Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2592 Cheese Trap (28)

When Harry Potter was in the second year, he and his friends wanted to know the news of Slytherin's heir very much, so they planned to use compound soup to sneak into Slytherin's students by pretending to be Slytherin students. In the lounge.

Harry and Ron used cakes that had added sleeping pills and just let them float in mid-air, and then they were seen by Goyle and Crabbe who went to the kitchen to get a "snack".

They had no doubts, they picked it up and ate it... In this way, Harry and Ron got Goyle and Crabbe's hair, and Hermione didn't turn out as expected because of the cat hair, and then went to Hogwarts The Medical Wing.

Hermione was blunt at first and was unwilling to disclose details, but Madam Pomfrey later made a "confession". Although it is commendable that Hermione made Polyjuice Potion in the second grade, Harry and Ron are not afraid that Hermione will spoil the medicine and turn it into poison?

After changing clothes, Pomona looked in the mirror for a long time. If Greta is admiring herself in the mirror, Pomona is anxious in the mirror.

Herbaz looked like melted cheese, she looked like a cake stretched out, she knew she would never wear this yellow dress.

This isn't the first day she saw her "body", so what's there to be anxious about?

Pomona stopped circling, took the flannel bag and left the bedroom.

She made an appointment with Felwick to meet in the hall, and when she got there, Felwick, Cedric, and Cedric's father, Amos Diggory, were all there.

"You look so beautiful." Fei Liwei praised with a smile. He wore gold-rimmed glasses today.

"You look handsome too, Felius," Pomona said with a smile, then looked up at Cedric.

Unbelievable, she actually felt shy towards her student, and then she glanced at Amos Diggory again, he looked nothing like his beautiful son in every way, not only was he short in stature, but also Not very pretty either.

"Good evening, Dean," said Amos Digory, with great air, "thank you for having us."

"You're welcome," Pomona said, smiling. "Let's go."

He's underage, he's underage, he's underage!

She kept echoing this sentence in her mind, and at the same time warned herself not to think about it.

Instead of going to the fireplace, they walked out of the hall and into the courtyard, where Hagrid was already waiting at the door in a wagon pulled by a Thestral.

"Good evening, professors." Hagrid said to Pomona and Feliway, and then looked at Cedric. "You look really good, Digory. I remember when you first entered school..."

"Let's go!" Cedric urged, and ran to the carriage to help them open the door.

With Hagrid's reminder, Pomona and Felwick laughed together.

Cedric was still teething in his first year at school, had a lisp, and once in Charms he plucked all his hair, which forced him to wear a hat.

It was made of giant otter skin, speckled with white spots, and looked like bird droppings. Then, before the hair grew back, Cedric had to explain to everyone that the white spots on his hat were not bird droppings but giant otter spots, and that Hagrid wanted to buy the hat.

With these "childhood memories", Pomona had no interest in the child who was about to grow up, and took the initiative to chat with Amos Diggory after getting on the carriage.

Amos's usual hobby is mountain climbing, and he often hikes with Arthur Weasley.

"I can take Cedric's friends with me," said Amos cheerfully. "I know a place with a nice view."

Pomona, on the other hand, was thinking about the scene of "swords on the verge of breaking out" in the tent before, and did not continue the conversation on this topic, and the carriage also arrived at Greta's manor driven by thestrals.

In addition to chocolate babies, Greta also runs a cheese business, and not all wizards are happy to go shopping in Muggle shops.

They don't understand why cashiers use beeping machines when they check out, and Muggles don't know Galleon, and housewives like Molly Weasley barely set foot in anything other than sending their kids to school. Muggle community.

And Arthur is also the director of prohibiting the abuse of Muggle supplies, and often deals with Muggles.

The sound of music wafted from the brightly lit manor, and where they arrived there were other wagons disembarking passengers, and those people saw first the big Hagrid, who was so conspicuous everywhere, and then Pomona and Fei Liwei showed an unfriendly smile.

She would like to recognize the names of these people when they were studying.

"My dad said never be ashamed," Hagrid told Pomona. "They ain't worth it."

"Don't be so thin-skinned." Fei Liwei also said frankly, and then waved his hands like a commander announcing the march, "Let's go."

Then the dueling champion walked up the stairs with small steps, not paying attention to the eyes of the people around him.

"What would your students think of you if they knew you were so thick-skinned?" Pomona said to Feliway's back, and led Cedric and Amos to the banquet scene.

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In the book that Albus gave Pomona as a Christmas present it was written: The soul cannot have a single essence in number, because when two bodies come into existence, there are two It does not take much effort to refute that a single soul enters into existence, and that a single number of souls cannot be in two bodies.

For the Arab who lived in the 11th century, this situation could not be encountered, but Pomona encountered it. Because of the compound potion, she has two forms, one is fat Pomona, and the other is mixed blood She in her Veela days.

Sometimes Pomona would deny herself as a half-veela, thinking that "she" came out of the Mirror of Erised. To a certain extent, she is similar to Mrs. Maxim who denied her half-giant status, and Remus who suppressed her werewolf status and refused to hurt anyone.

Veela will marry humans. First of all, they don't have males, and human males usually like beautiful women, which determines their appearance. It is rare, but not unique, to like the giantess like Hagrid's father, and the same is true of Madame Maxime.

Some people would laugh at Hagrid's half-giant status, and Hagrid's father taught him "never be ashamed".

Pomona remembers what was said in a psychological book. The so-called desire to control means that the other party is different from what I think. I hope to transform the other party into what I want. I not only want the other party to obey, but also To take the initiative to do what I want.

However, the height of human beings is uncontrollable, especially for mixed-race magical creatures. A half-elf cannot be as "tall" as a human, and a half-giant cannot be as "short" as a human.

But fat and thin can be controlled. For those who diet to keep thin, they cannot agree with Pomona's view that "food is a kind of happiness".

Before the French Revolution, women had to wear tights, which made women breathless. But a girl can't do without wearing it, because she doesn't let her figure look curvaceous, she can't be the focus of attention at the ball, and there are so many people invited to dance.

The name of the Food Processing Bureau of the French Ministry of Magic is bureau des affairs gastromagiques. "Gastro" means stomach. In the giant war, they began to attack human villages because of hunger.

And even if they are not giants, ordinary-sized humans will consume a lot of food due to their numbers. A man could do anything when he was hungry, but she wasn't going to let the wizard provide enough food to feed the man for his magic.

Because Henry Potter called on British wizards to participate in the First World War, American wizards who were completely isolated from the No-Maj world also participated in the war. As for the female Minister of Magic who participated in the Crimean War before, there was no evidence to prove that she participated in the war. Otherwise, the war in the Muggle world will affect the wizarding world. The total population of wizards is not as large as that of Muggles, but they cannot withstand their "consumption".

When Georgiana was out of her mind, she also thought about supplying the army. Instead of doing such a thing, it is better to think about how to keep him from sending troops to Russia. But what a man is determined to do cannot be changed by a woman's tears. It is useless for Josephine to kneel down and beg him to save the Duke of Enghien, unless she is like David Porter to pass the Chimney Act. They use spells.

Only a child could go down a chimney without destroying the house, but Muggle fires didn't join the Floopers, those fires were deadly.

She didn't know how those people could sleep by the fire when they knew there was a child dying in the wall, but what David Porter did was also in violation of the International Statute of Secrecy.

There is a difference between true benevolence and "woman's benevolence", and she doesn't know if it is right for her to do so.

Britain and France are now in a superficially peaceful hostile relationship. Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. The butterfly flapping its wings may soon dissipate, or it may cause a storm.

"Don't worry, everything that happens in this world will not affect the outside world."

She seemed to hear someone whispering in her ear.

But when she looked around, there was no one there.

"Do whatever you want."

She heard her own voice again.

At this moment, she hoped that Albus would come out to give her advice, but unfortunately there was not even a phantom.

So she picked up the quill and wrote down her thoughts.

In addition to the army, there are many scientists in France. They hold a lot of patents. Patents are charged, just like Soho Company charges patent fees for all companies that use steam engines, and the king gave Soho Company a privilege, only they license This has led to the inability of some small inventors such as the designer of the "Jet Devil" to develop in China. Just like there are often no other trees under a big tree, unless it is dead, other trees can shine on the sun.

But doing so can increase tax revenue. Napoleon has already started to collect salt tax. In fact, Britain also knows about the Leublan soda production method, but because the king taxes salt, in order to keep costs low, there is no soda production company in the UK.

Lubran needs to use salt to make alkali, but he didn't get the patent fee and due reward for inventing the soda method.

There is also the inventor of the flower tie machine in the United States, who also did not receive a patent fee, and the slavery that was about to be abolished continued to exist because of the flower tie machine.

Napoleon protected scholars, and he also let scholars enter the parliament to become members, but this situation will not last long, because there is still a system in France that whoever pays more taxes will become a "celebrity", in which land tax accounts for the majority, and There are many noble lands.

Issuing multiple patent certificates is also a national policy of the executive government, allowing patent holders to collect patent fees from companies, and they then pay patent taxes.

Some people think that it is unreasonable to pay patent fees, and Trevithick, the inventor of "Jet Devil", dumped the staff of Soho Company who collected the money.

The fallen person in the Tarot card represents "sacrifice". There are many ways to "sacrifice". They want to obtain a patent, but they can't receive a penny. , others use your patent and wealth for free, or hire a few thugs to get the money back?

knowledge is power.

Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of human beings.

But this kind of wisdom is the wisdom of "monetization", knowing that gold is the wreckage left by the death of stars will not bring any wealth.

There used to be such a story, Columbus discovered the New World, some people always thought he was just luck, ridicule and disdain never left him, when God created the world, he created the western continent, and found out what was so great about it.

So one day he took out an egg and asked everyone to stand it up.

Some people didn't try it, and some people tried it, but they didn't succeed. Everyone has to see what Columbus did.

So Columbus put the egg on the table so heavily that the shell broke and the egg stood up.

People say "what's so rare?"

Columbus said, "There is nothing rare in the first place, but why can't you think of it? Did I say that breaking the egg is not allowed when I set the conditions?"

Innovation is like a bird that just hatched from an egg. It needs to be protected. If it weren't for those kids doing Dumbledore's Army, no matter how passive Albus was, he wouldn't be forced to use a phoenix to "escape" from school, and he wouldn't need Sev Les ceded his patents to Damocles Belby.

In the future, people will only know that the wolfbane potion can keep the werewolf rational since the day it was invented, not the kind of "quietness" that is dying.

She recalled the scene of Remus standing on the balance topless, surrounded by many people. If it weren't for shame, he would have taken off all his clothes in order to obtain accurate data.

It was only after she came to this world that she realized that "equality" has a counterpoint. Pomona never asked boys to treat her the same as beautiful girls.

Nothing lasts forever, and that book also says, "A young father has many sons, and youth is the core of all his relationships," which means he has many wives to bear him many children , if he has only one wife, then she will have at least 10 years to have 10 children, and the father will not be young at that time.

The clock is ticking, it seems to keep going in circles, but time keeps moving forward.

No matter how magically the cup that fell to the ground is restored, human psychological time is still moving forward, and people will not be confused by appearances.

The Time-Turners placed in the Ministry of Magic were all broken after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, and they kept repeating the process of breaking and reassembling glass cases, and the spell in them was nothing more than "stunned".

They're caught in a never-ending gyre, but the people outside the closet aren't.

The beauty is still aging, and the children are still growing up, like arrows flying out.

Even when the young father is no longer young, he is still young compared to his sons.

"One" is "whole", "whole" is "one", and the essence of "one" will continue to exist in "whole". For the sons, the father gave birth to them when he was very young.

As for the physiology of the son, the father is not a "young father", and the essence belonging to "one" will not be differentiated because of the blood relationship between the son and the father. For example, adoptive father and godfather, Sirius became Harry's godfather at a very young age. As for the kind of child who was obviously not born by himself, the woman said that the child was born by the "young father", and it was also regarded as an adoptive father. This situation does not exist for Harry, because he and James are father and son at first glance. As for the old Tom Riddle who did not recognize the young Tom Riddle who looked exactly like him, the little Tom killed the old Tom, and there was no "young father" relationship.

When the child grows up, the "young father" finds that his son is less and less like himself, so he terminates this father-son relationship, and there will be no "young" or "father". If a child is born with a DNA test, this situation is unimaginable to people 1,000 years ago. If it turns out to be unfortunate, then there is no father-son relationship, and there is no "young father".

Georgiana stopped the pen in her hand, hesitating whether to hand it over to the "young" First Consul.

A woman of her age should not look for a young man, and see what happened to Herbatz ​​Smith.

Then she took out another piece of paper and began to write a letter to the First Consul:

'My Fuehrer, I have heard it said at balls that the French Revolution was a historical necessity, a victory of the people over arrogant aristocrats and ill-governed monarchs, and you are like a bright star guiding hope in the dark . '

She paused when she wrote this. Bonaparte made a speech with the planets revolving around the sun.

So she crossed out "bright star".

'A wise ruler like you will bring light to those who are in darkness and ignorance. '

She stopped writing here, and the Prussians and Austrians who accepted enlightened autocracy probably did not feel that their monarchs were stupid and incompetent.

The gift of domination, like magic, is not for everyone.

When Napoleon won victory in Italy, Moreau and Jourdan had few victories in Germany, supporting Napoleon's brilliant record.

He went to Aachen but did not mention the defeat. He rewarded and promoted the soldiers and civilians who helped in the previous war. Those who deserved to be officials became officials, those who deserved to get rich got rich, and there were various honors and medals.

Governing a big country is like cooking small fish, small fish and shrimps cannot be flipped around casually, and government orders cannot be frequent. The "diligent government" like the Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II will not make a difference, even if some of his reforms are correct. .

In addition to ignorance and fear, the witch hunt is also full of hysterical accusations, ridiculous trials and endless suspicion.

She's done it all before.

Did Bonaparte say a word? She convicts him "guilty".

When there are natural visions, there will always be people who use "God's will" as an excuse to launch a rebellion, but if the monarch is wise and prestigious, even if there are shooting stars, it is just for young lovers to make wishes.

The key is for the ruler to keep a clear head. If Voldemort hadn't been so moody, the people around him wouldn't have left him so easily. Harry's "resurrection from the dead" was just an excuse.

Even the Trojan War was an excuse to get Helen back. It was the "heroes" who wanted wealth, fame, power and other goals, so they obeyed Agamemnon's call and crossed the sea. Unfortunately, there was no blessing from the gods, and there was no wind on the sea. "Heroes" They" were to sacrifice the daughter of Agamemnon.

The goddess of hunting couldn't stand it anymore, and took the princess away. As for Agamemnon's wife, she also gave up on him. She had another lover, and he poisoned him after returning from the expedition.

Georgiana wouldn't do that, she'd never been married to anyone, she wasn't her husband, she was just a "mistress," and she shouldn't expect loyalty when she turned the man she thought was devoted to her.

If she doesn't ask for loyalty, she shouldn't restrict the freedom of others, and at the same time, others shouldn't take away the power she refuses.

Love potions are just that, forcing someone to fall in love even though the drugged person wants to say no.

Madame Choiseul said she thought she was going to be the king's figured mistress, and however young and naive she was, she would not have thought so if she had no reason.

So she rang the bell, and she wanted to ask someone who knew what was going on.

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