentice didn't believe it, and asked the apprentice to return the gem. The goldsmith apprentice called Paul out, but no one responded after shouting several times, so he went to the back with the "glass". When he came out again, the apprentice inlaid the gem on the ring, and returned it to the chimney apprentice "as it was", but the chimney apprentice asked someone else to appraise it, saying that the gem was a fake.

Finally the matter went to the Court of the Throne, under the charge of King George I.

Paul de La Mery was born in the Netherlands. His father, Paul Suschay de La Mery, was a French petty nobleman and soldier. The third generation played, the family came to London and settled in the French residence in Soho.

How the family survived is an unsolved mystery. At the age of 15 Paul became an apprentice to a goldsmith named Pierre Platel in the Duchy of Schomberg. At that time, he couldn't even afford the tuition fee, so he needed to find a charity to pay for it.

In 1711 the young apprenticeship came to an end when, after two years in seclusion, he suddenly sold to dignitaries large pieces of silver that none of his masters had ever made.

Paul quickly became famous and had his own mark in 1713, which was recorded in the official books as a manufacturer's mark, but he was brought to court in 1714 for failing to use the mark.

His teacher, Pierre, is a meticulous, taciturn, dedicated craftsman, while Paul is the kind of "poacher" who is full of friends and well-connected. He used the wealth accumulated in the goldsmithing industry to start a foreign trade business in London with a partner named Bentley. It is said that Bentley was very well connected in Tsarist Russia, and even the Tsar's collection also had Paul's unmarked works.

Paul's life was full of bad reputations such as fraud and tax evasion, but when he died of illness in 1751, many people cried along with his coffin. After all, in their eyes, Paul was a good man, and there was a hospital run by a Frenchman to show A document showing that Paul donated money to them, so he is a decent man.

When the king tried again, the chimney apprentice couldn't tell where the ring came from. His ancestors were poor for generations and couldn't afford a ring with real gems. They said they picked it up. So many people came to claim it. ?

Paul had to pay as much as the "best first-class diamond" set in the cavity of the jewelry was worth, but Paul did not pay the owner of the ring, but the apprentice.

Due to the Paul de La Mery case in 1717, the "finder and guardian law" still exists in the British judicial system, which means that whoever finds the treasure belongs to him, and his assistants can only get it as a crew member. , Handyman digging pits, etc. "earn" the salary.

When Paul in the Muggle world disappeared in 1751, another Paul appeared in the wizarding world in 1752, or the puppet who claimed to be Paul, knew about the troll armor.

At that time, in addition to revenge for a series of goblin murders made by the wizard, the goblins also made a request, which was to "sit on an equal footing" with the wizard.

The period from 1747 to 1800 was divided into the Age of Enlightenment by humans. Also in 1747, a Swiss watchmaker created a robot that could play the harpsichord and dedicated it to Queen Maria Theresa. Due to the support of Russia, France decided to Negotiated peace with Austria and Great Britain, and signed the Treaty of Aachen in 1748, recognizing the inheritance rights of Maria Theresa and her descendants to the Habsburg family's territory.

"So...this 'Paul' is that Paul?" Pomona asked numbly, her mind went blank.

"What's my reward?" Snape said with a happy smile.

She felt that he shouldn't be so complacent, but they had agreed before that she would pay a price before he would disclose the information. Although she didn't sign it, she didn't intend to break the contract.

So she went to the dungeon next door and found Vera, the horned beast, who was sleeping soundly. Vera woke up immediately after hearing footsteps.

Whether it was in the wild or living with trolls, she would not sleep on her belly. Pomona followed Liz's example and knelt on one knee.

After a while, Vera also bowed her head towards Pomona. Pomona stood up and gently stroked Vera's head.

"I need your help, friend," Pomona said to Vera. "Can you help me?"

Vera seemed to have Legilimency, and she tilted her head, pointing her golden horn at Pomona.

Pomona pointed her wand at Vera's horn, and brought out some golden powder, which glistened in the dark.

"Anything to hold?" Pomona said to Snape, who followed her into the dungeon.

His face was hidden in the darkness, and she couldn't see his expression clearly, but she felt the surging anger.

"Put this in here." Severus said calmly, and took out a transparent test tube.

Pomona let the horned beast powder float in and filled the test tube.

"Sleep, girl," Pomona said to Vera, but Vera did not close her eyes.

"Good night," Snape said sullenly, before turning and leaving the dungeon.

"Good night," said Pomona, and looked at Vera again, her eyelids closing slowly as if they were heavy.

There was a stench in the dungeon that couldn't get out. This environment was not good for Vera, but the winter in Scotland was too cold.

"There is a Scottish proverb that kindness is the chain that connects society. I hope you don't find it too annoying." Pomona said while stroking Vera, and then left the dungeon.

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