Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 261 Truth and Lies

Joining the Death Eaters is a point of no return, and that's not just writing a resignation letter and leaving.

Stupid kids only see their "cool" side, but don't think about why they scare adults. The Avada Kedavra Curse will not cause any harm to people, and it is not even as powerful as the group attack magic like the Fierce Fire Curse, so there is nothing scary about it.

If death can't make some people clear their minds, then the way the Death Eaters dispose of the corpse should let them know what blood and cruelty are. They "feed" those corpses to the werewolf, tear a whole person into pieces, and then stuff the steaming flesh into their mouths. That scene is not elegant at all, let alone the internal organs dripping all over the floor look like.

It was disgusting to deal with the scene after the Death Eaters' riot. If you don't want to be such a miserable corpse, you must not betray Voldemort. Lucius wanted to get rid of the mistakes he made on impulse, but when the Dark Lord resurrected He rushed to the scene immediately.

Harry Potter's testimony made the world think that he was very loyal to the Dark Lord. In fact, it was a last resort. Even Severus Snape showed up at the Death Eater party two hours later.

The Dark Lord didn't kill him, and the ghoul was even gentle with "Severus" because he needed every move of Dumbledore in the sixteen years since his first defeat to his resurrection, As long as the school gate is closed, that castle is an impenetrable fortress, ordinary people can't get in at all, and only those who live inside know what's going on inside.

Two hours, whether it is long or not, is enough time for a double agent to fake memories in Barty Crouch Jr.'s mind, making him think he killed his father.

Something similar happened when Voldemort went to the Riddle House and killed his own father and grandparents. Morfin then confessed to murder when questioned by the Ministry of Magic after falsifying memories in his uncle's mind.

Severus Snape had disappeared for more than a month after the Dark Lord had allowed him to step down, and no one knew where he had gone.

The white wizard thought that he was dealing with the Death Eaters and participated in some shady "little conspiracy". The black wizard thought that he was avoiding the pursuit of the righteous master in the school. At that time, the murderer Calvin accused of murdering old Barty Crouch was he.

Severus was a smart man, he didn't take the initiative to join the core members of the Death Eaters like the Transfiguration Magus sent by the Aurors, and he looked eager to know something.

He appeared at the right time and stayed away at the right time. The Dark Lord "trusted him" and allowed him to participate in the Azkaban escape plan.

Just as August Rookwood was the Death Eater's spy in the Department of Mysteries, Broderick Bird was the Order's spy. In 1995, he was attacked by Lucius Malfoy. He suffered a serious Imperius Curse, not only lost the ability to speak, but also thought he was a teapot.

He was admitted to St. Mungo's encrypted ward, and became a patient with Lockhart, who was under the Amnestic Curse.

If he had kept it like this, maybe he could have survived the war until the end of the war, but he recovered, so an anonymous person sent him a pot of devil's net disguised as a crab claw orchid.

"Now we all know who that anonymous person is, just like I know where Severus went that month. After he came back, all the things that belonged to Severus were handed over to Old Nott. , he was one of the first Death Eaters to answer the Dark Lord's call and show up in the Riddle family graveyard, oh, Lucius, he screwed up everything, and the Dark Lord is so mad at him, he wants us to watch D Laco went to die but couldn’t do anything, that’s how he punished us, it’s more uncomfortable than letting us die directly or be tortured by the Cruciatus Curse, I can’t bear it again, I can’t, I can’t.” Narcissa burst into tears, Bo Mona was thinking of something else.

Harry Potter's fifth year was pretty depressing for everyone, thanks to the Weasley twins for some cheer.

"We went to Ireland to study vampires." She entertained Narcissa like a fool. Earth magic, Dumbledore didn't trust me, he gave the gargoyle's spell to Minerva, I used plant magic to fight in the Battle of Hogwarts, and I used the devil's net to draw people close to them It's all tied up."

"Why did you help them?" Narcissa wiped away her tears and blamed.

"Because I like that school very much, even though the corridors are full of little trolls, I'd rather hear them laughing and screaming than hearing them screaming out of terror." She said wearily, "I'm a school teacher, Ka Brother and sister Luo abused my students, I don't allow them to do this, by the way, why didn't Draco play Quidditch afterwards?"

The smooth-haired Master Malfoy hadn't been seen in the Slytherin Quidditch house team since the third year. Lucius is a doting father to his son, and he actually used Lightyear 2000 for the entire Slytherin team, which aroused the jealousy of those who were prejudiced against him, thinking that he joined the team "by virtue of his father" .

Draco's ability to be on par with Harry Potter, who is said to be very talented as a Seeker, shows that he is indeed capable. Damn Malfoy, it's his arrogant attitude that makes people itch.

"Haven't I suffered much? He fell off his broomstick in second grade and was hospitalized, and in third grade he got scratched by an animal, and I heard that Harry Potter got a Firebolt, the broomstick Faster than Light Year 2000. If he continues to play Quidditch, he will definitely pester Lucius to buy it. If he falls off the broom again, he will be unlucky. He is not Harry Potter. An old man like me Mom looked at him, I always thought there was something wrong with Gryffindor's education methods, taking such big risks in order to win, it was risking life and death." Narcissa started to growl, and Pomona thought of her unladylike appearance Almost sent her desk to a flood of snarling letters.

Although Hufflepuff won the final between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, it was caused by the interference of dementors, coupled with the Basilisk the previous year, many parents questioned Hogwarts It's safe, she wants to reply one by one, how much she hoped to burn these roaring letters with a fire like the old bat.

"The Firebolt is a special broom used in official competitions, and the national team doesn't have many. How did Harry Potter get the Firebolt?"

"His godfather, Sirius, used the money Uncle Alphard gave him." Pomona said without hesitation, she was finally able to explain that the broom had nothing to do with her.

"I knew he would spend money recklessly again. At that time, Uncle Alphard gave Dumbledore the money to control Sirius' habit of spending money recklessly, but he obviously didn't change it. It used to be a flying motorcycle, and later it was a broomstick , and that Hippogriff was also brought back from school by him. That kind of animal is simply not suitable for raising in the city. Aunt Tang often quarrels with Sirius because of it. Where did he get it? ?”

"No! Narcissa! No!" Pomona stood up and screamed.

Narcissa Malfoy looked at her inexplicably.

"Don't tell anyone," Pomona said softly, leaning up to her. "That hippogriff is an heirloom from the Black family. It looks 'cool,' doesn't it?"

"Sirius liked it very much and said it was his pet, but Aunt Tang kept trying to get rid of it, what trouble did you cause?"

Pomona wanted to hit her head against a pillar like a house-elf.

She looked around vigilantly, no one was around, probably no one knew.

According to normal people's thinking, Sirius Black returned to Black's old house, his former home, and he should live in the room he lived in when he was young. Why would he go outside to live?

He didn't really like the Muggle bikini girls he'd pasted with the Permanent Paste Charm, and he'd done it mostly to annoy Wolfgar.

Dumbledore told her that Wolff added the money to help Sirius run away from home. She thought that the mother and son still had feelings for each other, but the conflict between Sirius and his mother was obviously more serious than what he said lightly. more serious.

He actually kept Buckbeak in his mother's room. Animals don't go to the bathroom by themselves. If Kreacher didn't clean it up, Pomona couldn't imagine the mess in Wolfgar's bedroom.

"Compared with Sirius, Draco's rebelliousness seems to be a small problem."

"No, that Greengrass girl is big trouble!" Narcissa Malfoy started yelling again. "I knew Lucius was going to screw up again."

"Anyway, Draco won't inherit the family business. Your grandson is what you should really care about. Sissy, by the way, have you decided what name you want to name him?"

"They're not married yet!" Narcissa said word by word.

"No matter who Draco marries, the child will be born, how about calling him Scorpius?" Pomona smirked and said, "Scorpio Malfoy, if you don't mess with the scorpion, it will not take the initiative." Attacking people, if it gets annoyed, it will sting him with a poisonous needle, which is in line with Malfoy's family motto, if people don't offend me, I won't offend others, if people offend me, I will pay back a hundred times."

"This metaphor is different from what is said in the myth."

"To hell with the myth, I like the metaphor, what do you think?"

Narcissa calmed down and began to think slowly.

"I'll talk to Lucius."

"Yes, focus on your grandson, don't interfere too much with your spoiled son, it's a pity that Draco didn't continue to play Quidditch, maybe he can make some friends in the academy team, he After quitting, he didn’t have any friends to talk to except his followers, and he was carried over by himself in the sixth grade, so it’s not necessarily a good thing if you care too much.”

"He alone?" Narcissa said holding her heart.

"He often cries alone in the boys' bathroom. He's lonely. A few days ago, he asked me to help test Astonia if he cared about him being a Death Eater. If he had other friends, he would I don't need my godmother to help him sound out. I don't want Lucius to take control of the dragon because I hope that through this matter, he can have a little intersection with Hermione Granger and the others. Those three children are very kind and have Tolerance, Harry also plans to name his second son Albus Severus Burt, he helped you escape the post-war trial, Lucius and Draco don't have to go to Azkaban, And he justified Severus, although he is reckless and careless, he still has something to shine, just like his mother." Pomona pinched her swan necklace, "I love Lily Potter, But I hate her, the man I love loves her, but she doesn't respond to him, just like he doesn't respond to me."

"Then how do you want him to respond to you?" Narcissa asked dryly.

She thought a lot about it in her head, and it was all rejected in the end.

"I hope he can live a good life and don't take risks like before. Being a brave man is certainly commendable, but I don't want him to deliberately act bravely to prove his bravery. You might be upset if you say that, Sissy, I I think it's really reckless for him to sign an unbreakable vow with you because of Bella's provocation."

"I was asking what response do you want, Pomona?" Narcissa asked pesteringly.

She thought he could look her in the eye and tell her that it had always been that way, but she felt it would be immoral to do so.

Because that is Lily's story.

"I want him to tell me why he didn't kill Pete Pediru and spent the summer with him in the same house." She smiled and said, "If he really loves Lily so much, why doesn't he do it? He's not really coward."

"I told you, he's let it go."

"He's not Hufflepuff." Pomona shook her head, "I told him that patience is for revenge, and I didn't tell him the last part, that is, you have forgotten when it's time for revenge. Dumbledore once used this sentence The words brainwashed me to be a tolerant person, but I saw Wormtail fall in the snow and rescued him back, see what happened to me, my daughter died, and I may not be able to reproduce in the future Baby, I lost my only child, Sissy, but I can't grieve like you, because I love Severus more than her, just like Irene loved Tobias more than Severus, we Both have been poisoned by the same poison, we chose the former between being a woman and being a mother, I will never be such an excellent mother as you, how much you value Draco, but Irene and I choose to ignore it." She Rubbing his stomach "I'm so sorry, baby."

"Malfoy's family motto says that only those who are confident can be trusted, but now it seems that a little lack of self-confidence is not a big disadvantage." Narcissa stood up, her high-heeled shoes made a crisp sound on the floor, when she passed by Severus, who was covered in darkness, patted him on the shoulder "You heard what she said, explain it clearly."

Then she left the living room, swaying and walking towards the study.

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