Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2593 Dwarf and Cupid

Feliway's office was in a room on the seventh floor of the west tower, from where the windows overlooked the entire west tower garden and the walled garden. His door is always open and anyone is welcome to ask him questions.

At the same time, his bedroom is next door to the office. After becoming the dean, he rarely has the chance to go home. Of course, the premise is that he has a home. Sita is very close to the owl hut, and it feels a bit lonely, but Felix actually has many friends. After arriving at the scene, many people greeted Felix. This is what Pomona and Severus never went out with. No experience.

"Felius, who is this young man?" Birdy Bott, the inventor of Bibi's multi-flavored beans, looked at Cedric for a while, and then asked loudly.

"This is Cedric Diggory, from Hufflepuff College." Feliway introduced.

"It's an honor to meet you, sir." Cedric immediately shook Birdie Bot's hand.

"What did you bring him for?" Birdie Bot asked Felicity.

"Come and learn how to be an accomplished man, sir," said Cedric.

Birdy Bott smiled and took a puff on his cigar, "Your professors are very accomplished and worth learning from. Oh, I heard that the young Slytherin head is going to participate in the potion competition this year."

"That's right, the principal asked him to get ready before the game, so I came here." Fei Liwei said with his neck raised, "Why didn't you prepare some chairs, it's so tiring to stand and talk."

"Why don't you just float yourself like you did in class?" asked Birdie Bott.

Then the two laughed together.

Pomona had absolutely no idea what their jokes were about.

"Is that the former Minister of Magic, Millicent Bagnor?" Amos Diggory said, looking at a woman not far away, "and next to her is Laurencia Flatworker."

Pomona looked in the direction he was looking, and it was indeed the Minister of Magic who said "I firmly uphold everyone's right to indulge in carnival" after the defeat of the mysterious man, as well as the famous Pegasus breeder and horse racer. As wizards were celebrating the end of the war, there had been numerous breaches of the International Statute of Secrecy, which had been involved in strictly regulating the use of broomsticks on the grounds that broomsticks would increase the risk of exposure to the wizarding world. After all, a flying broomstick is much cheaper than a flying horse, and the maintenance cost is also low. It is easy to be popularized, and children can also fly around on it.

"Would you like to come over and say hello?" Pomona asked Amos.

"Yes," said Amos, handing the drink to Cedric. "Hold it for me, son."

Pomona took the unfinished glass of wine and placed it directly on a tray in the hands of a waiter.

"You want to go to Bibi's Beans after graduation?" Pomona asked.

Cedric did not answer, still maintaining a "smirk".

"Then let's go." After she finished speaking, she took Cedric away directly.

This is her inherent way of acting, and she has never been conscious of being a "female companion".

"Hi, Pomona!"

Just as she was looking for the "target", someone stopped her.

She turned her head and saw it was Guspard Singleton. He is in the same class as Sirius and Snape, but he has already been on the Chocolate Frog Card, not like Greta, whose family owns shares in the Chocolate Frog Company, but because he invented the automatic stirring crucible, and he was born at a young age. It's in the history of magic.

"Hello, Mr. Singleton," said Pomona politely, "what can I do for you?"

"I'm looking for Severus, have you seen him?" Singleton asked.

Pomona kept smiling. "He didn't come today."

"Oh, why?" Singleton asked in surprise.

"Headmaster Dumbledore asked him to prepare for the upcoming match," Pomona said.

"Is he sure?" Singleton asked with concern, so earnest that Pomona wondered if he was betting on Severus.

Just as they were "talking", the light dimmed, and then a vampire was seen walking to the center of the stage, next to him was Greta, and the two sang an opera together, Schubert's "Magic". Flute, Greta plays Queen of the Night.

At the entrance of the Gryffindor lounge, Pomona and the others, as well as the Fat Lady, had learned her singing voice, and she really sang well, and the coloratura soprano was already suitable for showing off her skills.

After the "Queen" finished singing, the scene was bright again, and then Greta spoke to everyone in a sweet voice.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor to be with all of you tonight."

She said emotionally, her tone was so contrived that it made people feel nauseous.

"This summer will be unforgettable, not only because Britain has hosted the new World Cup for the first time in 30 years, but also because of our friends who came from afar." Greta pointed to another direction of the venue, those The faces were so serious that Pomona almost thought they were coming to the funeral.

"Why hasn't the World Cup been held in 30 years?" Cedric asked in Pomona's ear.

"Because the Mysterious Man started to rise at that time, and everyone just experienced a Dark Lord." Pomona also said in Cedric's ear, "Gellert Grindelwald."

"I've seen his name in the history books." Cedric said, "He and Principal Dumbledore are still familiar."

"No, you don't understand, we can say Grindelwald's name, but we can't say the name of the mysterious man." Pomona said a little excitedly, "They are two types of Dark Lords!"

Cedric didn't understand, and Pomona didn't explain much to him, since he hadn't been in the war after all.

He belonged to a happy generation, like Phoebe and Joy, who lived in the peaceful Muggle world after World War II, and the Wizarding Wars had just ended when they entered school.

But that wasn't really the end, and even though many of the restrictions under the Dark Lord had been lifted with his death, people still couldn't help but wonder when he would come back when celebrating his victory, so that he would continue Call him by the name of the mysterious man.

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Pure-blood nobles such as Labastine Lestrange and Caroline Lestrange left France shortly after the outbreak of the Great Revolution and became exiles, so they did not know that the Food Processing Bureau of the French Ministry of Magic Or something, but the French Ministry of Magic staff who heard Georgiana's bell coming in knew it.

Paris is a city of luxury, a greenhouse that cultivates all the elegant and luxurious life in Europe, but once the glass dome shatters, lovers from all walks of life will follow, and all kinds of delicate plants will wither, replaced by the front row of bakeries There are long lines of hungry people and a large number of deserters, as well as "adventurers" with a keen sense of smell.

These people include but are not limited to mercenaries from the United States, and their job is to arrest members of the Royalist Party. Not all nobles are royalists, but wizards often try to get themselves a noble status, and they become the primary target.

"Civilians" choose to hide. Of course, they will not obtain food in the same way as Muggles. The job of the Food Processing Bureau is to provide food for members of the magic community, and to make some unpalatable but non-toxic materials into edible food. Swallow.

When the price of grain rises to a certain level, the exchange law of "spontaneous transfer" like the free market will not be formed, that is, where the price of grain is cheap, the grain will be transported to the place where the price is expensive to sell.

The wheat stayed in the granary, hoarded, still waiting for the opportunity to increase the price, it would only sneak into the hands of the rich, and as the value of the index depreciated, it became a hard currency similar to gold. It was held at the harvest site and protected by the locals, not allowing outsiders to carry away their necessities. If city officials dared to order the opening of granaries to transport grain away, it would cause riots among the citizens, and the flour shop owners would not even dare to leave their homes.

As a result, even in the grain-producing areas of France, some people used turmoil and violence to force sellers to lower prices and then sell them at higher prices. The administrative authorities could not maintain the "freedom of buying and selling" in the market, and the people first prevented the military from intervening.

There are rumors everywhere that the army raised the price of food, because the army took away the food and the police were confined to the gate of the city, making the riots even more unscrupulous.

In that case, try not to go out unless you can. Fortunately, there is a Floo network connection between the wizards, and the food is rationed through the Floo network, but a child of the family told people about it.

Everyone is starving, and if one is full, others will not envy you. That family has a pair of parents and 3 children, only the father and the youngest son are wizards, and the others are Muggles. After the incident, it caused a discussion in the Ministry of Magic whether to continue to provide food to non-magical families.

In the past, because of the witch hunting movement, young wizards would suppress their magical powers, forming silent and silent ones. Now the situation has changed. Parents have to tell their children, "Children, you have to learn to keep the food a secret. Even your best friend can't tell him."

One day his good friend disappeared, and he cried and asked the adults what was going on, and the parents still had to think about how to explain it to him.

This problem is actually easy to solve. It’s good to share the food with friends, but friends also have their own family and friends, and they also want to share. The more people share a piece of cake, the less each person gets.

It would be better if you didn't eat a bite at the beginning, but if you eat a little, your appetite will be activated, and people will instinctively search for the source of food.

How can the amount of food secretly changed by wizards compare with the mass production of Muggles? Gluttony is often associated with greed. Tongue.

In fact, the French Ministry of Magic also has a magic disaster department, but this "catastrophe" was not caused by magic, nor can it be repaired by magic.

"We are responsible for the pursuit of Mr. Smith." The Ministry of Magic employee said to Georgiana before leaving.

"Got it." She replied calmly.

Just like the Department of Fantastic Beasts Protection will also have the task of hunting down werewolves and vampires.

"Aren't you worried about him?" asked the Ministry clerk.

"I'm more worried about the first ruler now." She said softly, "Remember to protect him."

He looked at Georgiana with weird eyes, and left her room after a while.

"Do I look like a beautiful monster now?" She said to the air.

"No, ma'am," said Coroline, "you are as beautiful as Venus."

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