Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2729 Firebird Land (37)

The rosebush is a common flowering shrub with hundreds of varieties, loved by wizards and Muggles alike.

In Harry's fifth year, "Pomona Sprout" taught the students the Blooming Charm so they could give it away on Valentine's Day.

The vast majority of normal women would like roses, not the devil's net plant like Pomona. Whether it is a wizard or a Muggle, it is considered a courtesy to visit a lady with flowers.

When Tom Riddle visited Hepzibah Smith on Borginbock's behalf, he also brought a bouquet of roses, and Helbaz had already had the house-elf Hutch ready the vase.

At that time, Tom was handsome and flattering, which made Hepbazz very happy. Driven by her good mood, she showed Hufflepuff's gold cup and Slytherin's locket to him.

There is an idiom called honey belly sword. The cause of Herbals Smith's death was finally determined by the Ministry of Magic to be that the house elf Hutch put poison, not sugar, into the hostess's hot cocoa.

When Harry first arrived in the wizarding world, he didn't understand anything, but he knew that the Quidditch House Cup seemed to be very important, so he desperately wanted to catch it. When he caught the Golden Snitch, he was captured like a hero. People surrounded.

At that time, the old Bat didn't know whether it was because Slytherin lost or because his robes were burned, and he kept talking about how much Harry looked like his father, James Potter.

The Hogwarts Quidditch venue can accommodate spectators that are not of the same order of magnitude as the 1994 Quidditch World Cup. "Perform" amid the yells of the audience, while Harry is reduced to a member of the audience.

There are always various limitations in people's vision. What is even more regrettable is that many times, because I don't have an open mind, I look at the small world above my head like a frog at the bottom of a well, and I am very satisfied with my life.

Pomona felt that Harry probably "didn't think that much" and he just wanted to be happy and laugh with his friends.

It was Albus who agreed to Severus's suggestion, and despite Minerva's objections, let the fourth champion Harry continue to participate in the "Triple" competition.

Now, because of the death of old Barty Crouch, Abdul flinched, saying that this was a wise move, so wouldn't Snape, who made this suggestion in the first place, be unwise?

Pomona wouldn't be involved in such a situation, and Albus would still be a Gryffindor even if he lived to a certain age.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Pomona asked patiently. Severus made a mess of the laboratory, and it seemed that some snuffers ran in.

"Where's my stirring rod?" he asked with suppressed anger.

Pomona looked into his eyes with vigilance.

Human beings are intelligent and rational, and at the same time have a side of avoiding interests, especially in the behavior of survival and reproduction.

People are happy when they eat and drink, otherwise it is just an unpleasant task to chew food every few hours, and even ghosts are happier than people because they finally don't need to eat.

Or, like Miss Fleur Delacour, she was worried that she would not be able to fit into her dress if she ate any more. The Fat Lady also paid attention to her diet when she was an actress, and Godric Gryffindor had a crush on her. After she "death", she can enjoy everything she likes at will, and it will gradually become like this.

Some people think that hunting is fun and enjoy the process of hunting, while others feel that their souls are stained.

Severus hates light like a creature of the night, and if he were to experiment in a light-transmitting greenhouse like a member of the Potions Club, he would only feel pain. Maybe he would fly out like a bat one day and find a place to live. Sleeping in a comfortable cave, every now and then, or even not coming back at all.

But she doesn't plan to dig the basement either. In fact, there are other things to change the crowded Hufflepuff lounge, such as sharing the dungeon with Slytherin, but this means that they have to accept some of their concepts and conditions.

She still doesn't know Barty Crouch Jr., but she knows that she's giving in now, and life will be the same again, and she's not a house elf. drinks.


Then, Pomona said, the glass stirring rod hidden under the magazine came to her.

"Did you forget something, Severus."

She put the glass rod on his laboratory table.

He glared at it angrily.

"I want to arrange some flowers in the house. Do you think it should be ordinary flowers or magic plants?"

"Whatever." He said impatiently, picked up the stirring stick, and wiped it with his cloak.

"Do you remember when Ron and Harry came to school in their flying car and crashed into the Whomping Willow?"

"What are you bringing this up for?"

"The flying car hasn't been back since then, and the garage is vacant, where Arthur likes things can be placed."

He was silent for a while.

"We don't have a flying car." He said in a low voice, his tone was not as angry as before.

"But I want a place to put farm tools. How about we build a warehouse outside?" She smiled and said, "Whatever you want to put in the future, you can also put it inside."

"No problem!" He said magnanimously, waved his wand and used the Restoration Charm, and the messed-up laboratory returned to its previous orderly appearance.

"You want to move the lab outside too?" Pomona asked.

"I prefer to stay in the house." He found a place to sit down as if he had been through a big battle. "Can you get me a drink?"

"Of course." Pomona pointed her wand at the kitchen cabinet, and a bottle of rum floated over, which she used for dessert.

The golden wine poured itself into a glass, and Pomona took the glass and handed it to Severus.

"Do you want to build a warehouse now, or another day?"

He took the wine glass, but put it on the table, then took her hand and let her sit on his lap.

"Let's talk about it in spring." He looked at the heavy snow outside and said, "It's too cold outside."

"Do you remember that time you put sad bug honey in the wine I drank." She played with the first button of his collar. "Won't you make me happy for a while?"

He didn't speak.


"Dog sledding is non-negotiable," he said grimly.

"Oh!" she exclaimed.

"I won't go out in the snow to find you again."

She glared at him.

"Slacker!" she grumbled, then stood up and left the lab.


Just as she was about to leave the door, he stopped her.

"Is all this true?"

His eyes looked a little pitiful, as if he thought he was dreaming.

"Of course." She said with a smile, and this time she really left.


While the Flying Boys resumed their performance, Luderer gave Georgiana an overview of Louis Gruyer.

He was born in Brussels and is 24 years old. He tried to enroll in the Polytechnic University of Paris, but was not admitted because of his unqualified grades, but he was unwilling to go back, so he entered the 58th regiment as a shooter and became a "line soldier". "A member of the

When his father learned of this incident, he was so frightened that he immediately found him in the army and promoted him from a private to a sergeant.

Although Gruyer was not admitted to the Polytechnic University of Paris, he was considered literate in the army. Alps, because he could ride a horse, soon became a cavalry soldier, and then joined Bruner's Fourth Cavalry, and became a lieutenant because of his outstanding performance.

After the signing of the Peace Treaty of Amiens, his father refused to recognize him as a lieutenant and did not want him to engage in a military career. At present, Gruyer is a guide soldier like Major de Seville.

He has been to the front line to see the hail of bullets, and he has struggled all the way to reach his current position. Even if the young man who can appear on this occasion is either rich or expensive, he is also a leader. When he stands next to two peers Sometimes, it looks sharp and eye-catching.

What's more, he was also a member of the "legendary" crossing the Alps, just like Hannibal's army in the history books. At this time, no one has nothing to talk about.

"Ma'am, Miss Alice is back."

A maid under Matilda approached Georgiana's ear and said.

She glanced back in that direction, Alice sat beside her mother in anger, the Duchess of La Rochefoucauld said nothing, quietly shook her fan, and watched the performance on the stage with her eyes.

So Georgiana also turned her head and continued to watch the show.

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