Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2775 Lament of the Moon (8)

"Professor, professor."

Pomona was dreaming, and she dreamed that Professor Graplan was calling herself "Professor."

"Get up," Graplan said.

"What time is it?" Pomona asked bewilderedly.

"Emergency." Graplan threw her coat over.

"What emergency?" Pomona got up from the bed and said wearily.

"There's a Muggle-born female student under the Dark Arts, and the headmaster is in the hospital wing," Graplan said.

"From our college?" Pomona asked, rubbing her eyes.

"No, it's from Gryffindor College."

Pomona wanted to fall back on the bed immediately, why was she going to the hospital wing if she wasn't from her college?

Still Graplan dragged her out of bed.

And so she arrived at the hospital wing with Graplan at three in the morning, in her dressing gown and bunny slippers.

The victim was named Mary Macdonald, and Pomona heard her weeping before she reached her bedside, where Dumbledore and Minerva were standing.

"It's just too much," Minerva said angrily.

"Be safe." Dumbledore reassured her.

"Professor," Pomona said.

Dumbledore turned when he heard her voice, and it was at this moment that Pomona saw Mary MacDonald. Her mouth was "split" and the corners of her mouth almost reached the ears, looking like a monster.

Pomona stopped involuntarily, and her actions made Mary even more sad.

"Here you are, Professor." Dumbledore said calmly.

"What's wrong with her?" Pomona asked subconsciously.

"Grin-cursed, by Mulciber and Avery in Slytherin," said Minerva angrily.

These two were Death Eater reservists, and Pomona felt that Mary was lucky to be alive. Maybe they remembered that they couldn't kill people at will like outside the school, and no one disposed of the corpse.


Pomona turned to see Filch coming with a lamp.

"Where's Professor Slughorn?" Albus asked.

"He said he wouldn't come with this little curse in your presence," Filch said.

Pomona looked at the "little curse" on Mary's face, and she couldn't cover her mouth with both hands.

"Tell him you can't do without him," Albus said to Filch.


"No but, Mr. Filch!" Minerva raised her voice and said, "Go and call the Head of Slytherin!"

Filch reluctantly had to leave.

Pomona looked at Mary MacDonald, heard that she liked Sirius, and urged Lily to accept James Potter so that she and Lily could have a "foursome date" with James and Sirius. ".

"Professor," said Albus softly.

"What did you call me here for, Albus?" said Pomona dryly.

Head Slytherin is not in a hurry, why did he wake her up in the middle of the night?

"If the school hospital can't cure Miss MacDonald's spell, we'll have to send her to St. Mungo's," Graplan said.

Pomona thinks there is nothing wrong with this, isn't it a matter of course?

"Then the outside world will know that someone in the school is using black magic," Graplan said in Pomona's ear.

"Oh." Pomona reacted, this is a vicious event, if Mary leaves permanent irreversible "damage".

"Where's Felius?" Pomona asked.

"If Horace can't solve it, go to him again." Minerva said seriously.

It took a while before Slughorn arrived at the hospital wing slowly, in his nightgown and with a big belly.

"You look for me, principal."

"Look, please." Dumbledore turned sideways so that Slughorn could look at Mary.

"Who did this? Miss Max," said Slughorn.

"She can't speak." Minerva said coldly, "I think the most urgent thing is to cure Miss MacDonald's curse than to pursue responsibility."

Slughorn moved slowly.

Pomona saw Slughorn coming and didn't want to mind his own business.

"Do you still remember that after the Chamber of Secrets was opened 30 years ago, a Muggle seed died?" Graplan reminded, "The school was almost closed, and the headmaster resigned so that people outside the school did not raise any doubts."

Pomona looked Albus in the eye.

He looked at her softly.

"Do you know what you're going to do?" Albus asked.

If Pomona is a student, she just needs to keep her own mind and not spread what she sees.

"Yes, Headmaster," said Pomona softly.

Then Albus stopped looking at her and turned his gaze to Mary.

The point is that Dumbledore, like the king on a chessboard, has all the pieces not just to win, but to sacrifice themselves to protect the king when necessary.

Pomona really woke up at this time, and Avery and Mulburn would probably announce what they had done when they returned to the Slytherin dormitory, and breakfast the next morning was the easiest time for "news" to spread.

As much as she'd love to put some potion in their coffee to silence them, it'd be better to use other "news" to overshadow their impact. Children are not like adults, except for those who are "precocious" like Mary, and they value things differently from adults.

Maybe she can hold a quiz with prizes, and the prize is a new type of flying broomstick. Although children can ask their parents to buy an identical one, the meaning of what they win is different from what their parents buy.

It's just that this would seem too deliberate, and not everyone is interested in quizzes with prizes. How should she create puzzles?

That is, it should not be too difficult to discourage people who really want to fly a broomstick, and it should not be too simple so that people can easily untie it.

"What now, Professor?" Graplan asked.

"I want to buy a broomstick," said Pomona. "Can you run for me?"

"May I ask why?" Graplan asked.

Pomona told her of his intentions.

Graplan made no objections, and went to London that evening to buy the latest broom.

But Pomona continued to think about how to come up with a question, until dawn.

At the end of the 17th century, there was a Frenchman named Dimove, whose family came to England because Louis XIV abolished the "Edict of Nantes". Their family is very poor, and even though Demove is very good at mathematics, he still has to make a living by tutoring people in mathematics.

At that time, Isaac Newton had published universal gravitation, and calculus was also accepted, but not everyone could understand the calculus he explained, which made the profession of mathematician tutor very popular.

De Moffer was often too busy to read Newton's books, so he could only read them for a while while drinking coffee in a cafe. One day he happened to go to the cafe where Newton often went, so the two met and gradually became friends. friend.

Of course, Pomona would not let the little wizards solve calculus. Demofor and Newton also love to play chess, but not everyone can play chess and sit down patiently.

She liked a poem by De Movere very much:

Who taught that spider, without the help of a straight line or a ruler, to draw parallel lines with the same sureness as Demofort.

In addition to being a mathematics tutor, Di Moffer also makes a living as a consultant for gamblers. Gambling is a game of probability theory, so Di Moffer has made significant contributions to probability theory.

So Pomona designed a competition, whoever can let his own spider run to the finish line first will be the winner of the broomstick.

The track is in the courtyard that has been abandoned for a long time. The students first need to clean up the weeds in the courtyard, and then they can sort out the spider track according to the drawings given by Graplan.

They had a lot of fun, and someone also found a "grass dragon" in the grass. It turned out to be a hedge, but after being enchanted by someone, it turned into a moving dragon. When magic was applied to it, it could "breathe fire" .

At the end of the game, Mary was also released from the hospital, and no one except Lily Evans remembered what happened to Mary.

The final winner was Buddy Crouch Jr. Since he usually had no sense of presence, it was only then that people realized that the son of the Director of the Department of Legal Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic was also studying at Hogwarts.

"Why are you here, Dolan?" asked Pomona.

"I came to this place according to the instructions of the star." Dolan said.

"Where are you taking us?" Pomona asked.

"No, it's not me." Dolan took off the necklace around his neck, and the fire magic that ignited the divination spice appeared in his palm.

Just when Pomona, Frank, and Alice were confused, a butterfly formed of light flew out of the stone.

It flapped its wings, as conspicuous as a flame in the dark, leaving a trail of light wherever it passed.

"You're going to follow it," Dolan said, putting the stone back around his neck. "I'll go with you."

So two humans, a mixed-race Veela, and a centaur walked into the depths of the dark forest together with the light butterfly.

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