Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2723 Firebird Land (31)

Although the bird snake is widely known for its snake body and bird wings, its name occamy comes from its eggs, a non-metallic substance that looks like silver, which can be ground into pearl powder, bones, and fish bones. Powder is a necessary material for making Felicia.

The birds and snakes in Hogwarts not only became very fragile eggs, losing their metallic luster, but also gave birth to young birds and snakes that died prematurely, and could not even hatch at all. That's why Rohart took the eggs of birds and snakes To experiment, to make a shampoo.

Around 1986, Severus got a batch of high-quality bird and snake eggshells from somewhere, and he proudly told Mrs. Filch and Mrs. Pince. Two 6th graders found out, and they stole bird snake eggshells to make Felicia.

How hard can Felicias be? The trouble is that the materials are not easy to collect. The two students insisted that the reason why they failed to make Felicia was because they did not have enough good materials. As long as they found good materials, they would succeed.

When Mrs. Loris, Filch's cat, found them, they had already ground the eggshells of bird snakes into powder and lowered them into the cauldron. By the time Snape came, Felicia had turned into a ball of pitch. He was so angry at that time that people suspected that he was going to pour this pot of potion into the mouths of the students.

This time Albus was rarely on Severus' side, but he didn't expel those two students. From the second semester of sixth grade until graduation, they were locked up by the Potions professor. He was ridiculed and ridiculed. If they want to get rid of all this, there is no other way, that is to drop out of school, anyway, they have passed the ordinary wizard level exam, reaching the standard of being able to control their own power and not causing trouble for themselves and the people around them.

This is not a question of more money or less money, but that the kind of good-quality bird and snake eggshells are hard to come by, and they are really reckless in doing so. But Severus wasn't entirely wrong, who let himself have nothing to show off his collection.

Since then, Snape has kept his private collection very close, inspecting it regularly, and it is more impenetrable than a real vault. The door to a Muggle vault can be opened with an araho hole, and the Niffler is special in that it can slip through no matter how small the gap is.

The door to the potions room only allowed wizards to enter, except for Snuffers, probably not even Bowtruckles, which could open all locks, and they were made of the same material as wands.

Whether it's Harry speaking Parseltongue into the faucet, or Ravenclaw's door knocker, they don't need to recognize faces, as long as the answer is correct, they can open the door.

The entrance of Gryffindor is guarded by the fat lady, and the entrance of Gryffindor will only be opened when the fat lady says "please come in". Many people think this is unnecessary.

She could tell who was giving the password at the door, like Sirius Black, and even though he got the correct password from Neville, the Fat Lady would not open the door for him knowing he was a fugitive. Malfoy in Slytherin led Harry and Ron into the lounge after drinking Polyjuice Potion. Let's say a guy drinks Polyjuice Potion and turns into a Gryffindor student, he gets to know the Fat Lady well and asks her to let him in. The fat lady asked him what the password was, and if he couldn't answer, he could only wait, and maybe he would meet the Lord at the entrance of the lounge.

Magic items seem to be magical and alive, but they are different from people after all. The names of Mrs. Loris and Crookshanks will appear on the Marauder's Map. They are not even wizards, let alone throw their names into the flames It's in the cup.

From the current point of view, the Marauder's Map or Hogwarts "evolved" its own standard, which means that all creatures with the ability to recognize can be tracked, and the names of other pet dogs and cats will not be displayed.

One of the ingredients in the Sensation Potion is the Invisible Beast Tincture, which in addition to its invisibility has sentience, able to "predict" what will happen a few minutes into the future.

Drinking the potion made from this tincture will not make you a "prophet" all of a sudden, but your vision will improve, which is why Neville found this secret small room.

"Professor." Neville came over with a notebook in hand, "Why is vinegar used to change wine spells instead of wine?"

"Let me ask you a question." Pomona didn't even look at the note. "Do you think that Hufflepuff's entrance protection is weak, and if you answer wrong, you just drench yourself in vinegar?"

Neville didn't speak, his brows furrowed.

"The Vinegar-to-Wine Curse is something you only learned in Charms class in sixth grade, it's not changing into another substance... How much do you know about Muggle chemistry?" Pomona asked.

Neville shook his head.

Pomona wanted to say that Neville would play less with Simon and Dean, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

"The main components of wine are ethanol, and the main components of vinegar are acetic acid and acetic acid. Their chemical formulas are like this."

Pomona began to write on a piece of parchment with a quill.

"They're all called organics."

"Because they're all made of cho?" Neville asked.

"I'll tell you later, you can see that their elements are the same, but they form different structures due to different covalent bonds..."

Neville looked at Pomona in bewilderment.

"You can understand that they have changed their structure, turning acetic acid into ethanol." Pomona said while using small balls of different colors to represent carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen to demonstrate the process of change. "If it goes well, acetic acid will become into ethanol, that is, vinegar becomes wine, but it is also possible to form other substances, such as glacial acetic acid, which is actually a certain concentration of acetic acid solution, and its freezing point is 16 degrees Celsius, which means that it looks frozen, but actually The surface has not yet reached the freezing point, and because acetic acid is easy to burn and explode, this is the phenomenon of freezing and explosion after the failure of the vinegar-turning-wine spell."

Neville was listening, but Pomona didn't think he understood at all.

Let a little pure-blood wizard who has never been exposed to Muggle science understand that what she just said is like a castle in the air, and it cannot be built without a foundation.

"Ice may be fake ice, but the combustion and explosion are real." Severus' voice suddenly sounded. "The difference is only in the concentration."

"I know, just like whiskey burns because of the alcohol in it." Neville said after thinking for a moment. "My uncle said that those weak liquors don't burn."

"That's right!" Pomona breathed a sigh of relief. "This spell is as 'natural' as possible, oops."

Pomona rubbed the back of his head. "Why did you hit me?"

Severus dismissed her coldly, and then looked at Neville, "Herbal alchemy is too early for you, let's figure out the knowledge in the textbook first, and I want to remind you that you are only in the fourth grade. If you want to be back in the lounge by 9 o'clock, you'd better start now."

"What, it's so late?" Pomona took out his pocket watch.

"Oh, no!" Neville packed his things in a panic.

"Tsk." Snape waved his wand, and Neville's books and stationery were automatically returned to the bag.

"Perhaps before learning advanced knowledge, you should learn the packing spell, so that you will not be in a hurry when you are wandering in the future."

Neville ignored Snape and left with his schoolbag.

"How do you say that about him?" Pomona accused.

"The world is cruel and you are overprotective of him," Severus said, taking her hand and making her stand up.

"What about me? Isn't it also overprotected by you?" Pomona said with a smile.

He kissed her lips with a smile, and then left the room together.

==================================================== =========

Before the sun went down, Pomona was back in the greenhouse.

The activities of the Potions Club came to an end, and everyone was busy packing up. No one noticed that Pomona disappeared for a while.

Pomona called Susan Burns over.

She really wanted to ask Susan why she helped Neville just now, but she didn't know how to ask. Maybe Susan didn't think too much.

"How is your aunt?" Pomona asked politely.

"She is fine, thank you for your concern." Susan said, "Do you want me to help you bring her blessings?"

"Do I look like Slughorn?"

"I know you're not, please ask what you want to ask, and don't beat around the bush." ​​Susan said.

Pomona hesitated for a while, and told Susan the doubts in his heart.

"Why are you helping me?" Pomona asked.

"No, I didn't help you. Although I didn't participate in the Battle of the Ministry of Magic, I still heard that the Dark Lord wanted the prophecy ball, right?" Susan asked.

Pomona didn't nod or shake his head.

"I don't know the details, but I heard that what the Dark Lord is looking for is a family that was born in July and defeated the Dark Lord three times. There is another person who meets this requirement besides Harry, but the Dark Lord chose Harry. , so he became the 'chosen one'." Susan said, "Assuming Harry is just a cover and the other is real, that's why you prefer him so much, even more than Cedric."

"I didn't," Pomona denied.

"Cedric tried to find you several times in the Triwizard Tournament, but you were always absent." Susan said, "You can't blame Ernie and they think it's unfair."

"Oh, Susan," said Pomona sadly.

"I understand, that's why I said that." Susan said relaxedly, "Can I go? Professor, the castle door is about to close."

"You go."

So Susan and the other Potions Club members left the greenhouse.

The so-called classmates are not just people in the same class, but also people studying in the same school, and even the same teacher.

This is sometimes the case, with each generation having better, more gifted students, who quickly surpass the teachers and become professors at a young age.

Looking up at the thriving greenhouses in Pomona, he wondered how sluggish it looked when he first took over. Who would be next to take care of them? It was unimaginable, at this time she really wanted to have the ability to predict, even if it was as short as that of the invisible beast.

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