Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2817 Red Hunger (19)

"In today's class, we're going to unravel a truly thrilling history."

said Professor Binns in his usual deadpan tone.

"The Goblin Rebellion of 1752, and all the splendor and tragedy that ensued during it, but specifically we'll learn about the harrowing impact this event had on the wizarding mill industry..."

"What are you looking at?" Severus asked.

"My student notes," Pomona said listlessly, God knows how she was so sleepy that she stayed awake in Professor Binns's class.

He leaned over to take a look with interest.

"Colorful and colorful." He said as if disgusted.

Pomona remembered the potions textbook he had used black ink to alter beyond recognition.

How would she fight back?

"Did you know that September in 1752 lost eleven days?" Severus said suddenly.


"No one was born, no one died, no bets were made and no trade deals were signed for 11 days. It's like going to bed on September 2 and waking up on September 14," Severus said.

"As far as I remember, it was like a change in the calendar, from Julian to Gregorian," Pomona said.

"Really?" he said with a smile.

"What else?" asked Pomona.

"It's like the Quidditch World Cup in 1877, all the tickets have been sold, but neither the fans nor the players remember the game, only the British batsman has half a tooth, the Canadian Seeker has a knee Going to the back, half the Argentinian team is bundled up in a British speakeasy," Severus said.

Pomona was left speechless as so many people tried to explain this mass amnesia situation.

Newt Scamander used bat venom and thunderbird summoned rain in New York to make all Muggles in New York lose their memory.

"But eleven days is too long," Pomona said.

"According to 652 cloaks missing." He read where she had marked with a red tag. "But this is not the exact death toll."

"They may have been involved in some mysterious incident and disappeared with those 11 days." Pomona said with a smile, "very imaginative explanation, can I give you extra points?"

Snape didn't laugh. "Do you know when the earliest time travel experiments started?"

Pomona didn't laugh either. "I only know the records released by the Department of Mysteries."

"Tell me," Severus said.

"In 1899, there was a female clerk going back to the Battle of Ankara in 1402," Pomona said.

"So we know that Time-Turners existed before 1899," Severus said, brushing the number 1752 with his potion-yellow finger.

"It's been 147 years," Pomona said.

"It can be put there, and it won't break anyway. What's more, this may be the first manned experiment, just like the Muggle space program, which will send animals into space first." Severus said.

Pomona wiped her face, still in disbelief.

At this moment, she glanced at Barnaby and Liz on the other side of the restricted section, who were all engrossed in their research.

"What do you think they look like?" Pomona asked him.

"How about what?" Snape asked.

"Are they dating or just friends?"

He hit her on the head with the book in his hand.

"What?" she said angrily.

"It's Christmas Eve, so I'll keep it quiet." Severus smirked. "Use your brains, please, Hufflepuff."

"I think they seem to be hiding something from us," Pomona said. "Did they kiss?"

He hit her head again with the book in his hand.

Pomona realized that Severus wasn't the kind of girl to "chat" with in the girls' bathroom, he was too boring.

"I think they have something to hide, but not what you said." Severus pursed his lips. "I'll find out."

"Merry Christmas!"

Liz Stewart said she placed the two boxes in front of Ben and Barnaby respectively.

The two of them couldn't wait to open the box.

Ben got a red lightning scarf, Barnaby got a blue one, and the rest were identical to Ben's.

Pomona remembers Leeds receiving a ruby ​​necklace, even though the rubies on that necklace were not large.

"Is there any question?" Fei Liwei leaned over and asked.

"Nothing," Pomona said, leaving the staff table.

Severus went to Malfoy Manor early in the morning. If all goes well, he will be Draco Malfoy's godfather from now on.

After returning to the office, she immediately took out the calendar.

According to the moon phase calendar, tomorrow is the full moon, but the werewolf does not have to transform on the day of the full moon.

Due to the heavy loss of the wizard's mill industry in the goblin rebellion, there are many streets in the goblin community called Windmill Street and Mill Street. Pomona remembers a goblin Frank Longbottom "knew" lived in Windmill Street, although that place is adjacent. Wear horses in the river.

In fact, it's not just a man-made dam, the barrier lake caused by the earthquake will also flood the original village. If it is in the magical world, there will be magic.

There are a few "islands" in the Black Lake that are solid rocks, as if they have collapsed from the rock wall, but the magical power that can move such a heavy rock is terrifying.

The Tarantella spell, learned in first grade, can also make volcanoes erupt, and people learn it to take that lesson to heart.

Time travel will make people who should be born not born, but the premise is that you must know who should be born in order to mark "unborn".

The "now" we are in is just one of countless possibilities. Maybe in another possibility, Lily and "Sev" are together, without Harry Potter.

It is precisely because time travel will change many fates that this experiment is bound by many laws.

From the semi-subterranean window, Pomona looked at the weather outside. It was cloudy today, and the sun was hiding behind the clouds. It seemed that the moon could not be seen tonight.

Besides disease, famine is another sickle of death. Not every place is a crop region, but everyone has to eat. In the pastime story, the hometown of the Duke of Rice in Brittany is a place rich in apples, people are not short of food and drink, and the picturesque scenery attracts tourists. These tourists came to the vampire's castle to explore. They didn't know what trouble they caused, and the villagers who lived in peace were shrouded in gloom.

Normal people would probably not want to eat people, but human ancestors actually had cannibalism in the past, especially when food was scarce.

In the Holy Communion, bread represents meat, and red wine represents blood. The Book of Levi clearly stipulates that bloody things cannot be eaten, and the descendants of Aaron must sprinkle blood around the altar.

Aaron was the elder brother of Moses, and Abel was the younger brother of Cain. God accepted Abel’s sacrifice, but not Cain’s. It was only because Cain sacrificed grain instead of lamb, or Cain did not follow the The sacrificial person asked to deal with the sacrifice, drained the blood like Abel did, or baked the dough into bread?

But Cain was jealous of Abel being chosen and killed him.

Those who have blood on their bodies will definitely be in trouble with blood.

She now feels a bloody smell in her throat, and it seems to be smelling through her nose. It is really unlucky to smell this smell at Christmas, and I hope everything is safe.

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