Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2774 Lament of the Moon (7)

The location of Hogwarts is a basin. After the Piyu River flows through here, a lake is formed. It is divided into two tributaries and then flows downstream. One of the tributaries will flow into a swamp, and the other will bypass the composition of the basin. peaks that flow into the highland mountains.

There are several villages distributed along the river. Wizard villagers live in the Forbidden Forest. They will collect magical plants and animals that grow in the forest, and sell them after preliminary processing.

But not everyone wants to live this kind of life. There have been wandering wizards and smugglers haunting the Forbidden Forest since ancient times. They will rob the Forbidden Forest to collect villagers and sell prohibited trade items. This mainly depends on the strength gap between the two sides. , If a businessman thinks that the transaction partner is easy to deceive, he will use fake dragon eggs to deceive him. If he thinks the other party is easy to deal with, he doesn't care about being a robber.

So for a while the villagers found the trolls and wanted to train them to be bodyguards, but they were not so easy to train, and sometimes they even ran to the nearby Muggle villages.

There is a small town called Trill, but it was called Troll in the Middle Ages. Many Muggle offshoots of the Wood family live there, and the nearby Muggles are not a thing for Hogwarts. I don't know anything, but the school in their eyes is in ruins.

The dispute between Alice and Frank was because Kettleburn won the most disabled award in 1063 or more than 900, and then they argued about the establishment time of Hogsmeade.

Frank returns soon, but the news he brings back is not good, because the Forbidden Forest bandits have been drinking Dr. Lang's joke wine, which can make people "tell jokes" all the time.

"Take them away?" Pomona asked Frank.

Frank shook his head, "They're just drinking in the cemetery, it's not illegal."

"But it's pretty close to the village," Alice said.

Frank scratched the back of his head, and finally thought of a helpless countermeasure, "Let me try the antidote."

So he took out the seven-hole box specially used for Aurors, took out the folding crucible and the required medicinal materials from it, and began to brew the potion.

For a moment Pomona couldn't tell whether it would be better to stay at the Three Broomsticks watching Keitelburn show off his prosthetic, or stay in the cemetery and watch Frank make potions, but overall the evening was ruined.

This is the youth of Pomona. Naxisha dated Lucius Malfoy in school. She looked beautiful and happy holding a rose.

"Why are you unhappy? Who has offended you?" Alice asked Pomona.

"Leave me alone," she said listlessly.

After about half an hour, Frank prepared the hangover medicine, and then he caught a drunk robber and gave him the hangover medicine.

The drunk who kept telling jokes gradually became sober. He looked at the three of them and subconsciously wanted to take out his wand.

"Hold on," said Frank, taking the bandit's wand in his hand. "Answer the question and I'll give you the wand back."

The robber nodded hurriedly.

"Why did you leave camp when you planned to attack Hogsmeade?" Frank said.

"No! Someone has broken into the Forbidden Forest," said the robber.

"Is there anyone in the woods you fear?" Pomona asked.

The robber's eyes flicked from side to side, and after a moment he cowered and said in a low voice, "They're Death Eaters."

"What are the Death Eaters doing in the Forbidden Forest?" Frank asked again.

"I don't know, I think they seem to be looking for something." The robber said, "I heard them say 'entrance'."

Pomona remembered the labyrinth of Unon Wood that Sirius had found, and was about to tell him when he glanced at the robber again.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Pomona asked Frank.

Frank asked the robber again how many people there were and where the camp was. After the questioning, Pomona used a stun spell to stun the robber, then used an amnestic spell, and gave him Dr. Lang's joke drink.

"Send him back," Pomona said to Frank. "Knowing too much won't do him any good."

While waiting for Frank to send the bandit back, Pomona took out the map of the Forbidden Forest. The place the bandit said is a bit far away. It will take a while on foot, but it will be very fast if you can ride a broom or other flying tools .

There was a group of Thestrals domesticated by Hagrid in the forest, but this kind of animal was very unlucky, and she didn't know whether Frank and Alice cared or not.

"Alice," said Pomona.

"What's the matter?" Alice asked with a smile.

"You...forget it." Pomona hesitated for a while, and decided it was better not to ask.

In fact, the weather today is fine, and it is nice to take a walk under the moon.

It wasn't long before Frank came back.

"Come on, I know a shortcut," Frank said.

He took the two of them to an abandoned empty house near the cemetery and checked the fireplace in the house.

"We'll fly over there with Floo powder."

"Where are you going?" Pomona asked.

"Come with me." Frank said with a smile, walked into the fireplace, let go of the Floo powder in his hand, "Windmill Street."

The orange flames turned green, and Frank was gone.

Pomona and Alice successively came to "Windmill Street" in the same way.

When she walked out of the fireplace, she found that it was the goblin's house. The walls of the studio were full of silverware, and there was an unfinished pair of silver silk gloves on the table. Before they came, the goblin seemed to be planning to steal a gem Place on the groove of the glove.

"Let's go." Frank said to the two, leaving the goblin's house first.

The goblin looked at them carefully, and didn't use harsh words to teach the three uninvited guests.

After leaving the goblin's workshop, Frank told Pomona that the goblin had committed fraud, but because he had tipped off the information, he was not arrested.

Then they came to Windmill Street, and the Piyu River flowed in front of them, and there were "windmills" driven by water on both sides of the river.

"Papyrus used to be produced here," Frank said. "After the Copying Charm was invented, it was replaced by parchment."

"What a pity," said Alice. "It must have been very prosperous here before."

Pomona doesn’t think so. The Forbidden Forest is located in the upper reaches of the Pitt River. If the upper reaches are paper mills, Hogwarts is in bad luck. The Black Lake is not only black in color, but also smells bad. Mermaids don’t even want to live there. Inside, of course, the "view" outside the Slytherin window is no longer beautiful.

They walked out along the road in the village. At first it was a stone road, then a gravel road, and then it simply turned into a path trodden by wild animals.

The surrounding scenery also changed accordingly. At first, there were shrubs outside the Forbidden Forest. After entering the Forbidden Forest, because those giant trees blocked the sunlight, there were almost no plants under the trees. Only some grass or shade-loving plants could still grow.

The hillside kept going down, as if they were walking towards the "bottom of the basin". Originally, Pomona wanted to use fluorescent flashes, but Frank stopped them.

"If there really are Death Eaters around here, we're giving away our whereabouts like this," Frank said.

So they can only continue to discredit and move forward.

Even trees seem to have a limit of lifespan. In the forest, a giant tree fell down, forming a small open space. The moonlight and starlight cast down, and the amphora was swaying in the wind.

"It's beautiful," said Alice, gazing at the view before her.

"It was a good trip, wasn't it?" Frank said.

Pomona wished she could disappear in place.

In order not to disturb the two of them, she wanted to hide away, and at this moment a black shadow appeared behind the fallen stump of the giant tree.

"Alert!" Pomona yelled anxiously, raising his wand.

Frank and Alice also ran over, pointing their wands in the direction of the shadow.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of horseshoes, a knight carrying a bow and arrow appeared on the top of the giant tree. There was a gem around his neck, emitting a faint blue light.

With this light, Pomona could see clearly that it was not a knight but a centaur who bowed first to the human.

"Good evening," said the centaur.

"Good evening, Dolan," said Pomona. "Long time no see."

"You know each other?" Frank asked.

"Knowledge," Pomona said. "We met through Graplan."

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