Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2816 Red Hunger (18)

The Astronomy Tower is the tallest tower in Hogwarts Castle, and you need to climb a steep spiral staircase to get here. But this tower is actually the newest tower at Hogwarts, proposed by Headmaster Fusco in the 16th century.

He met with a lot of resistance at first, people didn't think it necessary to build another tower in the school, there is a watchtower on the top of the hill east of Hogwarts, it may have been used by the foresters at first, to prevent forest fires , which was later used as a military facility.

In addition to being used to climb high and look into the distance, it is also very suitable for observing astrology. Like Hogwarts Castle, it is a ruin in the eyes of Muggles.

Whenever there is an astronomy class, the little wizards will ride their broomsticks and fly to the tower after dark. There will often be a magic lamp hanging in front of their broomsticks, and they will hold books and stationery for the class in their arms.

Maybe one day, a confused little wizard accidentally dropped his astrolabe from his arms and fell into the black lake. It crossed the aquatic plants at the bottom of the lake, the mermaid's home and the mysterious ruins, and finally fell into the mud at the bottom of the lake.

But not everyone knows how to ride a broomstick, or rides so badly that they might even fall into the lake themselves.

Many people can't understand this kind of distress. For them, flying seems to be an essential survival skill. From this, we can understand Artemisia Blackwood's feelings after giving birth to a Squib daughter, even though her daughter is not No obvious physical disability, she just can't use a wand.

Some mothers can patiently take care of a disabled child, while others cannot. In short, all this has changed after the promulgation of the International Law of Secrecy. In order to avoid being seen by Muggles, playing Quidditch must be concealed, let alone flying to such a high place on a broom. In the end, the Astronomical Tower was established, but no matter how high it was built, it was still not as high as the opposite mountain.

"Get up!" Ben Cooper said to the broomstick lying on the ground, and it came into Ben's hands obediently.

"Okay, ride it now." Professor Carter said, he was wearing a dark red cloak of good texture and looked very warm.

Ben did as Carter said, but the broom took off with anxious, slow speed, and Ben sat stiffly on the broom, flying around the practice field for first-years.

Even an outsider like Pomona could see how bad the enclave was, and maybe he'd be better off not going on this swamp expedition.

"What are they doing here?" Severus asked, also wearing the thick cloak.

"Off-campus tutor," said Pomona dryly. "Carter's going to teach them how to get rid of the swamp ooze."

"In winter?" Severus asked.

Pomona shrugged.

"How's your survey going?" Pomona asked.

"He's looking for something." Severus said, staring at Carter. "He's been in the Restricted Section a few times."

Pomona felt strange, she thought Carter was going for the Sword of Gryffindor.

"And he's got some financial problems," Severus said.

"What's his 'hobby'?" Pomona asked.

"It's just that he spends money like a normal man, but that's not his biggest problem," Severus said.

"What?" Pomona asked.

"He wants to buy Bokin Bork, or at least take a stake in it."

"Are you kidding me?" Pomona yelled in disbelief.

"I don't like 'kidding,'" he said gravely.

"Will Bogin Bork?" Pomona asked.

"As long as Carter makes him an offer he can't refuse."

She was speechless for a while.

"That's going to cost a lot of money, I'm afraid," Pomona said.

"I asked Lucius, and even he didn't dare to think that way, I can only say he's crazy," Severus said.

"Why does it have to be Burkin' Burke? Can't it be other places in Diagon Alley?" asked Pomona.

"When the Dark Lord graduated, the Ministry of Magic offered him a lot of positions, but he turned them all down, and chose Borginberg's staff instead." Severus looked at Carter and gritted his teeth and said, "And I think he seems to know how to earn money." Big money way."

"You want to make a lot of money too, Professor." Pomona said jokingly.

He smiled at Pomona, looked at Carter again, and left the courtyard.

Pomona looked at Carter, who was struggling to adjust Ben's flight position on his broomstick, and wondered if Ben would be so enthusiastic if he wasn't a Gryffindor.

And why did he give her an invitation letter to go to London, as if he wanted to send her away?


Pomona looked down and spotted the brown-haired Tonks.

"What's the matter?" Pomona asked.

"When are we going to Hogsmeade?" Tonks asked hopelessly.

Pomona has a splitting headache. Is she going to be as uninspired as everyone else and say this is the rule?

When we were young, when we were told that you were under the age and could not do this or that, we always hoped that we would grow up quickly so that we could do what we wanted to do.

But when we really grow up, we want to go back to our childhood.

"What we have to deal with is something beyond our personal power." Pomona said, "There is a man who said to his son that as long as he can be as powerful as the Dark Lord, he can do whatever he wants. Can the Demon King deal with something beyond his own power?"

Tonks shook his head.

"Why not?" Pomona asked.

"He can't control everything," Tonks said. "My mom said her mom couldn't either."

"We don't have control over everything, and that's why we have that parental consent form," Pomona said. "But I hope one day it won't be necessary."

"Will that day come?" Tonks asked.

Pomona begins to try to understand the bubble pods seen in the Mirror of Erised. Is that an unattainable future?

"Dean?" Tonks asked.

"Would you like some Honeydukes candy?" Pomona asked. "How about we go to the kitchen and make our own?"

"I want a chocolate frog," said Tonks.

"There's no picture collection for doing it yourself," Pomona said.

"I just want to watch it bouncing around!" said Tonks.

Pomona had seen many strange children, and Tonks was quite normal.

"Let's go." Pomona sighed, took Tonks by the hand and went to the kitchen.

Unexpectedly, I was still the nanny, and Barnaby and Liz didn't know where to go.

Hope it wasn't some sneaky kiss somewhere, it's going too fast.

When he came outside the auditorium, Pomona saw Felix decorating the Christmas tree. Regardless of what's going on outside, it's still business as usual inside the school.

She looked at the decorative ribbons.

In fact, in the Middle Ages, red represented sacred love and true love, and green also represented love, but it represented profane and forbidden love.

When the two are combined, what does it represent? Sacred and profane, real and taboo?

People have given too many meanings to the color, maybe nothing, just like Pomona thought that Barnaby and Leeds became a couple because of his own wishful thinking.

If it's just friends, why think so much?

"How about some blue?" Pomona said to Feliway.

He looked back at her.

"Where to add it?" Feliwei asked looking at the Christmas tree.

"You can figure it out, genius." Pomona said with a smile, leading Tonks away.

If Liz had a question, she could come to her office in Pomona anytime, just as Felicity's office door was always open for anyone who wanted to ask a question.

Even a mother can't control everything about her daughter, let alone a teacher, thanks to Andromeda's reminder.

"Shall we make a present for Mom and Dad with a cat's head?" Pomona asked Tonks.

"They'll think they're sending me an acceptance letter again." Tonks curled his lips. "They've been waiting for that owl from Hogwarts all summer."

Pomona laughed.

She was thinking of a gift for Andromeda, and hoped she wouldn't be too surprised to think she was eleven again.

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