Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2814 Red Hunger (16)

Probably in the early summer of every year, Albus Dumbledore would go to the tower where the Pen of Acceptance and the Book of Admission were kept like previous headmasters, copy the list of freshmen for that year with the copy spell, and then hand it over to Mi Leva, Minerva will issue admission letters based on this list.

The address on the notice was written very strangely. The notice from Severus said it was under the old locust tree where he and Lily often went, and the notice from Pomona was the seaside where she often stayed. The seashell wind chime in the building blew, and there was no other reference around it.

Although it was the owls who delivered the letter, they could always find the wizard, but they did not write the address.

The Ministry of Magic will set up traces to track the little wizards, whether they have used magic in violation of the regulations during the holidays, and when someone violates the regulations, a letter will be sent by the Ministry of Magic, and the address is also written in emerald green potion.

When the little wizards accepted the invitation of the magic school, took Hogwarts to Hogsmeade on platform nine and three quarters, and then arrived at the school by boat, the first thing was the sorting ceremony.

Minerva would read the names according to the list, and the little wizards who heard the names didn't need to shout "here", they just sat on the chairs and put on the sorting hat. This not only represents the branch, but also represents "sign in". From this moment, young wizards must abide by Hogwarts' school rules and the International Statute of Secrecy.

They can also not "sign in". If they are educated at home, there is no brown silk tracking, and they don't have to worry about being warned to drop out of school if they use magic. How can they drop out of school if they haven't been to school?

Aesop, the founder of the Ifamony School of Magic in the United States, was educated at home. In history, many black wizards did not go to school for education. Parents and relatives taught it on their behalf. There is a lot of little wizards who do not come to school to report after receiving the letter. Many reasons. But despite growing up in that environment, Aesop did not "grow up" as her aunt hoped.

Staying in a place like a dungeon for a long time is not good for wound recovery, so on the second day of the holiday, Liz and the others took Vera out for a "walk". Due to drinking a large amount of Bone Spirit, Vera's spinal deformation improved a lot, but the recovery process was a bit painful, and she couldn't even run like she did in Irondale before.

Some things cannot be rushed, just like the biting cabbage in the Pomona greenhouse. Even if some of the biting cabbage can be grown quickly with the grower curse, the "farmer" will be exhausted of.

The fat monk would sometimes talk to Pomona about the feudal era. At that time, the peasants lived very hard. If the weather was normal, it would be better. In the event of a storm or drought, the grain production would be reduced. Not only would the lord not reduce the tax, because they felt that The lord next door must have suffered heavy losses. As long as I take this opportunity to attack them, I can get twice the result with half the effort.

Other lords also thought the same way. The more natural disasters were, the more they would fight. The livestock that the Huns valued would freeze to death in the extremely cold weather. At this time, they would plunder everywhere.

Scandinavia's natural scenery is colorful, but it lacks resources and conditions conducive to agricultural production, only vast uncultivated forests. Compared with Scotland, England is much richer. Viking pirates established bases in Scotland and nearby islands, and "regularly" went to England to plunder until King "Scud" Harold I of England made up his mind to clear them out.

In the era where the fat monk lived, there used to be the North Sea Empire, and England was once part of the Kingdom of Denmark. When King Swain of Denmark led his fleet into England, Britain was still in the era of the Seven Kingdoms. The territory of the Romans in Britain once extended to the northern part of the British Isle. The Roman Emperor Hadrian ordered the construction of a Great Wall, announced the cessation of expansion, and tried to coexist peacefully with the Celts.

As the nobles of the British royal palace fought with each other and kept changing the course, Hadrian's Great Wall was reduced to ruins like many Roman buildings over time due to lack of maintenance. The unusable parts were not wasted. military road.

In addition to heavy taxes, farmers also have to pay corvee. If the year is bad and the lord happens to be fighting a war, three-quarters of the harvest will be handed over to the lord, and one-tenth will be given to the church as a tithe. The rent has to be paid to the landlord, and the rest has to pay other miscellaneous taxes. After removing the seeds for the coming year, there is basically nothing left.

Bishops, marquises, judges, and big businessmen eat exquisite fish and birds every day, and missionaries persuade the "lambs" from the pulpit to continue to endure pain in order to go to heaven.

If it weren't for the plague, these people would still live like weeds. All those who could escape in the countryside fled. The cities are overcrowded, and the dense population is a hotbed of infectious diseases. When the plague broke out, it was really like a god of death wielding a sickle, causing people to fall down in pieces.

Once, when the fat monk gave his dying advice, he said, "The nobles and kings tortured me so much. Do they also go to heaven after death?"

The fat monk didn't say anything at the time, but that person seemed to have suddenly awakened Legilimency. He smiled and said to the fat monk, "Then I'll go to hell, they won't go to hell."

There are also some people who run to join the Vikings and become pirates. The Danish tax is not called tax, but danegeld, which is the ransom paid to them by the British in order to avoid the Vikings from plundering in 911, and later became the land tax of the British Middle Ages.

The fat monk never doubted his faith. He believed that the voice of the people was not heard by the king. As long as he became a bishop, he would be like the Bible Proverbs 31, "Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves." Speak up, try justice, and defend the rights of others." In order to achieve this goal, he used a radical method to treat diseases for people with magic.

Of course, the dream of the fat monk did not come true, and the short-lived North Sea Empire also fell apart. There used to be a kingdom of Isaacs in the east of England. A king eased the relationship with pirates through a treaty and became the count of the North Sea Empire. His territory was later recovered by "Edward the Elder", who was the first of many monarchs with the same name as Edward in the history of England. He became the co-lord of some tribes in Scotland and Britain because of fighting against the Danes.

Harold I was the youngest son of Canute, the emperor of the North Sea Empire, but after his father's death, he rushed to be crowned when his elder brother was not in England. He seemed to think that having a common foreign enemy would unite people's hearts.

He did, but he died before his brother led his troops into England and was succeeded by his son Harold II.

Harold II died of illness in 1042. In order to prevent the Duke of Normandy from escorting the British prince back to rule, Canute proposed to the sister of the Duke of Normandy and promised that the children born in this marriage would inherit England. The Duke of Normandy accepted this condition. However, after Canute died, the Danish royal family did not abide by the agreement with the Duke of Normandy, and Harold I succeeded to the throne. Finally, two factions were formed, with the Thames River as the boundary. The north and London belonged to Harold I, and the rest belonged to his elder brother. , the uncle of Harold II. Harold I invited Prince Edward's father, Prince Alfred, to a dinner in London, killed him, and seized his brother's land. His uncle, whose reign in England was equally unpopular, invited Edward the Confessor, a descendant of the former King Isaacs, to return to rule.

When William the Conqueror set foot on British soil, the people spent a relatively peaceful time under the whip of foreign countries.

William I used the "Doomsday Book" to reform the land ownership system and entrusted the land of the Anglo-Saxon nobles to the Norman nobles.

Although few people remember, Richard Carter is a genealogist. According to the genealogy records, not only Malfoy's ancestors were Normans, but even one of Harry Potter's ancestors, the Peverell family. Normans.

"Does it matter that Harry is a Norman?" Pomona asked the fat friar confused.

"No, it is precisely because there is no relationship that is important." The fat friar said, "Loyalty is a burden, and it also brings strength, but our Hufflepuff's loyalty is not as firm as Gryffindor's." Not moving, but changing like flowing water, it makes us look like traitors at times."

"Speak up for those who cannot speak up, do justice, and stand up for the rights of others," Pomona said.

"And people with such talents are more precious than rubies." The fat monk said with emotion, "Don't forget this."

While the children were "walking the dog" with their pets, Pomona was thinking about other things, and the Lee family's vast wealth and collection were sure to be watched. The only direct heir left was Barnaby, and his uncle Cecil was engaged in such a high-risk occupation as the werewolf capture team. If there was a problem between the two of them, who would inherit the wealth of the Li family?

But Cecil had to do the job again, and it was thanks to him as guardian that Barnaby hadn't been hurt more by that rumor last year.

Rita Skeeter actually used an internship opportunity to get Emily to work for her. Pomona recalled Rita Skeeter's appearance when she was studying, and her hair was obviously not blond.

Rita Kistor Pomona is unrecognizable now, and she is so delicate that people feel awkward, especially the jeweled glasses, because of which, and her protruding teeth, she was also regarded as a myrtle before. People ridicule.

Pomona felt that it was necessary to talk to Liz, let alone a teenage girl, and Pomona herself could not guarantee that she would not be tempted by so many temptations.

Cooper needs a job more than Barnaby, but what can he do?

Pomona shook his head, how could he be a Gryffindor?

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