Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 260 The Witch of Despair

The intersection of Sirius Black and Severus Snape is only Hogwarts and the Order of the Phoenix. After the end of the First Wizarding War, Sirius was imprisoned in Azkaban. He and Pomona Sprow There should be no intersection.

She was four years older than them, and she was in the same class as Narcissa Malfoy. Although a few years of age difference was not a problem after leaving society, it was the same difference in school as heaven and earth. Younger children always liked to play with older children. Harry, for example, liked George and Fred very much, but they were a big problem in Filch's eyes. She had always followed the rules at school, the kind of name that only appeared on the report card, and no one would associate her with the shining Sirius.

Narcissa Malfoy was clichéd, what she said just now was enough to make an ordinary woman uneasy, and then lost control and said something that shouldn't be said. She shows Pomona that she knows more about the Black family than the average person, and that she won't be able to lie to her if she tries to make up a lie. What's more, now that Lucius Malfoy is probably trying to get Severus to talk next door, the Peacocks are now partnering to deal with the two of them.

The couple reached a consensus on the issue of their son. Draco used to be more obedient, but now he actually resists them. All these changes are due to the mysterious appearance of the godfather and godmother.

It is enough to have a godfather from the resistance organization. If there are two, Lucius Malfoy will definitely take measures.

"He was hostile to every man who was handsomer than him. Remember I had a student named Cedric Diggory? The one who represented Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament. We quarreled over him. Once, Sirius' wanted photos looked better than him, and Severus got angry when I stared at him for a long time."

"I really can't see that Severus is this kind of person." Narcissa obviously didn't believe it. "Last time I saw a lot of people from the Order of the Phoenix at the ball. Did they come after you?"

"Do you remember Kerry Tibbaji? Principal Dumbledore wants to protect the safety of the teaching staff. I only found out later that those people are members of the Order of the Phoenix."

"You really didn't join the Order of the Phoenix?" Narcissa asked impatiently.

"Neither Feliway nor Slughorn is a member of the Order of the Phoenix, nor are most of the teaching staff in the school. Hufflepuff has always been neutral. This time Slytherin is in trouble, so we are not helping you." She looked around. "Where's Draco?"

"He's back to the hospital." Narcissa continued to linger on this topic and said, "Why didn't you refute when I said last time that he was working as a double agent for you?"

"Every woman hopes for a man who can work hard for herself. Do you know why Hermione Granger married Ron Weasley because she is so good? That kid was attracted by Miss Know-It-All because he was willing to work hard for Hermione. She blushed like a fool and said, "It's an honor to be seen by a hero like him. It's a good dream."

"I don't know who is more honored." Narcissa looked Pomona up and down. "I've heard that men are crazy about Veela. Before Fleur and Bill got married, many people pursued her, including many nobles."

"I live in a different era from her. Now as long as you have beauty, you will become the favorite of God. In our era, we value blood more. Lita Kistor is from our era. She thought that the half-giant Hagrid was reported. In fact, only Draco has ridiculed him in public, and this is because he is not beautiful, and he is too tall, which is very conspicuous at first glance. The boys in Furong's whole school are crazy about her. In the past, we were the targets of sex hunting, and we were exhibited like prizes." She said in a low tone, "He made my compound soup for me, and he needed a beautiful dance partner that day, and I happened to have one. Kong, I went with him, anyway, it's a matter of little effort."

"I still can't accept that my son is being discriminated against because of that sign on his arm." Narcissa held her head, looking like she was about to faint, "He is so handsome and rich, yet he still has to worry about it." No woman would marry him."

"This is a crazy world, Sissy, Severus is coming back this time to deal with the problem of being discriminated against for having the Dark Mark. People's concepts and prejudices are hard to correct. You think Muggles are ants, Kerry Tibbaji thinks they are very powerful, and they are worth learning from wizards. She is a Muggle studies teacher arranged by Dumbledore. Astonia's pro-Muggle concept may be influenced by her. She doesn't know about silence, I don’t know about the Eliminator, and Bubaji also supports the marriage of werewolves and humans. She thought that all werewolves are as gentle and kind as Professor Lupin.” Pomona sneered, “I like Lupine’s personality, but I don’t support him. With Tonks, she is also a student of my college, your sister is forced to marry a Muggle, and she is completely making trouble for herself."

"I knew you would definitely not agree to this marriage. What is she thinking?" Narcissa said angrily, "A Blake married a werewolf, does she still think our reputation is not bad enough?"

Tonks' father was a Muggle, and it seemed that Narcissa thought all of the talents of Transfiguration Magus were Andromeda's.

"At least because of her we understand one thing, the lineage of werewolves does not continue through blood." Pomona wants to smoke very much now, and Molly will beat her up when she sees it. "Teddy is fine now, Harry Potter is His godfather, even if you don't visit him, he is doing well, and I know you have a lot to worry about."

"I was very disappointed with Lucius at the time, because of his mistake, the prophecy ball not only failed to bring back, but also hit him. The Dark Lord sent Draco to carry out that mission without even thinking of success. He never thought of it. Wanted my son, my only son's life from the start, and I was cornered, Pomona, I don't know who to turn to except Severus, my relatives, they are unreliable, and they I also have no interest in restoring the Black family, only you and I believe that Regulus may still be alive, Lucius persuaded me to give up, I don't know if I should continue."

"Sissy, have you ever wondered why the Dark Lord appeared?" Pomona leaned on the sofa, stroking her belly, "There was a woman from the Gaunt family who was pregnant and desperate, and the only valuable thing on her body was The ancestral locket, Bok Bokin is really a shrewd businessman, he bought the priceless Slytherin locket for only 10 Galleons, that money doesn’t take much time at all, I heard Dela Coe is helping the orphans of those Death Eater families?"

"When the Dark Lord was still in his head, although this time was rare, he did explain that to protect the offspring of pure-blood families, he gave Severus a sum of money to help those impoverished pure-blood families. Blood wizards, Spider's End are suitable for people with that status. Later, Draco took over this matter, still using the money left by the Dark Lord, as long as those adult pure-blood wizards are willing to raise other people's children. I will give them a sum of gold, so they won’t be sent to a place like an orphanage.” Narcissa smiled wryly and shook her head, “The Dark Lord has stayed in an orphanage, and I think he probably knows what an orphanage is like better than anyone else. I also thought about opening an orphanage, and Draco told me that I don't need to worry about it, he will take care of it."

Pomona thought of herself. Hogwarts students went to a boarding school. They were children with parents. She was physically and mentally exhausted taking care of them, let alone the nurses in the orphanage.

"Do you collect chocolate frog pictures? Sissy," said Pomona. The Witch Association, which provides help to witches who live in poverty, encounter relationship problems, or other misfortunes. Unfortunately, this organization ended in 1900. If the woman from the Gaunt family asked them for help, they would not help them. There was a tragedy that followed."

Pomona felt her belly again, it was flat now, and she was terrified of having a dystocia because she was so small.

"Every woman makes a wrong choice. The children of witches are likely to be gifted with magic. Muggles don't necessarily have to learn everything. Their society is very indifferent. I don't want the wizarding world to become Like them, there is only a relationship of interest between people."

"Because Hufflepuff doesn't distinguish friend from foe by benefit?" Narcissa Malfoy said with a smile.

"That's right, do the right thing because it's right, women should help women, not hurt each other for men."

That's why she hated Severus, because he made her the kind of stupid woman who could fight with her best friend for a boyfriend and turn against each other.

"I haven't asked you yet, how did you and Lily meet?"

"Slughorn appreciates her, she's a frequent visitor to the conservatory, and she's very gifted." She avoided Narcissa's gaze, her chisel-like eyes seemed to chip through her disguise.

"That's it. When Lucius lied to me, everything sounded well-reasoned and unassailable. You are not a good actor, Pomona, although you try your best." Narcissa smiled and said, "But there is one thing I believe that if Draco gets hurt, Severus breaks his oath, then you will be cursed by my sister, he suffers as much as I suffer, he even knows my heart better than my husband Feeling, how are you feeling now, Pomona?"

"Of course it's great, my dear," said Pomona with a half-smile.

"Friendship obtained in a situation where there is no interest relationship is very sincere, but it often cannot stand the test. The interests are not only money, but also other things. For example, your Severus, you are not willing to marry him with other people." women share, right?"

"Narcissa, your accent really sounds like Malfoy."

"I am a woman from the Malfoy family. Of course I speak in this tone. I like you very much, Pomona. You are smarter than many noble ladies I have met, but you are easy to be stupid when you encounter Severus. He is a Poor man, I have suffered a lot, so I will not play tricks on you anymore. It is written in Malfoy's family training that the person who knows you best is not your friend, but your enemy. This is my position. Anyone who dares to hurt Germany People in Laco are my enemies. Treat Draco as your only son and you will know why I love him so much. In my eyes, he will always be a child. If you don't want Severus to be hurt, Be careful about my son, don't cuddle in front of me all day."

Pomona glared at Narcissa, and Narcissa stared back unabashedly, just like two natural enemies, a badger and a snake, stared at each other.

The Slytherin boys are very cute, did the girls from Badger House get their consent when they came to rob?

Even the dean is confused, no wonder other colleges treat him as a trash college.

So growl, honey badgers, and show others your tusks!

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