Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2815 Red Hunger (17)

Tyner wrote in "The Old Regime" that "the people are like a man wading hard in a pond, the water has been flooded to his mouth, and he will lose his footing when he encounters a slight depression in the mud and a little wave in the water. Drown, then suffocate."

The natural succession process of the water body is probably like this. As the land rises, there is less and less active water in the pond. Floating plants and submerged plants first occupy the edge of the pond, and their photosynthesis can provide oxygen for fish.

After the aquatic plants die, they will be silent at the bottom of the pool, the water becomes nutritious, and algae begin to grow. Fish and other aquatic organisms in the water die due to lack of oxygen and suffocate, and sink to the bottom of the water. The depth of the water becomes shallower and shallower, forming Smelly swamp.

At this time, emergent plants appeared, such as water lilies, rushes, reeds, etc., which would grow on the bank to block the silt and form land.

Some plants, such as water weeds, suck up so much water that they dry out swamps and create places where wet wood can grow.

If there is human interference at this time and the pumping of water continues, a real land will be formed, and crops such as wheat will be grown.

Reclaiming wasteland is a very hard work, and it may take several generations. It is hard to say that the water body of Hogwarts is naturally formed or man-made, because there are buildings that look like ruins at the bottom of the Black Lake. If there was a village here before, it would be blocked by the dam later, and the village upstream of the dam would be destroyed. Inundation, while downstream valleys are formed due to less water flow.

When life is really difficult and they don't want to become bandits, peasants will choose to revolt, but it is difficult for peasant uprisings in Europe to form the scale of East Asia.

Some peasants were unlucky enough to meet a demanding lord, while others were lucky to find a benevolent, wise, or well-managed lord.

The public ranch is a place that often causes disputes. In addition, there are issues such as water source ownership, reservations, aqueducts, water distribution, etc., all of which need to be presided over by the lord. For example, Ford Swamp, where there are many small river-like tributaries interspersed in the swamp for boats, but there are monsters in the water, which makes the boat sink easily.

The best way is to replace it with a big boat, but the big boat has a deep draft, and the small river can't carry it at all, so someone proposed to simply build a dam to drain the swamp and cultivate crops. The other group quit. The waterway is very profitable and maintains the livelihood of many families.

The land tax has the collection method of the land tax, and the toll tax has the collection method of the toll tax. Assuming that Hogwarts Castle is indeed the territory of Salazar Slytherin as it is said in the legend, as the lord he needs to mediate disputes, but he left Hogwarts after the school was established.

If a peasant uprising occurs in an area, the local lord will not be able to suppress it, and the surrounding lords who have not experienced uprisings can send troops to suppress it. After the incident, the meritorious service will be rewarded. The original lord's land will be rewarded by the king and merged into the other lord's territory, or the right to inherit that piece of land will be obtained through marriage.

The regime of Louis XIV destroyed this ancient structure and the domain has only one steward. Assuming that the young master doesn't care about these things, the castle in his hometown has collapsed and needs to be repaired with money, so that there will be less money to send to Versailles. And this collapse is not something a lord can resist. The cardinal wants to demolish the lord's stud farm.

So a century after Louis XIV's system was implemented, Brittany is full of abandoned and collapsed castles and land that was once good land and later turned into wasteland. This is not caused by poverty.

A person has too little, and others take too much. If it is written in the Bible again, "Whoever has, give him double, and make him redundant; whoever has nothing, even what he has will be taken away." . At this time, people's minds will change. Once such vague thoughts are formed and boil in the minds of the people, they will be like a reservoir bursting its banks.

In fact, during the French Revolution, someone really dug the dam. A landowner received a report at 11:00 in the middle of the night, and immediately rushed to the scene with all the guests and servants. Half an hour later, the flood would engulf the residents in the valley. The first thing they did when they got there was shoot.

There were a total of 500 militants who dug the dam, and there were tens of thousands of residents in the valley. If they have a target to target please release the water during the day when all innocent people are evacuated, why dig the dam in the middle of the night when all the villagers are sleeping at home?

Even without these thugs, there are homeless people who rob houses. Even if there is no relationship based on leased land, small landholders can choose a lord to establish a relationship of a certain personal nature based on the security guarantee responsibility. The subject salutes the subject, and the subject guarantees the safety of the subject.

But all this meant leaving Versailles, where no one talked about the suffering of the people.

Until one day, those ragged people broke into the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles. They used hammers and other tools to destroy the mirrors, furniture, chandeliers, and everything that could be broken in the Hall of Mirrors. The sound is very pleasant, and the once magnificent palace has been reduced to half ruins. It was not rebuilt until more than a hundred years later, but at that time the mirrors in the Hall of Mirrors were no longer a luxury made with the craftsmanship of Venetian mirrors.

But its situation is still better than those castles that were burned in the fire. The location of Irondale can be said to be the "key" of Hogwart Valley. Across the bank from the blacksmith's village, there was the ruin of a castle that Rudy had neglected for so many days investigating.

When Barnaby and the three of them took Vera for a walk, they were taken there by Vera. Although the buildings on the ground were almost destroyed, the underground still maintained traces of man-made pruning. They found a sculpture in the tunnel, and through the secret passage behind the sculpture, they found the "troll barracks". Trolls don't just wear helmets anymore, they also have full armor, which makes them look like tanks.

They slipped back before the troll found out, and reported to Pomona, who took them to Feliway.

Fei Liwei also got some clues after studying the helmet. This helmet was cast with a copy spell, and a new one would be copied after a while.

"You mean there were humans who joined the goblins during the goblin rebellion?" asked Pomona.

"I don't know, but I think it's best to keep this matter secret and continue to investigate secretly," Fei Liwei said.

"Should I tell Dumbledore?" Professor Carter asked.

"We need more evidence. How is your investigation going?" Fei Liwei asked three sixth grade students.

"I plan to go in the spring after the snow has melted, the swamp is dangerous now," Liz said.

"I'll go with you," said Carter.

"Didn't you hear what she said?" Pomona said, looking at Carter.

"I know, riding on a broom anyway." Carter said indifferently, "Didn't Quidditch first start on the swamp?"

Pomona was angry, but said nothing, because everyone thought he had a point.

In fact, apart from the ruins of the castle in Irondale, there are several castles around Hogwarts, and they are all in dangerous positions, choking the throat.

Assuming that Bloody Baron used to be the guard of one of the castles, and his lord was Salazar Slytherin, then he was probably a knight with the title of baron, responsible for guarding this territory.

Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Godric Gryffindor are friends of the lord. The knight of the lord fell in love with the daughter of the lord's friend. Is there any hope for his love?

"Should we tell Severus?" Pomona asked the crowd.

"Oh, he is not responsible for the security outside the castle, he is responsible for the inside." Rudy said.

Pomona looked at him.

Snape would be pissed if he didn't take such a fun thing with him.

"Okay, I see," Pomona said.

The others looked at her defensively, as if worried that she would tell the truth.

"Should I swear?" Pomona asked the crowd.

"No, no." Carter said with a smile, "We trust you."

Pomona smiled at him. "I believe in you, too."

"Okay, now I need the invisibility cloak." Rudy rubbed his hands together. "Where can I get one?"

"Go to Death and borrow it." Barnaby said suddenly.

The scene was suddenly silent, but Liz laughed, as if he had just told a funny joke.

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