Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2722 Firebird Land (Thirty)

That Miss Dumont from France really came prepared, she even brought an invisibility cloak. Although it is not as expensive as Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, nor is it as rare as Pomona's invisibility cloak, it is only made of invisible animal hair, but it is enough for a foreigner like her to move freely in Hogwarts up.

"I don't understand why she didn't drop her name into the Goblet of Fire."

Pomona said, looking at the Marauder's Map in his hand.

Neville borrowed it from Harry, and Harry gave it to him without asking what he wanted.

"Why does the name have to be put into the Goblet of Fire to show up on the Marauder's Map?" Neville asked.

Pomona did not answer Neville's question, as she had discovered that Miss Dumont's footprints were missing in the corridor of the library on the second floor.

She didn't expect the ladies from Beauxbatons to take a fancy to Gryffindor and Hufflepuff's common room after cleaning Castle Pomona, she didn't expect them to even see Ravenclaw's common room. He didn't live there either, and lived in his own carriage.

The carriage has cast the space expansion spell, not only has enough rooms, but also has a library, if Dumont wants to study by himself, why not return to the carriage, but come to the Hogwarts library?

"That's it again." Neville said, "She disappeared here too last time."

"Take me," Pomona said.

"Yeah!" Neville put away the map, and the two ran towards the library together.


The two of them didn't run very far when they heard a roar. It turned out that Moody was limping over with a cane.

"Professor." Neville greeted Moody obediently, and stood obediently like a good student, hiding the Marauder's Map behind his back.

Moody's magic eye looked at Pomona, and his normal eye looked at Neville.

"Your friend is in trouble now, why don't you help him?" said Moody in a rough voice.

"I think Ron and Hermione are enough to help him." Neville said calmly, "I can't do anything about that golden egg either."

Pomona smiled.

Although you can guess the content of the next level by putting the golden egg in the water, Harry must find a way to stay in the water for an hour, which cannot be solved by the Flying Curse.

"Good afternoon, Professor Sprout," said Moody. "May I ask, what are you doing in the castle at this hour?"

"I'm tutoring Mr. Longbottom's homework," Pomona said.

"I thought you'd be more concerned about Cedric Diggory, one of the Hogwarts champions, from your house, right?" Moody said.

"Yes, he currently has Minerva directing, just like you direct Harry," Pomona said. "Do you think there is any problem, Alastor."

"What homework are you doing, show me." Moody reached out to Neville, as if asking him to hand over the parchment behind him.

"If you want to have tea with Neville, next time, we have other things to do," said Pomona, and took Neville away.

Since Moody demonstrated the Unforgivable Curse in class and made Neville feel uncomfortable, Moody often asked Neville to drink tea. When did "Mad-Eye" actually have a hobby of drinking tea? It would be strange enough if he didn't smell of boiled cabbage.

But according to the current situation, the tea does not seem to be poisonous, and there is no such thing as Veritaserum. If Moody wants to know any secrets about Harry Potter, he can just ask.

"Prank done!" Neville said, pointing his wand at the Marauder's Map, which soon turned into an ordinary piece of parchment.

There are some "secrets" that only children know, and if Harry hadn't been overwhelmed by the question of the golden egg, he wouldn't have lent Neville the Marauder's Map without asking, but Neville wasn't like some Children don't trust adults like that.

Soon they reached the second floor of the library, and saw no one except the occasional Hogwarts students passing by.

When there was no one left, Neville took out the map again, as if he wanted to confirm whether Dumont wearing the invisibility cloak had reappeared.

"Wait," said Pomona, drawing out his wand.

"Appare vestigium."

A puff of golden smoke shot out from the end of her wand, covering the corridor.

Originally, Dumont had left not long ago, so the traces left behind should be very fresh, but she was wearing an invisibility cloak, so her figure did not appear.

If it was Scamander, he would bring a Niffler, as he had done to track Tina in Paris before, or get a dog that could also be tracked by scent.

"I have a better idea." Pomona said to herself, looking around. "What strange thing did you see just now?"

"Over there!" A portrait of an aristocratic man with a hound pointed to the painting diagonally opposite him. "I saw it move."

Pomona looked in the direction he pointed, and found that it was a portrait of Helena Ravenclaw. At the same time, she lowered her head, and there was a pair of footprints, as if someone had just stood there.

"Can you open the door for me?" Pomona asked politely, but Helena didn't answer.

“She can’t talk,” said another portrait of a bespectacled man, poking his head under the cover of a newspaper in his hand, “but I heard someone who went in say something.”

Neville watched the scene in disbelief.

"What did she say?" Pomona asked.

"Can you tell me what happened?" the portrait said.

"Say it now, or I'll find another place for you," Pomona threatened.

"Ha, you think I'd be scared." Take the newspaper portrait as if trying to teach Pomona a lesson.

"Opera omnia, which means..."

Pomona walked up to the portrait of Helena without waiting for the other portrait to finish.

"Opera omnia," she said to Helena too.

Helena didn't say anything at all like the Fat Lady, and the door behind the portrait opened, revealing a dark passage behind. The wind blows out from inside, as if there is a large space behind.

"Let's go," Pomona said.

"where are we going?"

"You'll find out later."

Pomona finished speaking, and with her wand she lit the torches in the darkened corridor as dusk fell.

Man fears death like a child fears going into the dark.

Dumont doesn't seem to be afraid of the dark, but as an outsider, she is not familiar with the secret passages of Hogwarts. She cannot enter after the castle is locked, so she can only choose to act at this time.

Pomona hadn't thought of this before meeting Moody, and now she felt that it was time for Neville to face something on his own.

They made it all the way to the Slytherin Vault, and the students saw the duo with no apparent surprise or concern, as they often sent herbs to the Vault.

"Why are you here?" Neville asked.

Pomona first glanced at the potions office and found that there was no one there, and then she noticed movement in the storage room next door.

It seems that it's not just Neville, she also has some problems to face.

Listening to the curses inside, Pomona thought, she hadn't been to the cellar since Christmas, and Neville had been given all the work of delivering the herbs.

"Severus," she called from the door. "Are you free?"

The cursing inside stopped.

After a while, the door of the storage room opened silently, and the sallow face of the potions master appeared behind the door.

His brows were furrowed tightly, his teeth were clenched, and his eyes stayed on Pomona for a while, until he saw Neville behind her.

"What do you want to do?" He said coldly.

"Do you have a potion of perception?" Pomona asked in a low voice.

Without asking, he climbed up the ladder behind him, took down a bottle of blue potion from the high shelf, and then followed the ladder back to the ground.

"What you want." He said stiffly, and handed the potion to her.

"Take it quickly." Pomona grabbed Neville's arm and pushed him forward, making Neville face his former Boggart directly.

"What do you want this for?" Snape asked with a smile as if he had noticed something interesting.

"We discovered a secret passage." Neville said nervously, "No, we didn't discover it. Audrey Dumont discovered it. I followed her..."

"Get to the point!" Snape slickly stopped Neville from chattering.

"I want Neville to explore. This potion will improve his perception in the dark," Pomona said.

"What!" Neville seemed to be hearing about this for the first time, and in fact he was, looking at Pomona in surprise.

"You have to go the rest of the way by yourself." Pomona patted Neville's shoulder earnestly, "Go on an adventure like a Gryffindor."

"Take it!" Snape forced the potion into Neville's hand.

"But... I don't know what's in the secret passage?" Neville said in a panic.

Snape smiled, showing his yellowed teeth.

"Worse than dragons and eight-eyed spiders and basilisks?" he said sinisterly.

Neville looked embarrassed.

"I, I want to go to the bathroom," Neville said dazedly, and then ran away.

"He's about as good as a squib." When Neville ran away, Snape looked at Pomona. "Are you sure you can let him go to a dangerous place alone?"

"If he feels that he can't face it and needs help, he will find someone to ask." Pomona looked at Neville's back. "If you need help at Hogwarts, you just need to ask."

Shared experiences make Neville friends, just like Ron and Hermione.

"What were you cursing just now?" She turned her gaze to Snape.

His eyes were deep and dark, like a bottomless pool.

"My medicine has been stolen." He said in a tone without any ups and downs.

"I thought you were used to it," Pomona said.

Almost everyone at Hogwarts knew that there were many precious medicinal materials in the Potions Professor's private collection, which could not be bought outside.

"I want to give the ban on the upgrade door." He folded his hands on his stomach, and this look made him full of power.

"That would hurt the kids," Pomona said. "And why don't you already have restraints?"

"The situation is different now. Some outsiders have entered the school." He said softly.

"Like Igor Karkaroff?"

He didn't answer.

"You can't use dark magic on a child," Pomona said.

"If they don't touch things that don't belong to them, they won't be harmed by black magic, and they're lucky enough not to be poisoned by the medicine they made themselves," he said eloquently.

She couldn't understand why he was always trying to antagonize Dumbledore, and what good it was to him.

Of course, she didn't like Dumbledore's approach so much, condoning children's adventures.

"You didn't make it all up in the end."

"Not everything, the bird and snake eggshells haven't been patched yet."

There are birds and snakes at Hogwarts, but they haven't laid healthy eggs in years.

And Muggle Jacob, Scamander gave him the eggshell of a bird and snake, and asked him to use it as a bank mortgage. This substance looks a lot like silver. It has other uses as a potion, and is cherished even by the wizarding world.

"I'll make it up to you," she said calmly.

"Come in." He opened the door wider. "I'll tell you what's missing."

Even if she was an idiot, she knew she couldn't go in at this time.

"I'm going to prepare dinner."

She quickly found an excuse and left the cellar.

"You're not being sincere at all!" Snape said behind her.

Whatever he says, she thought evasively. He must have been drunk at Christmas, and he was dazzled by the charm of the mixed-race Veela, as long as nothing happened, everything will return to the way it was before.

==================================================== ===

Many buildings in New York were destroyed during the events of Obscurity, but that didn't include Muggle Jacob's home, which was brought down by the magical beast in the Twist Box.

Jacob was unharmed in the accident, although he passed out, he was bitten by a muttra rat.

The tumors on the back of Motra rats can be eaten after pickling, which can enhance people's resistance to curses and bad luck, but there will be some adverse reactions when they are fresh or bitten by Motra rats. When Scamander delayed Jacob's treatment, he didn't want to.

The usual method of Motra Rat Essence is to crush the tumor, filter out the meat residue and leave the juice, and then marinate the juice. In addition to eliminating adverse reactions, it also has the effect of prolonging the efficacy of the drug.

Every pharmacist has his own secret recipe for pickling, and Cassino's notes also have it. Of course, drinking too much medicine can also cause purple hair. As Paracelsus said, the difference between poison and medicine lies in the dosage.

Georgiana followed Humeizi's cry and walked forward. After losing the bet, McLagan ate a catty of Humeizi's eggs. His willingness to gamble and admit defeat is really worthy of "advocacy".

After walking for an unknown distance, she heard a whisper coming from the depths of the unfinished, empty palace corridor.

When she passed the Slytherin lounge, she saw the Slytherin students "plotting" by the fire how to spend Christmas.

Originally, she didn't want to meddle in this business, but this is not Hogwarts.

So she approached cautiously and listened to what they were talking about.

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