Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2658 a close friend

Pomona saw a skeleton dancing.

At first she thought she was dazzled, but then she realized that the dancers were the skeleton troupe, brought in by Albus for Halloween.

"Do you know how many human bones are in the Catacombs of Paris?"

Just as she was "appreciating" this weird and funny dance, Dumbledore appeared beside her.

He hasn't started growing that waist-length beard yet, but he doesn't look like the boy in Bathilda's History of Magic either. He looks about the same age as Severus, maybe 30 or 40 years old, the most important thing It's because his dressing taste is quite normal, and he doesn't wear the brightly colored star wizard robe.

"I don't know." Pomona answered honestly.

Dumbledore turned to look at her, his eyes were also blue, but not the light blue of the Firenzena jewels.

"I think you must have doubts," said Dumbledore.

"If I raise my hand, will you answer me?" Pomona asked.

"This is not a classroom." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"So I guess even if I raised my hand, you wouldn't answer my question," Pomona said.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Dumbledore asked.

She hesitated for a moment.

"What's the real reason you made the blood oath with Grindelwald?" Pomona asked. "How did you meet?"

"Don't even ask," said the other Dumbledore, and Pomona looked over, and it was Aberforth who looked a lot like Albus, now with that white beard that grew to his waist. .

"Why not ask?" Pomona asked.

Aberforth looks at his "young brother", and Albus is looking at a mirror, which shows a younger version of Grindelwald.

"You know what it's like to be madly in love?" Albus asked, looking at Grindelwald in the mirror.

Pomona glanced at Aberforth, thinking that he shouldn't be the gray-haired "brother" who asked, but she didn't want him to ask her.

"Why am I here?" Aberforth asked "What's going on?"

"You know why?" said Albus, taking out his wand as he turned.

At the same time, Grindelwald in the mirror also drew out his wand, and Aberforth immediately raised his wand.

Pomona was silent, as if afraid to startle them, when she noticed that both Albus and Grindelwald were holding the Elder Wand.

"You know the 'rules'," said Albus, staring at Aberforth.

Aberforth didn't answer, as if he didn't know what his brother was saying.

"The'blood oath' between you and Grindelwald, you can't hurt each other." Pomona whispered.

"So, how did this all work?" Albus asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, three beams of light emanated from the ends of their wands and merged together in mid-air.

At this moment, she focused on the dancing skeleton.

"I'm scared," Pomona said in a tearful voice.

"Don't worry, no spell will hit you." Albus said softly, "You should know how the spell 'bounces'?"

Pomona thought of Lily, who rebounded the Avada Kedavra Curse against Harry Potter's Guardian Charm, making Harry the first child alive under the Kedavra Curse, but he wanted to gain the power of protection, Must stay with Lily's Muggle relatives.

But Arianna is related to Albus and Aberforth. This spell can protect Albus and Aberforth. Why can't it protect Arianna?

A hug hugged her, carrying another person's warm body temperature. In an instant, she was no longer in the abandoned classroom with mirrors, but came to a cold cave, and the whistling wind could be heard outside the cave.

She felt a splitting headache, just like she did when she was suffering from altitude sickness in XZ. Besides, there was a snowman outside the cave, and the two of them, disciples of fire mages, didn't know how to use high-level fire magic to deal with him.

"Maybe I just want to hold you like this." She heard a deep voice whisper in her ear.

She was taken aback.

"Don't leave me." He continued, tightening his grip.

A power like soaking in hot water spread throughout her body, she felt relaxed and warm, and just when she was about to indulge in it, the mirror appeared again.

What she hugged back was not a living person, but a skeleton. She quickly pushed him away, trying to see his face clearly...

"You should know, how the spell 'bounces'?" Albus asked.

"I don't want to know!" Pomona yelled.

"It's you who overturned my 'answer'," said Albus. "It makes me look like a liar."

"Aren't you?" Pomona asked.

Albus didn't answer.

She looked around for the embrace that made her feel warm, but she searched for a long time in pieces of broken glass, but found nothing, instead she saw a scene in a piece of broken glass.

He held another woman, weeping bitterly, with red, fiery hair and green, lake-like eyes looking straight at Pomona.

Next to them was a baby with a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.

"Harry has a headache," said Albus. "After he 'destroyed' Quirrell, I based that conclusion on. How else would you explain this phenomenon?"

Pomona didn't listen to what Albus was saying, and she looked at Lily, even though Lily, who was wide-eyed, should be dead now.

"Your attention, Professor," Albus warned softly.

"I think, I see." Pomona replied softly.

"What is it?" Albus asked.

"If he doesn't love me, I..." She thought about the vicious words.

"That's not my question," said Albus.

"You asked me." Pomona looked at young Albus. "Do you know what it's like to be madly in love?"

Albus said nothing.

"I'm going to cry a lot." Pomona said, looking at Albus, "if he doesn't love me."

"Is it the same now?" Albus asked.

She thought for a moment and shook her head.

"Why?" Albus asked.

"That's a stage of life." She said softly, "As you once said, people must face reality instead of living in fantasy."

"But there is one thing I didn't tell you," said Albus. "The mirror image in the Mirror of Erised cannot lie."

"Liar!" Pomona yelled, "Those are obviously illusory."

"It's how you really feel in your heart, and there's nothing to be ashamed of," said Albus.

"Oh? Really?" Pomona pointed to the mirror that "reflected" Grindelwald's figure, "How do you explain that?"

Albus looked at the mirror with nostalgia and fascination in his eyes.

"Have you ever heard of the Resurrection Stone?" Albus asked.

Pomona calmed down a bit.

"You have so many questions." She said coldly.

"When we were very young, we used to pursue them together, and we thought that as long as we got them, we could reorganize the world." Albus said sadly, "This is our birthright, otherwise it is What a waste of our talents."

"You really..."

"He tried to implement that plan, but I changed. People have to face reality instead of living in fantasy."

Pomona thought of Muggle Jacob.

"Why did you let a Muggle join Operation Unicorn?" asked Pomona.

"Why do you ask that question?" Albus asked.

Pomona said nothing.

"There are three of them," said Albus. "We can't be the same. We were worried that we would hurt each other in order to fight, so we made a blood oath."

Pomona shook his head.

"Don't believe it?" Albus asked.

She no longer shakes her head.

"A mirror image in the Mirror of Erised cannot lie, but how do I know if you are a mirror image?"

"Wrong question," said Albus. "You should ask, are you in the mirror?"

She was confused, and then the scene in front of her flew away, and the bright sunshine appeared in front of her again.

"What's going on?" the person next to her said in a languid low voice, sounding sleepy.

"I... I had a dream." She said softly.

"Good dream or bad dream?" he asked.

"Both." She replied.

Then the man reached out, hugged her into his arms, and kissed her temples.

"Let me change all the nightmares for you."

"Do you think there are only sweet dreams left?" She teased.

"Hush." ​​He coaxed a child, "I don't want to get up so early, how about sleeping for a while?"

Waking up early, she felt, was beneficial.

But it felt good to have someone to accompany her to "degenerate", so she retracted into his arms and closed her eyes.

Although it's not as "fun" as sleeping in an auditorium wrapped in a sleeping bag.

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