Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2721 Firebird Land (29)

"Did you hear, Myrtle is crying again," Theresa Buttermere said to the rest of the Potions Club.

Pomona poked his head out from behind the flowers.

Even among those who like to spread news, Buttermere is a well-deserved "queen", not to mention that now she has another identity.

She first learned how to brew butter beer. Many students wanted to drink it in school. Unfortunately, the Three Broomsticks did not provide owls and takeaway services. Although the butter beer brewed by Buttermere was slightly different from the one sold in Three Broomsticks, there were still some Many customers.

Later, her business began to expand, and the medicines in the Potions Club became tradable, and other students could buy them from her with other things.

"It's not news anymore." Zacharias sneered at Buttermere's fuss.

"I mean it wasn't in the bathroom on the second floor, she floated somewhere else," Buttermer said, looking at Zacharias.

"Isn't she imprisoned there?" Ernie McMillan said, stirring the cauldron, "because she made a scene at a classmate's wedding."

"It was a classmate's brother's wedding, so she was complained about, and then she was confined to Hogwarts," said Buttermere, "but that restriction was changed, and Myrtle could go anywhere she wanted along the tube. .”

"Then continue to cry elsewhere." Zacharias said disdainfully.

"No, not just crying, she seems to be talking to people." Buttermer said. "Do you think she is crazy?"

"How can a ghost be crazy?" Justin asked.

"She was talking to herself," Buttermer said.

"Maybe she was actually talking to people," Wayne Hopkins said.

"Who will talk to Myrtle?" asked Buttermere.

Pomona felt that was a little too much.

Myrtle just likes a "warm body". During the Triwizard Tournament, she was very happy in the prefect's bathroom. Who said she would continue to cry in another place.

Pomona wanted to stop them from talking, but changed her mind temporarily. How would she explain to these children why Myrtle liked "warm bodies"?

"Why isn't Neville here today?" said Wayne Hopkins.

"What did you want him for?" Ernie asked.

"I had an order, and if he did it, I could get a Victor Klum autograph," Wayne Hopkins said.

"What order?" asked Buttermerik.

"Strong White," said Wayne Hopkins.

"Didn't we extract some before?" Ernie said.

"It's not our previous one, I heard that some special processes are used." Wayne Hopkins said.

"Do you think the Headmaster is giving private lessons to Neville?" said Zacharias.

"Why?" Ernie asked.

"She has always taken care of him..."

"What special craft?" asked Susan Burns, who had been silent.

"I don't know, I'm just in the middle," Wayne Hopkins said. "Which one of you wants Viktor Krum's autograph?"

"Don't you want it?" Ernie asked.

"For the greater good," Wayne Hopkins said. "That's a famous quote from Clum's alumni."

"You can just say his name, he is not a mysterious person." Zacharias said impatiently.

"I'm going to open a shop about the size of Weasley's trick shop in the future, how about you?"

Wayne Hopkins asked Buttermere.

"Victor Krum and Hermione Granger dated, I heard they kissed," Buttermere told the crowd.

Everyone is not interested in this topic, and Rita Keist's article is much more "exciting" than Buttermere said.

Pomona also thought of another problem, so he left this greenhouse and walked towards the secret study under Greenhouse No. 1.

There is a secret passage leading to the Slytherin common room, which was opened by Severus, and the secret study was dug by Pomona. Almost all the books stored here were cleared from "that room" and put back after Pomona was sure they were safe. Neville used that room as his secret base. He has often stayed in it since the fifth grade. When he is not going to the Room of Requirement to participate in DA training, he will stay in it, avoiding Draco Malfoy and the special search party.

Draco Malfoy probably never dreamed that Neville would hide in the dungeon of Slytherin. Patricia Linnaeus, the treasure hunter who was never just a teacher during her tenure, discovered the ruins beneath the school when she was in Brazil.

However, in the year she was a teacher, Hogwarts accidents continued one after another. Although she discovered the dungeon, she did not conduct a detailed search and only drew a sketch. When everyone was fascinated by Fleur Delacour and the Yule Ball, a French witch named Audrey Dumont sneaked into the dungeon with it.

In addition to being a well-known alchemist and doctor, Paracelsus is also a famous toxicologist. In his "Third Defense", he pointed out: All substances are poisonous, and there is no substance that is not toxic. The difference between a drug and a poison is the proper dosage.

The same is true of the Philosopher's Stone, which is considered the purest substance. When Nicolas soaked it in water, turned it into a potion of immortality and took it, he lost his strong body over the years. , The bones are so fragile that they can be broken when pinched.

Although aconite can kill werewolves, if the dose is controlled properly, it can also become a wolf poison potion.

From the very beginning, Audrey had no interest in the Triwizard Tournament, even though she and Fleur were recognized as Beauxbaton's best students. Does anyone remember that Furong brought a younger sister? Now that Fleur Delacour can bring it, so can Audrey Dumont. She never intended to cross the "age line" from the very beginning, although she has plenty of ways.

She didn't believe that the Philosopher's Stone was destroyed, even if it was destroyed, where is the cup for drinking medicine? Maybe just relying on the little potion left on the wall of the cup, she felt that she could recreate a new Philosopher's Stone.

The proud little witch was soon ridiculed by the youngest living potion master: "You can use the Scarpin Revealing Charm to see what's in it."

Neville didn't know what the Scarpin Appearance Charm was, and he watched Snape and Miss Dumont "discussing" in a daze.

Although Miss Dumont was only sixteen, she already had a level of knowledge that eclipsed even her older brother.

However, at this time, an accident happened. On the experimental table covered with cobwebs and dust, there was a transparent flask with runes scalded with gold powder. Pomona thought it was a special chemical device . No one noticed it at first, until it vibrated more and more, and no one noticed it.

After coming out of the secret passage, Pomona came to the Slytherin common room, where the huge fireplace was still burning day and night. The winter sun does not penetrate the water of the Black Lake enough, and even with candles, the lounge would be dark without the big fireplace.

Most of the students were warming themselves by the fire, whispering, plotting. Pomona planned to enter the Hall of Hieroglyphs through another secret entrance before they found themselves.

"What are you doing!"

As she passed the entrance to the girls' dormitories, a Slytherin girl she nearly knocked over complained.

Pomona had Confounded her before she could figure out who she was.

How could the head of Hufflepuff be in the Slytherin common room? She must have read it wrong.

While the girl was in a daze for a while, Pomona walked down the stairs to the downstairs of the female prefect's room. There was a small pool under the stairs in the dormitory. There was a landscape painting on the wall, illuminated by the light of the torch up.

It looks out of place with the gloomy preppy style, and the picture is full of sunshine. There are some architectural remains similar to underground ruins in the Black Lake. If you compare these Gothic wreckages with the landscape paintings on the wall, there are many similarities, as if the murals were painted before the buildings were destroyed and sank into the lake. look.

Pomona raised his wand and let the water from the pool pour into the mouth of the monster with its gaping mouth. It didn't take long for a puff of black smoke to emerge from its mouth, and then the landscape slowly disappeared, revealing a downward passage. .

She dodged into it, lighting the stairs with fluorescent flashes so she wouldn't miss it, and before long she was in the Hall of Hieroglyphs, which used giant sculptures of Anubis as pillars.

She didn't stop, she came to the central corridor from the hieroglyphic hall, and after walking up for a while, she came to a small room with a light on inside, and a warm orange light came out from the crack in the door.

"Neville!" said Pomona, opening the door.

"Professor!" Neville, who was holding Mibu Mibao, looked at her in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Meebu Meebo, though rare, smells so bad, but Pomona doesn't cover its nose.

"I'll come and see you," she said, looking around. "Where's Mr. Cassino?"

"It might be a meeting of ghosts." Neville said, placing the potted plant on the cabinet next to a pair of dead bones.

One day, Professor Binns forgot to bring his own body with him in class, and became the ghost teacher of Hogwarts ever since.

This Mr. Cassino used to be the Potions professor at Hogwarts. One day he and a colleague were doing experiments here, and then he was locked in a flask.

He thought he had been imprisoned for a day or two, but in fact it was more than three hundred years. He no longer had a body, and could only move around Hogwarts in the form of a ghost.

At that time, potions and herbs had not been completely separated, and the books in the room belonged to him. Pomona moved the books about herbs to the secret study under the greenhouse.

"Do you know how Potato is extracted?" Pomona asked Neville.

The boy who couldn't even remember the password tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "You can use salt water to extract it from the dried leaves, and the essence will be less lost than directly squeezed from fresh leaves."

Direct extraction is the method used by the Potions Club to obtain white fresh essence. The essence obtained in this way is very effective for treating simple wounds, but it is a little weak for black magic wounds.

The fake Moody doesn't exactly fail to teach the students anything, especially Neville's herbal medicine class, if it doesn't take into account that Barty Crouch Jr. was one of the tormentors of Neville's parents.

Then out of the corner of her eye she saw Dean Thomas's broomstick, easily recognizable, with Dean's initials written on it, which was why Dean didn't go to herbal medicine class, he found one "personal trainer".

"Are you learning to ride a broom?" Pomona asked Neville.

"Yes, it doesn't happen that there are Thestrals every time." Neville patted his forehead in the middle of speaking, "It's over, I forgot to return the broom to Dean."

"Wayne Hopkins is looking for you," Pomona said, but she didn't know if Neville heard him, and he hurried off with the broom.

Maybe it was too hasty, he didn't remember that a broom could be ridden.

Pomona looked at his back and shook his head, looking at the documents he had spread out on the table.

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