Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2728 The Land of Firebirds (Thirty-six)

Although the tinder bush is a magical plant that burns when it is alive, the fire it produces is not fierce fire. In theory, it can be extinguished with the extinguishing spell.

When Pomona came to the dragon's lair at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, he found that the interns were not idle either. They took the gentlest Welsh dragon as a training object and extinguished its fire with the extinguishing spell.

"Good job!" Fudge smiled and clapped his hands. "That's great, kids."

"With regard to Crouch's death, the Ministry of Magic will keep it a secret for the time being," Severus said.

So Pomona saw Rita Kester standing beside Fudge doing nothing, her eyes in pink glasses looking around.

"Professor Sprout."

A woman shouted, and Pomona looked over, and a plain-looking woman in a light gray coat ran towards her.

Pomona, not wanting to be seen by Fudge and Ritaquist to avoid asking questions, walked towards each other too.

"You're Jennifer Dukan?" Pomona asked.

"Yes, nice to meet you." Dukan reached out to Pomona.

They shook lightly, and Pomona went on to say, "I think you should know the purpose of our meeting."

"Yes." Dukan pursed his lips and looked at Pomona seriously.

"The nursery at Hogwarts needs a caretaker. In addition to the vegetables you eat every day, there are also some magical medicinal materials. The work is actually not much, so you will have free time..." Pomona asked.

"I'll substitute for you." Du Kan said quickly.

"That's right, what college were you from?" Pomona asked.

"Cat Leopard Academy."

"You graduated from Iframony?" Pomona asked in surprise.

"Probably." Du Kan blinked anxiously.

"You didn't graduate?" Pomona asked.

Dukan hesitated for a moment.

"There are many places in the United States that are different from Europe. I have violated the law."

Pomona looked at the unremarkable woman and couldn't think of any law she'd broken, but since Albus thought she was an acceptable Order member, Pomona didn't ask.

They discussed something about herbalism, and Jennifer did a good job, more than enough for the class. Besides, the content of the exam has basically been taught during the one-month delayed holiday last school year, and the last task of the Triwizard Tournament is already June 24th, and the holiday is not far away. Will there be a final? Exams are a problem.

So Hogwarts had a nursery keeper.

Then she went back to the conservatory, where there were very few people outside of school hours, to the kindling bushes that had grown to a foot tall.

The tinder shrub has no leaves, but its seeds are fig-like, contained in cone-shaped fruit at the tip of the treetop, which is inaccessible to common insect vectors such as bees and butterflies, but that doesn't mean it needs to self-pollinating.

There is a small salamander-like salamander that can get into the fruit. It does not have spots or stripes like the salamander, but it is orange all over, and it does not need magical flames, as long as there is fire, it can survive.

After the "fire seed" is formed, you only need to peel off the outer skin to make potions from the seeds, or hatch dragon eggs like Hagrid.

The phoenix is ​​also not afraid of fire, but its size is too large to be suitable for pollinating flowers. She is more often a carrier of seeds, eating the "fire" and taking it elsewhere.

She felt that she could not "live" everyone's wands in an instant like Nick Flamel, and she could direct the purification fire like Nick Flamel. But she found Cassino's notes and tried to find practical solutions from them.

The trophy of the Three Wizards Cup was originally an ordinary trophy, since Albus took a blue flame out of the Goblet of Fire, it became a "branch" of the Goblet of Fire. It doesn't appear to be anything special other than a faint blue glow.

"Professor." Just as Pomona was lost in thought, she heard Alastor Moody's voice.

"What's the matter with you?" Pomona asked.

"Spring is coming and I want my bees to come out for honey," said Moody.

This is also where Moody is getting more and more strange, when did he get the habit of keeping bees as pets.

"You want to keep them with me?" Pomona asked.

"I've always thought the Hufflepuff lounge wasn't designed properly, it wasn't supposed to be a cylinder," Moody said. "Have you noticed the honeycomb? It's hexagonal."

"I think I know what a hive looks like," said Pomona quietly.

"You see, if you use cylinders, there will be gaps between them, and the hexagons will be completely filled. This kind of honeycomb is not only regular and beautiful, but also has the largest capacity under the condition that the consumption of building materials is equal." Moody said happily.

"You want to talk to me about bees?" Pomona asked.

"It's an amazing animal, isn't it? They know how to build a hive without anyone teaching them," said Moody gravely. "And they're as hardworking as ants, but ants just steal our sugar, move to its own nest, not like bees, making honey for us to eat."

"What on earth are you trying to say, Alastor?" asked Pomona.

"I've already told you that Hufflepuff's lounge is like a crowded hive. If the original design is not reasonable, why not use the space reasonably?"

"No one changed the founder's design," Pomona said.

"That's what you think, what's with those pipes all over the school?" Moody said. "I heard there are monsters working in it."

"Who told you that?" Pomona asked.

"You still don't understand what I'm telling you, do you? It's the same as before." After Moody finished speaking, he suddenly stuck out his tongue and licked it.

Pomona felt goosebumps all over her body, and she felt as if she was sitting in front of her like a snake.

Moody then limped out of the conservatory on crutches.


It was because of the appearance of Moody that Pomona discovered the potion of elctuary in Cassino's notes. Its common practice is to boil the medicinal materials with water, remove the dregs, add sugar or condensed honey, Made into a thick semi-fluid, it is usually given to children who do not like to take medicine.

Harry's bone-boosting water was specially concocted and sent by Severus to a bitter version, with double the pain, in order to remind him of this lesson.

Gryffindor had already lost for seven years before Harry entered school. Even if they continued to lose, it was just Oliver Wood graduating with regrets. Is it necessary to work so hard for a school-level competition?

The devil's net likes darkness, not light, and the kindling shrub does not have this avoidance response. After all, it is just a tree, not dynamic like the devil's net.

Slytherin's lounge is so big and empty, it's perfectly possible to live in a room alone, and only share a dormitory unless the relationship is very good, and Hufflepuff's lounge is like Moody, no, it's Barty Crouch Jr. As I said, it has been squeezed into a honeycomb. If it is not widened, the structure will be rationalized.

Even when talking at close range and face to face, Pomona couldn't tell that the voice was not Moody's. There is a potion volubilis made of hellebore syrup that can change or regain a person's lost voice due to the Silencer Charm. .

It is classified as a potion, but its brewing process does not require a wand and stirring at all, only adding medicinal materials and increasing the heating temperature of the potion, it can also be classified as an herbal medicine.

Pomona is sure he didn't teach Barty Crouch Jr., so where did he learn it?

A pale, noseless face floated before her eyes, he looked like a snake, completely lost his former handsome appearance.

But compared to this answer, Pomona would rather believe that Barty Crouch Jr. learned it from his own library. After all, the Crouch family is also one of the twenty-eight holy families.

Francis Bacon said that learning can be used for entertainment when living alone, embellishment when talking with others, and increasing talent when judging and handling affairs.

If a person spends too much time on learning and too little time on social activities, he is actually evading social responsibility and is a kind of laziness.


She heard the old bat's impatient roar.

"What are you doing!" she replied loudly.

"Where's my stirring stick?" he asked aloud.

"Don't just put it there!" She said impatiently.

"Where is 'there'?" He paused.

"It's really messed up." She muttered in a low voice, leaving the shared study room of the two and walking towards his private laboratory.

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