In the first year Harry Potter came to Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy reported them because of night travel, so they were all sent to the Forbidden Forest.

It was a strange punishment, as there were many ways of being in detention, especially since there was never a shortage of work for Snape and Filch.

Then there, they encounter a dead unicorn and the "beast" lying on top of it and sucking blood. At first, Harry and Malfoy were stunned. When Fang started to yell at it, Malfoy let out a terrible scream, and then ran away. It was Fang and Malfoy's screams that attracted the nearby Firenze, and then Firenze saves Harry.

Drinking unicorn blood could not be considered "pure" even in the centaur world, and Firenze had a hunch that something was going to happen.

Compared with the concern of the same kind about letting humans ride on his back, Firenze felt that it was more important to get that "Potter boy" out of the Forbidden Forest.

For the horsemen, the Forbidden Forest is "theirs", and any "thing" that trespasses without authorization must be expelled or resisted. In the past, the main object of defense of the horsemen was the eight-eyed spider, but now there is such a "thing" . As long as it can protect the forest, Firenze doesn't mind forming an alliance with humans. Also tonight, he will find Pomona because he is here to thank her for sending interns to clean up the spider webs left by the eight-eyed spider, and the reason why he was able to find Pomona by the Black Lake is also based on "the omen of the stars" .

Destiny and stars are often misread, even the centaurs are bound to make mistakes, but these astrologers have seen the omens shown by the movement of the planets, and the probability of being accurate is still higher, but they do not intend to get involved.

The compass can sometimes be used as a compass. The function of the compass is to not get lost. The same is true for looking at the stars and distinguishing positions.

Regarding the design concept of the third level of the maze, Pomona did not disclose to anyone. Only when you walk on the right path will you encounter "tests". Both mean the game is lost.

Albus told Harry it was because his mother Lily left an amulet on him to protect him, and then Quirrell couldn't touch him.

But when Harry first came to Diagon Alley, Quirrell once shook hands with him. If the mysterious man had already possessed Quirrell at that time, and as Albus said, then Quirrell would not dare Just touch him.

The difference between these two encounters is that "before drinking unicorn blood" and "after drinking unicorn blood", there is another difference that Harry Potter touched the Philosopher's Stone, and here The Philosopher's Stone was previously carried by Hagrid.

For an 11-year-old child who has never heard of Nicolas, and even does not even know what the Philosopher's Stone is, how do you explain the concept of "salt thimerosal" to him.

The salt of alchemy is not seasoning salt, or the salt referred to by chemistry. The simplest understanding is the flesh of a living being, while sulfur refers to the soul. The Philosopher's Stone can separate, purify and recombine the three, making Immortality is possible.

But it is not without side effects. All civilizations worshiping reproduction have a characteristic, because the individual life span is limited, and civilization needs to be passed on, so it has a strong need for reproduction.

Fanaticism is both a disease of the soul and a magical tool that can revive a nation and bring it back from the dead.

Love comes close to this emotion, and the power of lust can be seen as a bridge between love and lust. It is similar to love in many ways, and a non-evolved soul can experience something similar to it, but it is often confused by instinct.

This terrible power can make two separated people go off track, such as Venice Carnival, everyone wears a mask, the mask eliminates the barriers of rich and poor, age, gender, identity, etc., people can enjoy equal carnival happy.

Almost every year at the carnival, "Doctor Bird's Beak" is indispensable. He always appears during the epidemic of the Black Death, making people mistakenly think he is the god of death.

People began to enjoy themselves in time, rather than expecting to go to heaven after death. Ancient goddess worship was often related to reproductive worship. Compared with imitating Maria to conceive by induction, or creating a body through alchemy, this method is simple, easy to master, and much more interesting.

The Philosopher's Stone "separated" Quirrell from the mysterious man and did not reorganize. As for whether it has "purified" Quirrell's body, it is unknown, but as long as you have seen the mysterious man in his heyday, and then saw him possessed in the If you look at Quirrell, you will understand what "weakness" is.

It is undoubtedly dangerous to jump into the black lake to swim at night, but Pomona did it anyway. The light of the full moon shines into the lake, producing a different color from the daylight. It is not as dark as she imagined. See the whole picture of the bottom of the lake.

The temperature of the lake didn't drop much, anyway, she let go and swam towards the Slytherin lounge.

The moonlight shines through the closed glass window, although it will not illuminate every corner, but it can be seen clearly that there is no one inside. However, when she wants to swim to the window where she can spy on the dean's lounge, she finds that One question, the Potions classroom was surrounded by walls, after all it had been used as a dungeon, so she couldn't see what Severus was doing at the moment.

Mermaids have males, but Veeva can only find human males if they want to reproduce. Today in the safe house, he asked her about marriage. At his age, it is indeed time to start a family. If he doesn't have his own business, he already has one now.

Starting a family is a stage of life for many people. It is not so absolute in relation to love. Of course, it is best to find a "person I love and someone who loves me" to get married.

But not all are so lucky.

Carnival will always end one day. When the mask is taken off, the barriers of rich and poor, age, gender, identity, etc. will reappear. Although the love between the sexes has great momentum and influence, it can only Lasting for a short time, like a spark, if it is not attached to a combustible object, it will be burned quickly by itself.

It does not have a selfless and deep emotional foundation, at best it is an impulse, like instinct, it also manifests itself as a huge impulse.

However, without lust, it will shake the silent soul, and many people will never be able to experience that emotion and taste the beauty in it.

People who follow the rules still follow the rules, like the tracks of a train, separate and parallel.

So long as the soul is separate, loneliness and misery must be its lot, and lust makes the individual yearn for oneness, even if the other does not love him or her.

This is not wise, and wise men would advise you not to do it.

But like a song says, "I still can't help falling in love with you".

When she poked her head out of the lake, she had already arrived at the dock, and at the same time, the song that had been echoing in her ears stopped.

The wind blows through the glass wall, making a slight crashing sound, which she finds extremely harsh, worse than the sound of fingernails scraping against a blackboard.

She used a hot wind spell on herself after landing, and then returned to the castle through the secret passage.

When she emerged from behind a portrait by the grand staircase, she seemed to see a shadow that disappeared so quickly that she thought she was dazzled.

At the same time, she remembered the scene not long ago, when Sirius Black tried to break into the Gryffindor lounge and failed, allowing the fat lady to hide in other portraits, and Severus used it in the castle where disapparation was prohibited. Magic like Apparition.

It has similarities with the Death Eater's flying spell, because it will form a black smoke-like substance, maybe it is the magic invented by his "master" himself.

With this magic, Severus can disobey the "rules", no matter how deformed the grand staircase is, it can't block his way.

And Grindelwald played by following the "rules" and asking others to follow the "rules".

In the Tarot card Wheel of Fortune, there are Sphinx, Seth and Jackal-headed Anubis respectively. Sphinx guards a huge treasure, and anyone who can get it can become rich in the world. king. The yellow snake represents Seth, which represents destruction, but it is not evil.

In the alchemy of Horus, there is a black snake and a gold snake around the Jiede pillar. The black snake represents the moon, and the golden snake represents the sun. Horus lost the moon's eye because of the war with Seth, and the orange one Anubis symbolizes the combination of the god of the underworld and the son of the sun, which represents balance and rebirth after death.

The rotation direction of the wheel of fortune can be clockwise or counterclockwise. If the Hebrew letters on the wheel of fortune card are arranged counterclockwise, the name of God in Hebrew will be obtained. At the same time, it reveals that the passage of time is a divine law, which cannot be tasted like the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.

Taboos are set precisely because of the deepest impulses in human nature.

There is a saying: Impulse is the devil.

The reason why the taboo has been inherited and developed is because it has played a great role in the development of human society.

But there are some people who choose to ignore the taboos, allowing science to advance, saying goodbye to the era of ignorance and backwardness, the elderly live longer, and the survival rate of children is also higher.

There are questions that a Whitechapel woman who doesn't even know where she lives tonight, and a woman with a big winter belly who doesn't know where to give birth and is forced to sell her family jewels for cheap.

Pomona also felt that she shouldn't think too much. She has a lot of things to do tomorrow, so she should wash up and go to bed early.

So she left the grand staircase and went back to her bedroom.

She had a good sleep without dreams. After all, what troubles could a little girl like her have to cause insomnia?

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