Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2651 breaking point

The rotation direction of the earth is from west to east, but not all planets in the solar system rotate in the same direction, such as the "morning star" Venus, which rotates from east to west.

If it is extended to the universe, there will be more planets that do not rotate from west to east, and the rotation direction of Uranus is even more peculiar. In short, if you just transcribe the earth around the sun, it is not surprising to play it backwards, because this is in line with Newton's second law and the law of universal gravitation, which is called time-reversal symmetry.

However, many laws in the macroscopic world do not satisfy time-reversal symmetry. For example, if a river flows from a high place to a low place, if it is "reversed" and the river flows backwards, it will look strange.

When you spin the time-turner, you see the events of the day "rewinded" rather than "traversing" directly to a certain point in time, and time continues to flow forward.

Just like a broken teacup must move along the same path to return to the original starting point, you cannot directly go back a few hours, but must go back a few hours along the river of time. In the process, Everything you see is upside down.

The position where Hermione turns the time-turner is in the ward. Assuming Harry is in the ward all the time, he will see himself "rejuvenated" backwards, while the self in the chain of the time-turner continues to age, but in the same ward Ron Weasley in the movie saw Hermione and Harry disappear together, and then re-entered through the door outside the medical wing.

First of all, the "space coordinates of Harry and Hermione have not changed". When they reached the predetermined time point, they pushed out the door from the inside of the medical wing, which happened to be closed "just now" by Albus Dumbledore.

Minerva told Hermione a rule: she must not be seen.

During Harry and Hermione's time travel together they did this, and besides Buckbeak and Remus who turned into a werewolf, only Albus Dumbledore saw them two little ones.

We can understand it this way, taking the time between 7pm and Harry Potter using the time-turner, there should be a Harry Potter in "Rewind", he has been going backwards, from the medical wing back to the lake , back from the lake to the Shrieking Shack, back from the Shrieking Shack to Whomping Willow, Ron was dragged into the hole, they went to Hagrid's hut together, and then back to the Stonehenge sundial, when Harry Potter, who came out of the medical wing, also arrived at that place, and then both Harrys began to move forward in time.

After going through a series of adventures, Harry and Hermione returned to the hospital wing again. The moment they opened the door, both Harry on the hospital bed and Harry standing in the time converter disappeared, and The "new" Harry can continue to live in this "reversed" world.

"Two Harrys" are Harrys in one space and at different times, but these are not the point.

The purpose of Harry's time travel is to change the "past", and this involves a concept-broken time reversal symmetry.

During the process of the earth revolving around the sun, the heat emitted by the sun will also shine on the earth together with the light. Almost as long as there is a heat phenomenon, the symmetry of time reversal will disappear, and the phenomenon will appear irreversible, that is, Time unidirectionality.

When Hermione turned the time switch, the sun that had been setting in the west "rises" again, just like the sun rises from the west, the temperature will decrease after nightfall, and it will be hotter after the sun rises.

If the universe was strictly symmetric, without spontaneous breaking, then time would not pass and space would not change.

The most obvious phenomenon in the "lakeside incident" is that the temperature has become cooler, and this phenomenon has continued for several days. The law of conservation of energy is one of the most common basic laws of nature. It is generally believed that energy will neither be created nor disappear out of thin air, but will only be transferred from one object to another, and from one form to another.

And the existence of the law of energy conservation is related to the time symmetry.

Neither Ron nor Harry could live without Hermione's wisdom, but Snape and Felix were not the two of them at this time, and their discussion of Pomona was a bit behind, and she began to feel bored and distracted.

Whether or not Harry could summon the Patronus had nothing to do with the Quidditch World Cup's lax defenses and possible chaos, and then Pomona remembered Severus's similar Apparating method on the grand staircase, which may have been similar to Like the death eater fly spell, it is a spell created by the "master". With this spell, Severus no longer needs to obey the "rules" and can move freely in the deformed stairwell.

But You-Know-Who doesn't teach for free, Severus has to serve the Dark Lord to get his advice, and he has the Death Eater brand on his arm, which is said to be more active than it has been in the past 13 years.

But there was nothing they could do, and Scamander tried his best to warn the Minister of Magic to be more vigilant, but was ignored.

"What do you think, Pomona?" asked Felicity.

She looked at him blankly.

"That's the end of today's discussion." Snape said, "We have other tasks to prepare for the Triwizard Tournament."

"Okay." Fei Liwei just stood up, "By the way, how was your exam yesterday?"

Severus didn't speak.

"Let's talk about that another day," said Pomona wearily.

Fei Liwei didn't continue to ask, and went directly back to the office in the tower building.

She looked at Severus.

"Don't you feel hot wearing so much?"

He was so obedient that he began to take off his coat.

After taking off the dark blue coat with dense buttons, Snape, who was only wearing a shirt, looked a few years younger, so that she was a little afraid to look at him.

"It's almost noon, how about we have a picnic by the lake?" he invited.

"What happened to that yesterday?" asked Pomona. "Why did Fudge..."

"I didn't know beforehand." He interrupted her.

"That's it?" Pomona asked.

"That's it." He must answer.

She wouldn't have doubted him if he had stayed at school "meditating," but after he disappeared from Smith's house party and disappeared for a few hours until he appeared on the grand staircase, she had to suspect that he went to Mal Fu plotted something.

"Can you leave him alone?" Severus asked softly.

"Remus is my friend, I can't..."

"Falling like him," Severus went on.

"Can't teach at Hogwarts, where will he go?" Pomona said anxiously.

"At least he won't have to worry about the potion," Severus said. "I'll provide it to him as promised."

"I'm going to see it this afternoon."

"I understand." He said briskly, "Can we go after lunch?"

Pomona felt that Severus's behavior was a bit cold-blooded, even if Remus offended him, he should not have this attitude.

"Have you stayed in bed today?" He asked suddenly.


"It was late yesterday, and I think you will be tired too," he replied.

"Then you still want to have a picnic?" She said indifferently.

"Otherwise where do you want to go?"

"Whatever!" she said a little willfully.

"Then how about we go to London?"

She laughed, "Did you forget the expression of the clerk who saw you buying clothes last time?"

"It doesn't have to be Diagon Alley, we can go to the Muggle world and no one knows us." He leaned into her ear and said.

But she didn't resist his invitation too much, and they could go to the Ministry of Magic after dinner in London.

But she didn't have any Muggle clothes to wear, even the Fuga brand wizard robes were Halloween clothes for Muggles.

"Okay?" he asked, grabbing her arm.

She nodded, and then no one spoke.

After a long while, he let go of his hand and left the music classroom. Pomona let out a long sigh of relief when his back disappeared at the door.

"It's just out for a quick lunch with friends," she exclaimed into the air. "It's not a date!"

But no one answered her, including the ghosts who wandered around with nothing to do.

"What am I thinking?" She muttered, and finally left the classroom.

In the Prisoner of Azkaban video at 1:47:58, you can see two people lying on two hospital beds, Ron in the red sweater on the right, and Harry Potter on the left

From 1:47:56 seconds, Harry and Hermione can be seen as blurred figures—themselves. At 57 seconds, Dumbledore can be seen walking away. Until 48 minutes, many figures appeared beside the hospital bed...

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