Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 262 Hunter and Prey

Flying is the dream of human beings. In order to achieve this dream, human beings have spent countless energy and money. Muggles have made airplanes, and wizards have used various magical tools such as brooms, as well as various magical animals.

But the Death Eaters are the only ones who have really broken through the limits of human beings and achieved human power, and not the Animagus birds. The effect of the black smoke sweeping across the sky is very conspicuous during the day.

The Dark Lord was charming when he wasn't mad, and he was indeed one of the finest wizards alive.

The power of darkness must be mobilized by negative emotions, such as anger, killing intent, pain, etc. The more suppressed it is, the more terrifying it is when it is released. Moran is this kind of dark creature produced by extreme depression. They live in the body of the silent person. When the little wizard's emotions and spirits reach the breaking point, the Obscure will lose control of his body, and the Obscurity will be released to form an almost invisible wind.

Now Severus wasn't released as silently, but Pomona was still shivering from the pressure.

Who would have thought that the chief disciple of the black wizard and the disciple of the white wizard slept together, and the disciple of the black wizard became the closed disciple of the white wizard, the life of Severus Snape was so full of drama.

In most cases, he was very cautious, but he also made mistakes or omissions. Why didn't he kill Wormtail?

He didn't notice it himself, and Pomona didn't think about it, but Narcissa Malfoy saw it right away. She felt that he had to take some time to figure out what he was thinking at the time, so she also waited patiently. She had been waiting for thirty-four years, not so short of a while.

Devil's net was not a rare magical plant, and it never occurred to her that the crab claw orchid that St. Mungo's murder had caused came from her nursery.

What he did was very simple. He solved the follow-up matter for Lucius Malfoy. The Imperius Curse was very strong, but not so strong that it could not be reversed. Once the employee of the Ministry of Magic woke up, he would identify Lucius. It is inevitable to be caught in Azkaban. If Voldemort's plan is revealed after interrogation, then Draco and Narcissa will be in danger.

In order to protect the people he cares about, killing people who have nothing to do with him is very in line with Slytherin's usual style. It’s just that he probably doesn’t know that the man who committed suicide and the woman who pretended to be her are lovers. That poor woman cooperates with the colleague who killed her lover, but she still wants to play an optimistic and fair image. in hell.

It was this person with blood on his hands, he had been intimate with her, and he had studied all the secrets about her except the brain. Purity is getting farther and farther away from her, but the abyss of depravity is getting closer and closer to her. Lily, who represents sunshine and nature, is becoming her enemy. She is really getting worse and worse. She lived in peace with the other, and said so many bad things about Remus, but she really thought so, because she fought him.

"Wormtail said he wanted to do a dangerous mission." After a long time, Severus said, "The kind that can compete with the Dark Lord, if you want to take risks, why not do it in the Order of the Phoenix? The Dark Lord asked me to take care of it." Those pure-blood nobles who lost their power are buying people's hearts, which is why he was able to recruit so many soldiers so quickly in his second rise. Muggleborns lost their jobs and ended up living on the streets. People can laugh at them in turn, just like they used to despise homeless people for being lazy and unseemly." He said in a low, silky voice, "Wormtail was sent by the Dark Lord to help me, and I've known it since a long time ago. He has a hairy heart, he thinks I'm like him, that woman, Lily Potter, I don't care anymore, he calls me wise, so I can continue to be his 'servant', and Wormtail is a servant's Servant, this is what he got after betraying Lily and James Potter, what a pathetic person."

He suddenly stood up from the opposite sofa, then sat next to her, and said with a smile, "I almost lost everything too, Pomona, Dumbledore is a saint who lives by memory, he wants me to be like him, I also live by memory, he uses Earl's mirror, I use a Pensieve, he is a great wizard, but unfortunately I can't be as great as him, sacrifice my own happiness to make others happy, the rune is Odin, the father of the gods, hung himself upside down on a tree for nine days and nine nights, and exchanged the knowledge for one eye, just like the man who hangs upside down in the Tarot card, when I was hung upside down by James Potter I didn't think about sacrifice when I was in the bell, I just felt a lot of anger, and then I hurt someone who was good to me with my words, she stood up for me, I am very grateful to her, but she didn't make me stronger , I don’t have the same family affairs as Draco Malfoy, and I don’t have the support of relatives like Sirius Black. I can only rely on myself to get ahead. The family motto of the Malfoy family is very interesting. Sometimes you have to be cruel to see the reality clearly Sirius Black is too naive, that's why he can't always see clearly. Fate is unfair. When he was lucky, I didn't hear him complain about unfair fate. Every time he opened his mouth, I couldn't help but want to ridicule him. I feel good, do you know when I felt I had to get rid of him? He invited you to the dance with him, and when he got his name back, he could be the head of the Black family again, rich and handsome and well-born , as long as I think that I am desperately fighting on the front line in the ice and snow, but he is hiding in the safe back to seduce my woman, I will be very angry. If the enemy makes you angry, it means that you are not sure that you can win him. I have worked so hard for so many years What he got is not as much as he was born with, how ridiculous it is, fate is so unfair."

He laughed nervously, as if he had encountered something ridiculous.

"I can ignore Wormtail for the sake of the overall situation, but I can't let go of Sirius Black. I don't want to wait for fate like him. I want to control my own destiny. There are some things that you will never know how far you can go until you try them. Someone in the Order of the Phoenix used to say that that stupid dog couldn't stand the life of a double agent, so he finally took refuge in the Dark Lord and betrayed James Potter. I want to prove that I can do better than him, and all the plans have been successfully completed. , including encouraging Harry Potter to die, I am more useful than Sirius Black, he can do nothing right, his family, brother, and even the heir, the Black family is ended in his hands, he passed on his inheritance To a person with a foreign surname, he can designate a collateral line after the direct line is severed, he did this on purpose, because he doesn't want to be a Black at all."

Pomona watched his fierce eyes weep.

Nymphadora Tonks doesn't want to be a member of the Black family either. What's wrong with being Black?

"You are the woman of my family. I will protect you with my whole life. No matter what I face, I will protect my treasure and never give up."

What he just said was the seventy-four rules of Slytherin, cherish your love, guard your treasures, and never give up.

It had never occurred to Severus Snape to be sorted into another house, since before he boarded the Hogwarts Express.

The Snake King is sacred and inviolable, which is why the Dark Lord made those proud pure-blood nobles willingly kneel and kiss his robes. Only a real Slytherin would understand.

From a small Slytherin snake, he gradually became a big snake, and now he broke free from the cage that imprisoned him in the end, spread his bat wings and began to fly.

"How do you say you look like a dragon." Pomona cried and laughed, she felt like the golden egg guarded by the dragon.

"Hungarian treetops," he said, smiling, getting closer to her. "I hear the Norwegian spineback is as aggressive as it is."

"And the female dragon is more vicious than the male dragon. Hagrid made a mistake. Norbert should be Norbeta."

"I know it's safer to find a wild dragon at random, but I want Nobeta to fight Lu Wei. If Lu Wei loses, I will change Nobeta to guard Gringotts."

Compared to Lu Wei, who likes to sleep, Nobetta, who likes to fly, will be very unhappy being locked underground.

"Okay, Headmaster." She said softly, and then she was kissed, Dumbledore would never kiss her like that, what she saw in her eyes was fluffy black hair and a hooked nose, she was more sure This man is the prophesied master.

As to what exactly the scar on Harry Potter's forehead was, she would have to think about it later.

"Hmm~" She made a short and blurred voice, which sounded extremely charming.

A real hunter is one who is good at waiting and can withstand the cunning test of the prey. She has woven that trap for thirty years, and it is time to close the net.

Who told her that she was a devil's net disguised as a crab claw orchid, she really liked this magical plant that was good at camouflage.

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