Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2650 Felix culpa

The rain in the sky is nothing more than water, which is baked by the sun and turned into tiny water droplets, which rise up in the air until they encounter cold air and condense into clouds, forming raindrops and falling.

Rainwater, originally salt water evaporated from the sea, is naturally distilled to become pure and delicious, but artificial distillation is complicated. Sailors in the early voyages used this technology to filter fresh drinking water. However, when there was fresh water to replenish, they still preferred to choose to replenish it. It would be better if they could go ashore.

Soil is the basis for terrestrial animals and plants to live on. It constitutes the solid ground under people's feet for the roots of plants to hold on to tightly. When the wind blows clouds, rain will fall, thus nourishing the earth.

Within 30 degrees north and south latitude of the earth, the monsoons and trade winds in various places are extremely constant and regular. It will not be too violent and violent, blowing down houses, even uprooting trees, and rolling up huge waves, and will not cause heavy rain Torrential floods. The hurricane originates from the Caribbean devil Hurican. It is said that it is one of the creator gods in Mayan mythology, Hurakan, the god of thunderstorms and whirlwinds. The typhoon is the son of Gaia, the mother of the earth in Greek mythology. It is a monster with a hundred dragon heads. Both a hurricane and a typhoon unleash incredible amounts of energy and precipitation in a single day, while a tornado destroys everything in its path in seconds.

Hurricanes, typhoons, and tornadoes are all very fast. Even according to the record of the 100-meter sprint in the Muggle Olympics, running at the fastest speed a human being can achieve is far behind these storms.

Humans walk on all feet, but when sprinting at a high speed, they still use the forefoot to land on the ground. This can increase the center of gravity, lean the body forward, and expand the contact area with all feet on the ground. After all, animals are on all fours and can effectively master balance. , and distribute the weight of the whole body to the limbs, walking upright has only the legs to bear the weight of the whole body.

Mastering balance is the key to running without injury, and the consequences of a fall in the game are irreparable.

On the day of Remus' transformation a month ago, Pomona remembered that the weather was very hot, and for unknown reasons during the day, the polyjuice potion she was taking was ineffective, which hadn't happened on the night of the full moon before. The explanation Severus gave her was that the time travel experiment caused time confusion, and the lacewing worms needed to be stewed for 21 days. But the experiment started at 7pm, before Pomona had notified Tonks to get the Aurors' attention and keep them from "spoiling the situation."

If Hogwarts had performed time reversal at that time, as a closed system, the polyjuice potion Pomona drank had a connection with someone outside Hogwarts. In order to cut off the "interference", Albus Maybe let Fei Liwei modify the school's defensive magic.

However, the final place of the experiment was the Forbidden Forest outside the school, which was not within the scope of Hogwarts' defensive magic. According to the second law of thermodynamics, heat cannot spontaneously transfer from a low-temperature object to a high-temperature object. The temperature difference is the reason why the air flows and forms wind. When the dementors from the North Sea appear, the temperature drops sharply, and even freezes the lake in midsummer. This forms a local convection phenomenon.

Members of the Order of the Phoenix who were at the scene described that there was indeed a small wind, but it was only enough to blow away the fallen leaves, and it did not form a tornado.

In the process of time reversal, there is time reversal symmetry, also known as time reversal invariance. This does not mean that two Harry Potters appeared by the lake and used the same magic wand to use the call god guard, Rather, it is the relationship between the object and its image in the mirror.

Before the time travel, Harry gave up calling the gods to defend against the dementors. After the time travel, Harry raised his wand and summoned the patron saint of the flesh. Their actions were not "synchronized".

When you raise your left hand when looking in the mirror, the image in the mirror will also be raised, so that the image in the mirror and you outside the mirror are spatially reflectively symmetrical.

However, the second law of thermodynamics destroys the symmetry of this time reversal, which is also the question that Pomona, Severus, and Felix are discussing together at the moment—why do the centaurs feel that the temperature by the lake is lower than the surroundings? It is precisely because the horse's body temperature is low that the investigation of the three of them was conducted.

There is a monster called "maxwell's demon" that will let the slow molecules go to one side and the fast molecules to the other side, and finally you will find that one area is getting colder and the other area is getting colder and colder. Heat, so it seems that the entropy of the entire closed space can be reduced, thereby reversing the direction of time.

However, this demon cannot be driven away with a cross and holy water. Although the entropy of the enclosed space has decreased, the entropy of the demon has increased. If the two are considered together, the total entropy will still increase.

Harry and Hermione have two purposes for time travel, one is to save Sirius and Buckbeak, and the other is to meet Harry's father, James Potter. Harry doesn't trust people he's dead.

Could it be that James suspended animation?

With this question in mind, Harry carried out time travel, and then hid in an unobtrusive place and waited for James to appear. It was not until Harry was sure that James would not appear that he jumped out of the hiding place and "call the gods to protect him." ".

The devil will not make the world orderly. The seven original sins are arrogance, jealousy, anger, greed, lust and gluttony in order of severity. People are always looking for a way to satisfy their desires, but they will not stop unnecessary sins. Demands. Is happiness when desires are fulfilled?

The memory of Harry summoning the Patronus is also different from the "happiness" that ordinary people understand, and it is not even the scene of him talking to his parents, which was once what he saw in front of the Mirror of Erised.

The wind can be felt but not seen, and the cloud can be seen but not caught. The ancients collectively referred to the changes of wind and clouds and meteors as "meteors". Some people believed that they were all God's will, or some kind of omen.

But someone who pays attention to the phenomena of outer space like Pomona is still easy to think that he is thinking too much. Collisions of celestial bodies occur in outer space every day. According to her point of view, don't people need to speculate on "God's will" all the time?

The superego consists of a sense of morality, like a commandment, a creed. When the doctrine of original sin is instilled into everyone's mind and gradually forms the inner superego, it will become a restraining force, but the satisfaction of this restraint does not mean that it is completely eliminated. Once the outer superego disappears , desire will breed again.

Like a hunter and his elk Patronus, his personal desires are restrained, but those around him are not. The collective unconsciousness pays more attention to the interaction between human beings and nature as a whole. When human beings hunted the American bison endlessly, this huge animal is almost on the verge of extinction. There are no other animals in the forest that was once full of animals.

Individual resistance seems meaningless in the face of this force. In fact, what Maxwell's monsters do is already very similar to the Eastern Yin-Yang theory. Of course, Yin-Yang does not just refer to hot and cold.

The Yin-Yang theory believes that everything can change, and it is a never-ending movement. In the conjecture about the ultimate fate of the universe, there is a heat-dead universe. As time goes by, when the entropy of the universe reaches the maximum value, all the energy in the universe reaches Thermal equilibrium, in which there is no longer any force that can maintain motion or life, that is, the universe does not move.

"Cold" exists relative to "hot". For example, boiling water at 100 degrees is very hot for people, but it is cold at the surface temperature of the sun.

Dao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things. Since the devil wants to separate the molecules on both sides, what is the dividing value of the fast and slow speed? Molecules that do not meet this cut-off value and are classified as slow are actually fast compared to other slower molecules; while molecules that meet the cut-off value are considered slow compared to those faster molecules.

But Maxwell's demon distinguishes the "whole", and the whole is a complex composition.

In fact, there are many alchemists who don't understand chemistry. For example, the grand staircase of Hogwarts, they are always changing. At one point, you can either go back and climb the new path once, or continue on the new path and wait for the next transformation, or go around somewhere else.

Although no one has studied the law of deformation of stairs since the establishment of the school, the work done by those alchemists who do not understand chemistry is like finding the law of the grand staircase, leaving it to future generations to prevent them from missing the opportunity of the deformation of the stairs , leading to go the wrong way or even get lost, and finally be late for class.

The process of discovering laws and formulas is long and boring, but memorizing formulas is much faster. Kepler's three laws were sorted out based on the data of Tycho's observation of astrology, and then Newton found the law of universal gravitation from Kepler's laws of planetary motion. At that time, people generally believed that the orbits of planets were perfect circles rather than ellipses This includes Copernicus who supported the heliocentric theory.

No one dared to be late to Snape's class, and if he could be given an excuse, he could find a mountain of work for the student who sent him to his door. Tonks did it once, and she was nearly sent to solitary confinement in the cellar for the entire term.

This natural transfiguration Animagus can change into anyone's appearance, so even though she violated the school rules as many times as the Weasley brothers, she "personally" was never caught, and Filch always caught other people.

But Tonks can't make others look like himself, so Tonks can't escape punishment. Pomona later "saved" her by asking her to deliver the herbs for her, on the condition that Tonks must tell Pomona why she was late.

Tonks was teaching herself how to call the guardian, and there was no one in the Astronomy Tower during the day, so she practiced there during her lunch break. The reason why she was late that day was because she was so obsessed with the practice that she forgot the time, and then she was late.

Snape was the kind of guy who had Quidditch the next day and risked public wrath by arranging papers. For him, strength is happiness, Quidditch...

Tonks finally summoned his Patronus, an energetic hare. Pomona later asked her what memory she used to summon it, but Tonks said it was "privacy" and did not talk to her old man. Dean shared.

From Remus' memory, Pomona saw Snape who was panicked in the face of the werewolf, but still protected the children behind him. The moonlight shone on his face, not only made his expression clearly visible, but also corrected his sallow complexion, making him look younger.

He is not as good-looking as Lockhart who won the Best Smile Award, and he is good at telling stories. His life is actually very boring and monotonous, but Pomona is still willing to read those esoteric books for him, so that They can only be in one world.

Lily put down her wand after marriage and lived a happy life as a woman, which is what Albus hoped Pomona could avoid.

If she ever met a transformed Remus, she'd tie him up with a devil's web, and wouldn't need boys to protect her when they transformed into Animagus like she did when she was a girl.

Looking back now, James and Sirius were about the same age as her students at that time, how could she hide behind the students? Even Snape stood in front of them, anyway, she didn't want to be as "witty" as Peter Pedilou and escape as a mouse.

According to normal logic, no one wants to be a fool or a wise coward, so why not be a brave and resourceful person?

The problem is that this choice is not within the scope of choice, which may be unsatisfactory.

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