Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2727 The Land of Firebirds (Thirty-five)

The Muggle New Year begins on January 1 of the solar calendar, which is determined by the earth's revolution around the sun, while the wizard's New Year begins on Halloween.

It marks the official end of summer and the official beginning of winter. The king of the forest changes from an oak tree to a holly. At the same time, the dead souls of the dead will return to their former homes on this day to celebrate the autumn harvest with the living.

In the past, there was only a big dinner as usual on Halloween, and occasionally there would be a choir performance. After eating and drinking, everyone went back to the dormitory to sleep, but this rule changed again after Harry Potter entered school.

The first year saw trolls entering the school, Quirrell yelling in the auditorium, and children screaming in terror.

Year Two was Blood on the Wall and Mrs. Loris petrified.

The third year was Sirius Black, and even without the skeleton chorus, the festival was pretty "fantastic".

Then came Halloween in the fourth year, which happened to be the day for the selection of the "champion" of the triwizard competition. Originally, according to the normal process, after the selection of the contestants, it was time to eat a big meal. Who would have thought of a fourth "champion"? The kitchen prepared No one was in the mood to eat the big meal, but these dishes were not thrown away.

There are 4 dragons coming to Hogwarts, and the dragon trainers and Aurors who are responsible for transporting the dragons all come from afar, and the food just replenishes their exhausted physical strength.

The purpose of pickling food is to prolong the shelf life of food. It happens that during the pickling process, it has a different flavor from fresh food. The reason for food spoilage is because of the decomposition of microorganisms and enzymes, it just becomes inedible for humans.

The process of food deterioration can also be delayed by freezing, but it does not stop, but becomes very slow.

Wine does not always get better with age, beer should be drunk fresh, and the more stable the fermented substances, the better the taste. Adding ginger to butterbeer gives the sweetness a spicy punch that's a bit like a booze, and Pomona is a personal favorite.

After finishing the first mission, the four dragons need to return to Romania. It is difficult to transport them back, but not on the dragons. Anyway, they will stay relatively quiet after drinking the sleep potion.

"Passy said that I can stay until the end of the third mission, and he will take over from Crouch as the fifth referee." Charlie happily said to Hagrid, "So I don't need to go back in such a hurry."

"I heard from Ludo Bagman that Fudge will personally replace Crouch as the referee." Snape said while buttoning his coat in front of the mirror, "In order to prevent any accidents from happening again, any unrelated matters related to the third game No one is allowed to stay in the school."

In other words, Charlie was going to leave immediately, but Percy had already made a promise to his family, which caused Percy's nervousness and anxiety. Every time Pomona saw him, he would frown.

By this time Snape had dressed and sat down beside her bed.

"Don't leave the castle if you don't have to." He told her as if telling a child, "I can keep Bagman out, but I can't do it if you send it to the door, remember?"

She nodded quickly.

His hand brushed her hair, caressing her cheek.

Just when she thought he didn't intend to leave before dawn, he suddenly stood up, opened the door, and then closed it with a "bang".

She couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Close the door so loudly that you are not afraid of being heard."

Then she covered her head with a quilt. She still had three months to set up the maze. The current situation is that nothing has started there. She should have been as nervous and anxious as Patsy and couldn't sleep.

But she closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep, as if she had taken a dreamless sleep potion.

However, although Severus could block Ludo Bagman and other outsiders who wanted to inquire about the news, he could not do anything to insiders. After the Weasley twins cured their "beard problem", they quickly started a game in school and listed the odds, just like Ludo Bagman did at the Quidditch World Cup.

Pomona wanted to avoid them, but also wanted to find a solution in a place where no one would disturb her, so she went to the dungeon.

Snake sculptures can be seen everywhere in this underground city designed by Salazar Slytherin, only the Hall of Hieroglyphs is decorated with jackals.

When Albus was a young man, he used to go to Cairo for an alchemy convention, so much so that he missed his mother's funeral.

Only then did she remember that she hadn't told Dumbledore about the discovery of the dungeon.

"He wanted to quit, and he told Fudge that's what a wise leader should do." Severus said with a contemptuous smile "If he uses tactics, the purpose is to keep Fudge going If it goes on, I have a little respect for him."

Pomona listened absentmindedly, slipping his fingers to where his navel was, as any mammal would have.

Although the black vine water is called the umbilical cord of the forest, the forest is not a mammal, it is conceived and nourished by the mother.

This symbiotic relationship is not mutually beneficial, and there is even a certain danger. When the blood type of the fetus is different from that of the mother, hemolysis will occur.

Generally speaking, the probability of illness in the first child is very low, but it is not zero. Generally speaking, the baby will be more affected than the mother, with severe anemia, heart failure and even stillbirth.

But there is another possibility that the baby is stronger than the mother, just like the mysterious man and the woman who gave birth to him in the orphanage and named him Tom Marvolo Riddle.

If she can intervene early, she may still be saved, but she may not have the knowledge in this area. There are also doctors in Diagon Alley who see the doctor for free. Although it is not official like the Knight Bus, she does not know the information in this regard. , did not look at it, which led to irreparable consequences.

She should have been very busy, not only the maze, but also the moving spell that made it float, but what is she doing now?

"Do you like it?" he said in a relaxed, tired voice.

She felt as if she had soaked into the soft and fluffy feathers, and she was about to float.

"We can't do this," she said delicately.

He was unmoved.

"You'll be late if you lie down like this."

He glanced at the bright sun outside, picked up her pocket watch to check the time, and then turned over.

Pomona was very envious of the students at this time. They could ask for leave freely, but if the teacher asked for leave, who would come to class?

"I can find someone to help you with the class." He said while getting dressed.

"How can I do that!" She said weakly, "This is so irresponsible!"

"She's short of money, you can give her the tuition fees." Snape said, "She's good at herbal medicine, and she's a member of the Order of the Phoenix."

Her head was a little fuzzy.

"Do you think a few people put their minds on their studies this semester."

"Then what about this afternoon?" she said pitifully.

"Hang on." He stretched out his hand and pulled her up.

She muttered, reluctantly started to tidy up herself, at least he was very gentle to her, there should be no problem except for being a little tired.

He didn't leave immediately after getting dressed, and when it was her turn to dress, he walked behind her and did her a little favor, closing the zipper on the back. Then he put his nose on her neck and gasped for air, and she felt itchy.

Then she looked up and saw their reflections in the mirror, exactly as she had seen them in the Mirror of Erised.

"Do you think it's possible?" she asked.

"What?" he whispered in her ear.

"Use the Philosopher's Stone to create a new body." Pomona touched her stomach. "Would such a body have a navel?"

She turned her head and looked into his eyes.

"Do you think that's a human, or a humunculus?"

He smiles at her.

"I go first."

Then she took a big step and left her office.

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