Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2594 The Queen's New Career

When Greta sang loudly on stage, former "Queen of the Night" Janis Shepp was below the stage.

The real age of the actress is estimated to be more than 100 years old. Ollivander was her fan when she was young, but she looks less than 50 years old, and her blonde hair is very smooth. Because of her old age, her lungs could not support her to continue to sing coloratura soprano, but she did not retire at home because of this, but started a cosmetics business.

Ordinary "beauty potions" can't reduce age, but the potion formulas used in the shop she runs are invented by herself, and others don't know about them. She's also about to launch a new fragrance, Luscious locks, which doesn't contain the elixir but is said to have the same bewitching powers, which she sprayed tonight.

Probably because of the magic, the whole scene could smell it. It has a slightly sweet scent, which Pomona personally finds more suitable for young girls, too sweet for Janice.

In addition to being beautiful, the "Queen" must of course be talented. Greta's singing voice is not as good as Janice's, and she won't be equipped with such advanced potions, but she is a member of the French Cheese Making Association.

Lockhart is also good at magic, such as amnesiac, and Greta is very good at magic on cheese, and also published a book, which is very popular with housewives.

Before Newt Scamander arrived in Paris in 1927, the French magical society was undergoing a revolution. The then French Minister of Magic suddenly banned the sale of potions to Muggles, especially the love potions were strictly controlled.

Herbs and magical animals were needed to make potions, and it was the British Foreign Office for Magic that organized the Herbal Society as diplomatic representation. Instead, the French Foreign Office organized a cheese-making competition that year.

Not all cheeses smell sweet, such as blue cheese, which smells bad enough to make one wonder if it is food.

After food spoilage, moldy and foul smells often occur. In 1791, a woman named Marie Arel discovered an edible, long-haired cheese, which is said to have been produced during the French Revolution. It was taught to her by a fugitive under her protection. The Cheese Society invented spells preceded by "Mary Allell's Fortune" purely in her honor.

There is also the "trophy" for the award, which is also made of another Normandy washed cheese, which is also stinky.

Pomona had to keep an eye on Cedric, lest he be taught by these "grown-ups" that English men always have fantasies about French women, thinking that they always smell of cheese.

Severus didn't come, but there were a lot of people talking about him. There is also a slightly larger circle of Ludo Bagman, who is standing with the Irish Quidditch captain.

The day before the Quidditch World Cup final is the night of the full moon, and it is also the Ghost Festival in the East. It is said that that day will be the same as Halloween, with many ghosts appearing, and the day Harry Potter was killed happened to be Halloween. .

Ludo Bagman was prosecuted as a Death Eater. The Aurors of the French Ministry of Magic were supposed to stop Grindelwald's rally, but many members of the French Ministry of Magic were turned against by Grindelwald. No business" Brits prevented the catastrophe, and a female Auror was killed as a result, and Bagman always felt a problem with trying to find an excuse to let people relax.

"Look at her." Guspard Singleton told Pomona and Cedric to look at Janice Shep together. "Do you see the necklace around her neck?"

Pomona saw that around Shep's neck was a gorgeous necklace of rubies, as bright as blood.

"I bet there's an age-reducing charm in it," Singleton said.

Cedric looked eager to ask what it was.

"A woman's age is a secret," said Pomona. "You're not doing well, Guspard."

"Speaking of this, I just remembered, you also have 'good stuff'?" Gespard said.

Cedric looked even more confused.

"Go get me some wine and cheese," Pomona said to Cedric.

"Yes." Cedric smiled and left.

"Basilisk hides are rarer than rem bull blood," said Guspard. "Especially Salazar Slytherin's basilisks."

"Is that why you want to talk to Severus?" Pomona asked.

"Talking with you is the same." Guspard said with a knowing smile, "I heard you were also involved."

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The rem ox is a bison that lives in the North American continent. It is similar in shape to the common bison, but larger and has golden skin. Its blood can be used to make many advanced potions, including the powerful stimulating potion needed for the age reduction rune, which is even more effective than the hot blood potion Pomona drank.

The hot blood potion can stimulate the magic power for a short time, and she will be very tired for a few days after that. The powerful stimulating potion can increase the magic power and accuracy of the spell without any side effects, but even Aurors rarely get it of.

Rem bull's blood is very precious and rare. It is not a tradable item, and only those with "very means" can get it.

The age-reducing talisman is a pendant, the inside is empty, and the potion in the bottle must be replaced with a new one every once in a while, otherwise the talisman will become invalid, and at the same time, the youthful beauty it maintains will also disappear. And one of the known ingredients in the replaced potion was the blood of the Rem cow.

Georgiana once said to Bonaparte that if she took off her necklace, she would no longer be young and beautiful. He didn't know whether it was because of unbelief or other reasons, so he raised the black swan crystal pendant around her neck. Torn off.

If what she said was true, after tearing off the talisman, her skin quickly slackened and her hair thinned, turning into an old woman. Would he be frightened by that scene?

As long as you are willing to spend money, the "Fountain of Youth" is not a dream, but it is not once and for all, you have to keep taking it until your wallet can't bear it.

The "beautiful potion" given to the widow Borski by a French wizard has obviously been improved. France has always been known for its romance, but which romantic story does not have a beautiful heroine?

Even the Hunchback of Notre Dame has a crush on Asmeralda. Beauty is the premise of romance, but it is not the whole of romance. You have to pay for the ostentation.

The Gaunt family used to be very rich, because their ancestors were extravagant, and when Voldemort arrived, the family property was gone, and they were not as good as a Muggle.

If you don’t have money, you can borrow money. In the past, Louis XIV lent money to the nobles in Versailles to let them live the life they wanted, so that they would not want to go back to the countryside to engage in the Fronde Movement.

The aristocrats of this "habit" wizard have also learned it. In 1927, the French Third Republic was in place, and usury imperialism was implemented at that time. Paris gathered a lot of usury renters, and they invested their money in the field of credit. It is not invested in the production field like the UK.

For example, if a lender lends money to nobles, the nobles will sell it if they can’t pay it back, and the nobles cherish their dignity, even if they go to the pawnshop, they will say that they are going to "aunt's house".

Famous paintings, jewelry, and furniture are all pawned, so of course they cannot maintain a decent noble life. The situation of Muggles is not clear, but wizards and nobles can cast curses on those treasures, and they will die if they touch it. gone?

This is definitely illegal, whether it is the "International Statute of Secrecy" or not, but Muggle civilians will also borrow money to buy food when they cannot survive.

"We have no wood, no bread, no work, and no law until the pot is uncovered."

Some people look decent, but they don't have much cash flow in their hands; or you think it's a "friend" who is a friend, and you think it's easy to ask him to borrow money, but when you really need money, it's more unreliable than usury.

It's only natural to pay off debts, but don't be so unreasonable. The Buddha said, take a step back and continue to push forward. Aachen is still some distance away from the Alsace region, where some people lend usury and make robbers rampant, but the robbers only attack those usurers and are enslaved by usurers The oppressed, oppressed, and exploited people supported and responded one after another, and those robbers were like "Robin Hood."

Grindelwald is saboteur to some but a "hero" to others who follow him not because they are violent but because they are righteous.

Before coming to this world, she always believed that no matter how bad peace is, it is beneficial to women. But it’s like a tree that has been eaten away by termites. It is crumbling, and it only needs one kick. If you don’t kick that kick, it will continue to crumble until it can’t bear its own weight and perish.

If she had a son, she would support him to participate in the necessary battles. Cedric is very good, but he is Hufflepuff, and he always has a femininity. In contrast, Neville Longbottom used Gryffindor The swipe of the sword was masculine, and if Serpentine Nagini had really been a woman, he set her free.

When yin and yang are in harmony, everything grows.

But masculinity can also overcome yin and evil.

Yang Qi is often regarded as heat, and excessive Yang Qi is not a good thing.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, there was a severe drought. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty set up Yicang to release grain during disaster relief, but officials from all over the country did not implement it. In the end, civilians rushed into the Yicang to get the food, and because there was no organization to loot, a lot of food was wasted.

In the late Qing Dynasty, the same scene reappeared in Fujian. Although Changping warehouses were set up, officials did not know how to manage them. When the famine happened, they actually had to collect grain. This would not only lead to a further increase in grain prices, but even As the local scholars said, it caused the same situation at the end of the Sui Dynasty.

A scholar pointed it out, but the government exiled him to WLMQ, and set up many dangers on the way to kill that man, but he finally came back alive.

The sky is healthy, and the gentleman strives for self-improvement; the terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with virtue.

The universe is running and moving forward. People walk between the heaven and the earth, and they should do something and not do something.

Albus said to Pomona that even if people all over the world despise him, misunderstand him, and ridicule him, as long as there is one person who understands and approves him, he will not give up in despair. If a woman makes a man lose his confidence, he will alienate her. If a woman fills his heart with self-confidence, he will fall in love with her unconsciously, even if her appearance is not the most beautiful.

She did not mind being a supporter, but as soon as she thought of Bonaparte's affair with the ballerina Mademoiselle Campini, she found it difficult to support such a man, although she knew that women were his weakness.

If no one flatters him, people will lose awe of him and think that he is not as good as a grassroots person. It is also inappropriate to flatter him too much and indulge in it, just like drinking sweet poison.

Then she looked at the letter, which seemed so flattering from the beginning, and tore it to shreds.

After tearing it off, she touched the invisible swan pendant around her neck again, and the song "No One Sleeps Tonight" sung by Greta echoed in her mind.

That is an excerpt from "Turandot", which tells the story of the Timur era. Although Turandot means "warmth" in Mongolian, she killed all the suitors and supervised them herself. Like a cold wind blowing from Siberia.

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