Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2591 Cheese Trap (27)

Pomona aimed his wand at the dark clouds over the Quidditch pitch.

There was a flash of white light, and raindrops fell on the field after a while. Even the tinder bush still needs water to grow, but it does not need sunlight. Sunlight.

She just used Meteolojinx, which can be used in this kind of cloudy weather like Tempestjinx, but Meteolojinx is more focused on "falling". When it encounters cold air at a higher altitude, it turns into small water droplets, and these small water droplets gather until its mass is too large for the air to bear, and it will fall down.

The thunder is formed because the electricity of different natures in the clouds collides with each other, just like the "tempest" in the spell itself, which means collision.

She looked up at the sky. At this time, there were no dementors hidden in the clouds, and there was no lightning. It was just "raining". To cover those prying eyes, at this moment, she doesn't have to worry about students riding brooms falling from the sky again.

If you carefully observe the yin line "--" and the yang line "—", you will find that the biggest difference between them is that there is a piece missing in the middle of the yin line, which looks like a vacancy. If you "transmit" the middle piece of the yang line When they reach Yin Yao, they are reversed, thus forming different hexagram images, such as the forty-three hexagram "夬" and the forty-four hexagram "姤". Change the position of one of the horizontal lines, and keep the rest unchanged, which means a completely different meaning. At the same time, the structure of the maze also changes.

Pomona did not intend to design the entire maze so that all of them could be moved. It would require a lot of manpower and financial resources. Given the current financial situation of Hogwarts, it is impossible for her to do so. When she designed This is already taken into account.

But Albus obviously had other plans. The location of the Whomping Willow is actually not suitable for it to grow. Although a willow tree can survive in the soil with a random branch, it needs a lot of water. Moreover, there is a secret path under the Whomping Willow, which is not suitable for the development of its roots. It can only grow roots in the crevices of rocks.

The roots of the shrubs are relatively shallow, they also don't have the trunk of a tree, they branch off right next to the ground, the roots are mostly fibrous and run horizontally, but she doesn't think that's going to get the tinder shrubs moving, they're not jumping Bulbs, don't have that physiological structure.

It may be that Albus has read too many Muggle fantasy novels. In "The Lord of the Rings", there is a kind of treant. These ancient creatures with emotion, consciousness and wisdom live in the deep mountains and old forests. herdsmen” to avoid forest destruction.

They later joined the war against the evil monarch Sauron, and they did so because Isengard's army continued to eat away at the edge of the Fangorn Forest. They needed to cut down trees to make fire, leaving the forest devastated.

There was once in 1809, when the Quidditch World Cup was held in the primeval forest of Siberia, and then the killer forest incident occurred. Some local black wizards turned the trees into "tree people". Everything was destroyed by them, and there was a tragic war between the wizard and the tree, resulting in the death of many people including the culprit.

And then there's the wizarding fantasy story that I don't know if it's true or not, and there's a tree that travels in the Alps. But it is not a potted plant, it can be carried around by people.

The Ministry of Magic has summer internships. These children who have just graduated or are about to graduate are equivalent to participating in internships, although their performance is not satisfactory as far as the current situation is concerned.

On the surface, she has a lot of time, but it is still a question of whether these people will be around after school starts, and she has to modify the drawings and plans herself, and she also needs to teach these interns how to complete her ideas while "keeping secrets".

The trouble is that it is a little more troublesome, but she is not in vain. The seeds of the tinder bush will help the dragon eggs break their shells. If you have seen the process of a bird or chicken breaking their shells, you will know that a newly hatched bird is so weak that it cannot There is no way to break out of the eggshell that once protected you. The people outside looked very nervous and wanted to help it, but they must not do it at this time. A bird's egg looks like a smooth surface, but in fact it has many micropores, which allow oxygen to enter the eggshell, and carbon dioxide inside the egg escapes out of the shell, which is very similar to the breathing of animals. Oviparous animals have to work hard on their own. Through this hard work, the blood is sent to various parts of the limbs, and then the way of breathing is changed. If this process is not experienced, the chicks cannot complete the spontaneous breathing of the lungs after hatching or are underdeveloped and will die soon.

The coming of life is too difficult, so the bird will regard the first animal it sees as its mother, and the same is true for the dragon, even if the first thing it sees is a bearded mammal like Hagrid, which is different from its own image. No relationship.

The process of human pregnancy is through the umbilical cord. The mother transmits nutrients and oxygen to the fetus through the umbilical cord. Humans often call nature "mother", and the earth is mostly in the image of a goddess. Maybe not everyone has been a mother, but everyone has at least been in their mother's amniotic fluid, and by drinking the "umbilical cord of the forest", Pomona found that feeling again.

The seeds of the tinder shrub have a fiery leap of life, and it's easy to feel it, but...


Pomona looked back at Cedric.

"I've decided who to take to the dance tonight," said Cedric.

He didn't waterproof himself, the rain soon soaked through his hair, and he looked even better wet.

She couldn't help comparing Cedric to Tom Riddle, and then thought the comparison was ridiculous.

"Who do you decide to take?" Pomona said with a smile.

Certainly some people will be happy, but more "losers" will not be reconciled, and Pomona's mood is not so good at the thought of dealing with their conflicts.

"I'll take my dad," Cedric said. "I'm not yet of age."

Pomona was tempted to say, 'I can be your guardian'.

"Great idea, Cedric, just do it!" Pomona exclaimed, "Call your dad."

Cedric smiled, a genuine, heartfelt smile.

Immediately afterwards, the rain stopped. Although the magic cloud did not disperse, the depressing feeling was gone.

It was like seeing a colorful bird spread its wings and take off towards the sky, the result of that egg hatching successfully.

==================================================== ======

Although Amos Diggory was only a small employee of the Ministry of Magic, his ancestor Eldridge Diggory was indeed the fourth Minister of Magic. He founded Auror and was also engaged in the improvement of Azkaban. Conditions, at least not let dementors serve as guards.

"Auror." Georgiana murmured looking at the list given to her by Rabastan. Many of these people came from pure-blood families, including Saul Rozier. The scavengers in the deep mountains and dense forests.

Compared with the dark wizards, the scavengers and wizards are even more irreconcilable. Before coming to this world, the scavengers were also "history" for Pomona, and she didn't understand them, and even thought they were extinct.

Why did they choose to hunt and kill wizards as wizards?

Those "harvest guarantors" who were born with membranes felt that they were born with a mission. To stop the wizard from manipulating the weather and destroying the crops, they had to win. If they lost, the wizard would starve and freeze many people.

Even werewolves can say that they are "God's dogs", they can recognize wizards, and only bite wizards.

Their "attributes" are so different from wizards that they would be offended if a wizard told them, "We are the same".

They have their own self-consistent logic, and after forming a closed loop, it is basically impossible to break through, and they won't listen to a word you say.

If someone naively thinks that they can still merge, then please be sober, otherwise they will expose the secrets of the magical world like Dorcas, and this is because she, who is "in love", told a purger everything she knew of Muggle offspring.

Love not only makes people blind, but also makes people not sober.

Georgiana put down the list. Albus in the last stage was already unconscious. He was very old and had been cursed. All the signs showed that Harry had some kind of relationship with the Horcrux. He thought that Harry Li is the seventh Horcrux.

He didn't think about it from Voldemort's point of view, if Voldemort didn't know that Harry was the seventh Horcrux, he would create the seventh, and if he knew, he wouldn't destroy Harry, the Horcrux, unless he just wanted to cut his soul Makes 7 servings.

She had a premonition that Cedric Diggory was the last Horcrux victim, and the created Horcrux was the silver hand that killed Peter Pedilu.

That hand was given to Wormtail by Voldemort for reviving him with his own flesh, but at the last minute, when Harry asked him to let them go for the sake of letting him go, Wormtail Hesitated.

Silver Hand judged that Wormtail had betrayed Voldemort, and then strangled Wormtail to death, Harry, Ron, and Hermione couldn't stop it.

Why do you do this to your body and soul? Tom, your mother wants you to look like your father because she wants you to be well.

At least you have a handsome face and a talent for magic, which is already luckier than many people.

She once heard a story in Paris. There was an ancient Egyptian who wanted to know how long he would live, so he asked the ghost for divination. The ghost told him the time of death. he became a greedy official, which led to his being sentenced to death by the inquisitors sent by Pharaoh.

If Voldemort didn't know about the prophecy, or dismissed it as a lunatic's gibberish, would it still have ended like this?

It's a pity that she asked and answered all these questions by herself, because even if there is a different ending, they can't see it. At best, they can only imagine it in their minds. After all, who in this world dares to use the time converter to go back , to persuade Voldemort not to do that?

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