Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2776 Lament of the Moon (9)

Spiders are hatched from eggs, even eight-eyed spiders, from small spiders to big spiders.

However, spiders are not like bees and ants. Only queen bees and queen ants can lay eggs. This caused spiders to flood in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts, and even a group of spiders attacked Arlan County, which is located in the "border". After the area is the Muggle community.

After Pomona came up with the Spider Race, Albus announced it at a dinner, telling senior students that they could go to Arran County to help the locals, which aroused a lot of interest, and of course some This scoffed.

But most people's attention is on these things anyway, not as bad as the atmosphere in the school after Sirius and James entered the sixth grade, although most people don't know that Remus Lupine and the secrets of his friends.

It was also because of meeting Dolan that Pomona knew that Severus hadn't been training with the centaur for a month.

"Where did he go?" Pomona asked anxiously.

"It's the masked ones, I think," Dolan said. "I saw him talking to a masked one in the Forbidden Forest once."

Pomona felt even more anxious.

Not everyone never wears a mask like Bella. Most people wear masks and cloaks, which makes the identity of many Death Eaters unclear.

"Look," said Frank from the front. "There's a tunnel."

The butterfly flew into the dark cave, and Pomona only had time to see it disappear. Frank and Alice used fluorescent flashes so she could see that it was a semi-artificial hole.

"I heard that goblins used to mine here." Dolan said, "This may be their abandoned mine."

"I heard that when the goblins rebelled, they were going to dig a tunnel to Hogwarts," said Frank. "Maybe that's what they were talking about."

"Let's go in," said Alice, and walked in first.

"Wait, honey!" Frank said hastily. "Let me go ahead."

Pomona couldn't help but rolled her eyes. She had just taken two steps when she realized that Dolan hadn't followed.

"Aren't you coming with us?" Pomona asked Dolan.

"The boundary of our territory is here." Dolan said calmly, "The human territory is beyond that."

Pomona didn't know what to say.

The centaurs have a strong sense of territory, but they can't keep up with the changing boundaries of humans. The premise that Professor Graplan and the centaurs can coexist peacefully is that they are bounded by the Piyu River that flows through the Forbidden Forest. If the centaurs did not invite them , she will not go to their territory without authorization.

"Thank you," Pomona said.

Dolan bowed to Pomona, but didn't leave immediately. He stood watching her, looking like a glowing statue in the moonlight.

Pomona withdrew her gaze. After adapting to the brief "blindness" of entering the tunnel, her eyes gradually became able to see some things clearly. It was a pure stone mine with torches on the wall.

She hadn't lit those torches, which would have attracted Death Eaters if they were really around. She quickened her pace and followed Frank and Alice, and they arrived at the "hall" safely all the way.

"Wait!" Alice said suddenly, "Is that Hawklap?"

Pomona and Frank followed her line of sight, and there was a small cluster of purple-blue "mushrooms" in the corner of the "hall".

A daylight hawklap is pink and looks like a fungus, but it's actually an animal.

It is very similar to the heliotrope-nightera found in Pomona, and it fluoresces in a dark environment, but this light is very weak, and it is almost imperceptible under the strong light of fluorescent flashes.

"I remember we had the Perception Potion, Frank, with which we wouldn't need Lumos," Alice said.

"Wait, now!" Frank said.

"Do you have any invisibility potion?" Pomona asked.

"Yes, but you want to drink troll snot?" Alice said jokingly.

Pomona immediately dismissed the idea, preferring the Disillusionment Charm.

"Hurry up!" Alice urged Frank, "The butterfly is flying away."

"Wait for a second, it's ready!" Frank handed the potion to the two of them, "Cheers."

After drinking the potion, Pomona was able to see clearly in the dark quickly, and at the same time she could feel the movement in the soil under her feet.

"Let's go." Frank turned off the fluorescent lights.

They followed the butterfly at a distance, probably because of the wind, and they heard a low moan like a cry coming from the cave.

During You-Know-Who's first year at school, when he was still wearing second-hand school robes and using second-hand books, the Slytherin lords and ladies teased him in the common room, but he didn't feel ashamed or run away.

He spoke Parseltongue, and the pet snakes even attacked their owners after hearing his voice, and then no one dared to mess with him.

The weeping wind reminded Pomona of Moaning Myrtle, who had been crying where she died after being attacked, and Hagrid was expelled because people suspected that it was Arago, his eight-eyed spider. K attacked her.

Her ghost said she saw a pair of yellow eyes, but Aragog was black with eight compound eyes, but the case ended anyway because a "murderer" was found.

It doesn't matter what the truth is, people want an outcome too badly.

Some people only look at the result, they don't care about the process.

Fortunately, Frank and Alice were not such people, otherwise they would not have chased the butterfly away so leisurely.

"Why the butterflies and not the bees?" Pomona joked.

"Don't you think it's beautiful?" said Alice.

"Hush." ​​Frank warned the two seriously.

Pomona watched the butterfly flap its wings in the darkness and silence like a dancer.

However, before it transformed into a butterfly, it was just a chrysalis. When Pomona and Sirius found the stone in the room behind the mirror, they still wondered why they put an ordinary stone.

Good materials can become works of art only in the hands of masters, and the rough stones found in the mines are so inconspicuous.

Not long after, they left the long tunnel and landed on the ground again. In the distance, there are rolling mountains under the moonlight. Under the hillside where they are, there are vines and woods. There is a human village at the junction of the woods and the grass. There are plowed fields around.

"That's a tributary of the Piyu River." Frank looked at the slowly flowing river and said, "We're on the back side of the mountain."

"It's still flying," said Alice.

"Come on, follow," Frank said.

They followed the butterfly up a steep hill again until they came to a waterfall, into which it flew and disappeared.

"That's it?" Pomona looked around. Apart from the beautiful scenery, there was nothing special here.

Frank looked at the deep pool where the waterfall rushed out, "I'll dive in and have a look."

"No," said Alice, "there's something behind the waterfall."

"How do you know?" Pomona asked.

"This is my 'talent'." Alice said with a smile, "No matter what kind of potion it is, it has a greater effect on me than others."

"Are you sure, honey?" Frank asked.

Alice ignored him, and she followed a path directly behind the waterfall.

"There is an entrance to the cave," said Alice, "but the way ahead of us is broken."

Pomona saw a boulder in the pool that seemed to have fallen from a landslide and hit the one-man path that had been cut along the rock wall.

"Restored as before," Pomona said to the pool.

Then they saw that the stones at the bottom of the pool "flyed", and the original dead end road became smooth again.

"Let's go." Alice said, and walked into the cave behind the waterfall first.

Pomona followed her, a feeling of unfriendliness set in.

"You are not welcome."

She seemed to hear a voice whispering.

"Come on," Frank said behind Pomona. "Why did you stop?"

"That's my 'talent'." Pomona looked at Frank. "We have 'trouble' ahead of us."

"Are you afraid of trouble, Frank." Alice smiled easily.

"Of course not." Frank smiled. "Let's see what trouble looks like?"

After speaking, he quickly passed Pomona and became the second person to enter the cave.

Pomona took a deep breath, summoned up courage, and entered the cave as well.

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