Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2656 Words of Silence

It's no secret that Albus has a blood oath with Grindelwald.

Because Grindelwald didn't hide it on purpose at all, he even wore the "pill bottle" as a beautiful brooch on his chest, and many people have seen it.

Instead, Albus, when Scamander brought the blood oath back, he "hid" it, like so many other secrets.

Pomona took out the letter that Albus gave her again, because the full moon was approaching, even if there was no other light source, the pattern on the envelope could be seen by the moonlight alone, it was a phoenix with outstretched wings, There is a shield-shaped pattern on the chest, which is a bit similar to the Hogwarts school badge, but it is a little different. It does not have the logo of the four houses, but an insect and an a representing the name of Albus. There is also an elder brother on the top of the phoenix. special d.

The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher has been decided, and that is Alastor Moody. As a former member of the Order of the Phoenix, he is more than happy to help Dumbledore "look after" Harry Potter.

In addition, the entomologist Bartholomew Hayden she met in the Ministry of Magic, he can also serve as an exchange scholar to teach at Hogwarts for a year, instead of Severus in Egypt to teach Potions.

Anyway, Albus had it all sorted out, just waiting for Pomona to decide if she wanted to give him the letter, just like when he asked her, many years ago, if she would accept Snape as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

The water of the Black Lake was so gentle that it caressed her feet, which healed her feet that were worn out by high heels, and they were no longer hot and painful.

This reminded her of the story of the little mermaid, in order to reunite with the prince, the little mermaid exchanged her voice for the potion from the witch and got human legs, but the price was that every step she took was like walking on the tip of a knife superior.

"What enlightenment did you get?"

The centaur Firenze walked towards her while looking up at the sky.

She didn't want to talk for the time being, the night was beautiful at this time, the moon was reflected in the black lake, as if she had a twin child.

"Do you centaurs have alchemy too?" asked Pomona.

"That depends on how you define alchemy." Firenze said looking at her.

"What do you mean?"

Firenze picked up a branch, and in an instant the branch twisted and turned into a "laurel wreath".

"The crown symbolizes three meanings. As a crown material, it needs to have divinity. The second symbol is that it comes from the head."

"What about the third one?" Pomona asked immediately when Firenze stopped talking.

"It's like a ring on your head."

Pomona was a little surprised by Firenze's words.

"We see very differently than humans, don't we?" Firenze said, looking at Pomona.

"I don't think any 'people' would use a tiara as a ring," Pomona said with a smile. "They'd be eager to correct you."

"Are you going to correct me too?" Firenze asked.

"Please continue," Pomona replied.

"The crown represents the contemplation of perfection and purity in alchemy, the ultimate product called the 'Sage's Stone', which has the power to activate and purify all energies, but it itself is extremely easy to be polluted, then What shall be used to purify it?" Firenze asked.

"Honestly, I haven't thought about it."

"This is what I said, how to define alchemy." Firenze said, "Mercury can represent mercury, but also intelligence, logic and intuition. Mercury revolves around the sun at the fastest speed. The wheel of fortune reveals that there is no What is once and for all, as long as you want to move forward, you will always encounter new problems, can I ask what is bothering you?"

Pomona turned to look at the sky. "I can also find the answer in the stars."

"Then why didn't you think of that question just now? What can be used to purify the Philosopher's Stone that can purify everything?" Firenze asked.

Pomona was silent.

"Where did you learn Hermes alchemy?" she asked after a moment.

Firenze tilted his head, looking at her with blue eyes.

"Dumbledore told you?" asked Pomona.

"You are not the only wizards willing to speak to me," Firenze said.

Pomona looked at the lake.

Firenze blew lightly on the "laurel wreath", and the "leaves" suddenly separated from the branches, floated into the air, and then quickly decomposed into fine sand, which had already turned into dust when it fell into the black lake.

"Has anyone ever talked to you about Muggle science?" asked Pomona.

"No." Firenze said.

"They discovered a power that is smaller than the flapping of a butterfly's wings and the wind you just blew, but it can start hydrogen fusion and ignite a star." Pomona pretended to be profound, but Firenze said She wasn't curious at all, and didn't take her words as a joke.

He just listened quietly. If you just look at his appearance, he is really good-looking. It's a pity that he is a centaur.

If it was Severus, the few words just now were enough to arouse his curiosity. If he went to the Alchemy Center in Cairo, he would soon be attracted by all kinds of knowledge in it, and he might never want to come back. .

Severus loved chasing down school sweethearts, but he really didn't have to. The more forbidden, the easier it is to arouse their resistance, as if their feelings are undergoing some kind of test.

Severus will definitely leave when he gets the letter, the problem is Pomona, if Albus gave him the letter, who knows if she will go crazy and go with him suddenly.

Pomona only needs to hand over the letter to him, which is tantamount to giving him freedom. Egypt is so far away from Europe, no one will care about his status as a Death Eater, even without Albus' protection.

It was she who let him go. Sure enough, the person who has been bound by the oath for a long time knows how to break the oath best.

What's more, they don't have any vows.

==================================================== =========

Pomona was so preoccupied with this question at the time that it completely forgot about Voldemort's possible "return".

Voldemort wanted the Philosopher's Stone to refine a new body to complete the "resurrection", and Albus didn't believe that he could really do it.

Georgiana looked at the newspaper in her hand. It was about to be printed and sold tomorrow. The headline on the front page was about the fire in the warehouse of the Hope family.

It's just that there are no cameras in this era, so there are no photos, so we can only rely on prints or editorial descriptions to give people that "picture sense".

The day after Theseus and Scamander escaped from Ostak, the Daily Prophet carried a piece of news: The murderous Muggle, Jacob Kowalski, wanted to kill Grindelwald.

Nobody remembers a piece of "news" from decades ago, yet in the Pensieve, Newt's memory is still "fresh." First of all, without mentioning the question of whether Muggle Jacob is vicious or not, even if Grindelwald did not make waves in the UK like Europe, he is not completely uninvolved in the UK. At least the "Daily Prophet" should be controlled by him. This kind of article can only be written under the Imperius Curse.

Kirin gets along well with Jacob, and its eyes can see through all disguises.

Unicorns also like pure people, but they prefer girls, while unicorns will choose leaders, kings, etc., who can bring changes to the world.

Dumbledore would choose kind-hearted people, and at the same time choose people with special talents to perform tasks. He believed in Hagrid and asked him to carry the Philosopher's Stone.

Why Muggle Jacob? He is like a dilapidated frying pan, an ordinary, ordinary person.

This matter... It's a long story, even a pure soul doesn't want to be involved in such a thing as murder, but he was a soldier in the First World War, how could he avoid killing on the battlefield?

There is no shortage of "strange people" in the Order of the Phoenix, and Pomona does not know whether Albus defines Severus as a Death Eater with a "good heart" or a Death Eater with "special talents".

If Severus would change his mind and stop studying black arts, not only Albus, but even Lily would look at him differently.

It's not that Albus didn't lose his temper. After Voldemort was resurrected, he went to find Moody, who was pretending to be Moody, a little Buddy Crouch, and he could see how terrible the old lion's anger was.

He was slapped hard, and this impossible thing was actually succeeded by Voldemort.

The so-called patriarchy is what Albus can give to Severus, and he can also take it away. Although Severus' life was not given by Albus, his academic life is.

Oh, by the way, the children in the school didn't know that Snape was a world-renowned alchemist, but the distance between him and Albus was a little far away, like looking up from the bottom of a pyramid to the top of a pyramid, except for Nick Lemay, There was no one in front of Albus who could stop him anymore.

But Nicholas can live forever, but with the destruction of the Philosopher's Stone, this "throne" should be replaced, but no one thought that Voldemort would be resurrected.

Truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and the Daily Prophet would rather run "Harry is a liar" and "Albus is an old fool" than "Voldemort is back" until the Battle of the Department of Mysteries.

Everyone pinned their hopes on Albus, but he was old, and Voldemort would not be like Grindelwald, thinking about his old love and showing mercy.

Grindelwald hung the bottle around his neck. As long as he thought of breaking the oath, the chain of the blood oath would be tightened at any time. Of course, the consequences of strangling the neck and strangling the hands are different.

In the face of absolute power, is strategy useful?

But Voldemort, who possessed the Elder Wand, was still defeated by "Disarm".

It is the weak nuclear force, which is so small that it can be ignored, that changes the whole world.

Harry is just an ordinary boy who travels in time thinking he can change things, only to "reenact" what he noticed before the trip.

He felt that nothing had changed, because Sirius still hadn't recovered his reputation, but his purpose in the first place was to save Buckbeak and Sirius.

Hermione uses the time-turner to seek knowledge, and only when the purpose is pure enough, turning the time-turner will not "idle", but will bring people to the time she or he wants to go.

Greed is an original sin, but we still commit it consciously or unconsciously.

Fortunately, Hermione finally realized that even with the Time-Turner, she still didn't have enough time, so she cut some courses, including Divination.

This also led to her not being accepted by Slughorn in the sixth grade and accepting the alchemy class, although she was one of the very few students who could understand Slughorn's theory class.

Instead, Theodore Knott was admitted.

Pomona had "reasoned" that it was Theodore Knott's grandpa who killed Barty Crouch Sr. because Barty Sr. sentenced his son, Theodore's father, to be in Azkaban, and He died in that place, so he forced Theodore to watch how he avenged his relatives, and then Theodore was suddenly able to see thestrals in fifth grade.

This is a logical but extremely cruel inference, but she can't tell, which one is more serious than Barty Crouch Jr.'s crime of patricide?

If I don't know about the crime, I don't feel any guilt if I do.

People who want to change an entire country or the world cannot cultivate and exploit dissatisfaction alone; they must know how to spark a hope worthy of advocacy.

An admirable liar does not lie in how scheming he is, or how well-planned and seamless he is, but because he inspires the people and changes the face of the world.

Fanaticism is both a disease of the soul and a magical tool that can revive a nation and bring it back from the dead.

Love was close to that emotion, and she didn't give him the letter in the end.

Or to put it this way, she's always trying to make the right choice, and occasionally makes a mistake, and that makes her happy.

She doesn't feel any burden, it's like being at a carnival party.

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