Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2652 Secret Words from the Past (Part 1)

Pomona saw someone describe London in a Muggle magazine: it was a scarred city, even the buildings that escaped the bombing of World War II were bleak and dirty, the smog and soot of the industrial revolution made the One fails to appreciate the surprising visual detail in the building, so much so that black becomes the dominant color, and occasionally a tree can be seen, perhaps with an extra touch of green.

Then there are red, red double-decker buses, mailboxes and telephone boxes, which seem to be repainted by the government every once in a while, so that they stand there like fresh plants that "break out of the ground".

On the last page of this story is a female model in a red dress with short curly blond hair. But even if Pomona had returned to her half-veela look, she wouldn't have worn that dress because it didn't suit a short person like her.

However, she did not choose the robe bought in the wizard fashion store in the end, but chose Chanel's little black dress. When you don't know how to wear it, it is always right to wear it, at least you can avoid pajamas like some wizards With wellies.

Pomona had seen Bill once after graduation, and he had put on dragon leather boots and earrings, and he looked completely different from when he was in school.

Then her attention returned to her reflection in the glass of the greenhouse, her flowing gray hair made her look like a blackroot in bloom - a large head and a small body, black can give people a sense of visual contraction , will not only shrink the width of the body horizontally, but also shrink the height vertically.

However, she didn't have time to change again, and she left the greenhouse after putting on the cloak.

Imagine a scene where you raise your left hand when you look in the mirror, but the image in the mirror doesn't raise your hand like you did.

There is a cpt theorem in physics, which is the most basic conservation law, where P means parity, and what it takes is the space mirror image.

When Harry Potter was in the first grade, Albus designed a "game" for him, which is a bit like a Muggle video game. You need to defeat the boss before you can pass the level to get the reward-the Philosopher's Stone, but it is the most difficult The level is actually the first level, the three-headed dog Lu Wei and the mirror of Erised in the last level.

She has never figured out how Albus hid the Philosopher's Stone, why couldn't Quirrell and the mysterious man who also looked in the mirror couldn't get it?

In the portrait curse, the illusion of color can give people the wrong message, and Bill thinks that there is a space expansion curse behind the canvas.

She stopped when she passed a potted tinder bush, a small shrub that produced a flame like a candle, and not far away was the nest of the phoenix, where Fox was not.

"are you ready?"

She followed the sound and found that it was Severus standing at the door of the greenhouse, and he put on the long coat again.

If he had lived in the Victorian era, it would have seemed ordinary.

Whether it's You-Know-Who or Snape, they stopped wearing Muggle clothes after they left the Muggle world, and were more keen on robes than some wizards.

On the other hand, Lily and Hermione still wear Muggle clothes, this is because they still have nostalgia for the Muggle world, such as parents and friends, they are not as bad as some wizards think.

"Let's go." She said with a smile, and as soon as she took two steps, Fox appeared, and like an owl, it dropped a letter on the workbench where the mandrake potted plants were placed.

Both she and Severus stared at the letter on the table.

"Aren't you going to take it apart?" Severus said. "Maybe he's in a hurry."

But she was terrified of not being able to leave school because of Albus's urgent business.

"Need help?" Severus said.

She looked at him in panic.

Then he reached out, picked up the letter on the table and opened it to read.

"What's written on it?" Pomona asked anxiously.

Severus looked at the letter in his hand intently, but didn't answer.

She felt like those people who wanted to watch a horror movie but were afraid of the horror scene. After covering their eyes and avoiding the horror scene, they asked the person who had seen it what happened just now.

"It's not for you." He said softly. "The principal is congratulating me on my successful nomination."

"Really?" She asked in surprise and doubt.

"Do you want to read it?" He handed her the letter in his hand.

Would you trust a liar? Especially since this liar is smarter than you.

The exposure of Remus' identity is a good thing for Snape. First, the "volunteers" are no longer anonymous, the data will become more accurate and credible, and people's understanding will be clearer; second. Well, Remus had been drinking the potion prepared by Severus throughout the school year, and it wasn't an isolated incident that Remus was able to stay rational after drinking wolf bind juice.

It's also good for Fudge, even if he can't plant Remus and eat Sirius Black to close the case, if it goes well, he can also find out Sirius Black's whereabouts, or at least put a werewolf in prison.

Pomona also lives in the greenhouse because the office is full of complaint letters from parents of students who let werewolves teach in the school.

"Come on," said Pomona. "We're going to Whitehall after lunch."

Severus slipped the letter into his pocket, and left the greenhouse next to Pomona.

While Quirrell was causing chaos, Severus ran to check the trap door on the fourth floor, and was bitten by Lu Wei, who was lucky to have no injuries and still walked like a fly.

Pomona is thankful she didn't switch to high heels, which can easily sprain her feet on soft grass, but who wears boots with a little black dress?

She ended up dressed nondescript, albeit covered by a cloak.

"Do you have a restaurant you frequent?" Severus said halfway through the walk.

"A lot? No, I don't." Pomona said immediately. "Why would you ask that question?"

"I thought you were interested in Muggles," Severus said, "and you often go to the Muggle community."

Pomona recalled.

She will choose a restaurant to sit down at random, continue shopping after a simple meal, or go to see ballet, musical and so on.

"What do you suggest?" Pomona asked.

"I know a restaurant frequented by Bucks employees," Severus said.

"Oh, I remembered, you used to..."

"Do you want to go?" he interrupted her.

"Let's go," Pomona said without hesitation.

"There's a good afternoon tea there," he said.

"Didn't you agree to see Remus this afternoon?" Pomona said.

"You don't need to worry, Damocles Belby will not kill Remus at the risk of ruining his reputation." He looked confident and indifferent.

"I want to go, will you come with me?" Pomona paused.

Severus looked at her.

"You said you were going to London, and I wore this specially." She unbuttoned the cloak, revealing the little black dress inside. "Aren't you even willing to do this for me?"

Severus stood there dumbfounded as if under some spell.

Pomona quickly fastened the cloak.

"What's your answer?"

"Of course!" he exclaimed.

Pomona looked at the smile on his face, wondering why he was in such a good mood all of a sudden, but he finally agreed to visit Remus.

Remus was different from James and Sirius, in him Pomona saw the possibility of reconciliation between the hijackers and Severus.

They are not children anymore, more than ten years have passed since they were teenagers, especially they have experienced so many things.

"about there."

After walking to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Severus said suddenly, then put his arm around Pomona's waist, leading her to Disapparate.

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