Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2588 Cheese Trap (24)

There is a very important ingredient in the invigorating potion - salamander blood.

Since the theory of the four elements fell with Aristotle’s support for the geocentric theory, the classification of magical animals and plants has encountered a problem, because there are indeed lizards that are closer to fire or closer to frost. They cannot be classified in this way and can only be classified according to the animal’s Classification of color, biological structure, which makes many people dissatisfied.

"Oh, Professor Snape, welcome." Hagrid said immediately when he saw the two after opening the door.

"He's here to help, Hagrid." Pomona looked at the Potions master and said with a smile, "Isn't it?"

"Spider," said Snape sparingly.

"Oh, are the kids still coming?" Hagrid poked his head out of the door.

"They're off today, so I've got Severus to help, he's got nothing to do until the full moon," Pomona said.

He opened his mouth, and finally smiled hypocritically.

"I don't think the spider problem is that urgent, but there's another thing." Hagrid looked at Pomona mysteriously.

"What?" she asked.

"Letter," said Hagrid.

The fake smile on Severus' face disappeared in an instant.

"You wrote it yourself?" Pomona asked.

"Wait." Hagrid walked into the hut, and came out after a while. "Here you are."

He was so generous that he showed Pomona his "love letter".

Apart from his outrageously large characters and those misspellings, Hagrid's letter didn't contain much content. It probably said that Hogwarts welcomes Madam Maxime, Hagrid sincerely looks forward to her arrival, and then Hagrid will The situation of his family was written up.

"How is it?" Hagrid asked.

"That's right," said Pomona in good conscience.

"So, should I send it to her?"

"I think we can polish it up," Pomona said, walking into Hagrid's cabin.

Hogwarts still has a lot to write about, such as the beautiful lakes and mountains, riding a Pegasus around the sky is a very enjoyable thing, of course, Hagrid can’t ride Buckbeak, but there is no night in the Forbidden Forest Qi?

After writing here, Pomona let Hagrid freely, after all, this is a topic he will share with Madam Maxime in the future.

At this moment she went to the window of the cabin and found that Severus had disappeared.

Just when she thought he had returned to the castle, she caught a glimpse of him gathering soil from Hagrid's pumpkin patch.

"Hagrid!" Pomona lowered his voice.

"What?" whispered Hagrid, who was writing a letter.

"You don't want to go to the cave these days." She lowered her voice and said, "If you want seeds, I'll raise them for you in the greenhouse."

"Okay, Professor," said Hagrid quickly, "would you like a cup of tea?"

"I'll go clubbing myself," Pomona said, getting up to make tea.

==================================================== ==========

"Margaret," Georgiana called.

Presently her French maid came in.

"What's the matter, ma'am?"

"Make a cup of tea." Georgiana said wearily. "And help me find a nightgown."

"Okay, ma'am." Margaret said immediately, and then got busy outside.

Georgiana, who was lying on the couch, found this scene very familiar, and then she remembered the oil painting. Venus, who had just taken a bath, asked the maid to find clothes, while she lay there, as if waiting for her lover to arrive.

If it was a fat Pomona, this scene probably wouldn't have much aesthetic appeal. That's why the aquatic plant greenhouse was canceled. Who would want to see her in a bathing suit?

But in the castle there is a tower, which overlooks the whole conservatory, and there is also a little swamp with a few aquatic plants in it.

She lay prone on the pillow, her fingers circling the tassels on the pillow.

It is common sense for many people to put out fire with water, but the guardian spell summoned by Grindelwald has gone beyond ordinary flames, and is similar to the existence of the Fierce Fire Curse. Even the flames have materialized, and there are some demon-like shadows Possession on it.

The effect of black magic can be eliminated by using the magic spell, but the flame itself cannot. She remembers that Scamander said that there is a water dragon in the underground of Paris, and the water sprayed by it may be able to extinguish the fire.

She is not yet familiar with the mirror world, if the size of the space is determined according to the power of a person, she is not sure if it can absorb so much energy.

People stand on the ground because the ground is flat, which is logical but not factual.

She had thought that Albus had listened in on her conversations with the Two-Way Mirror, that Albus had trusted Severus, had gotten him involved in guarding the Philosopher's Stone, things that even Pomona hadn't been involved in.

She also found some plausible evidence to support her thesis, as did Albus, who thought Harry was the seventh Horcrux, which would explain his Parseltongue and his special sympathy with the other Horcruxes .

"Ma'am." Matilda came in. "Mr. Duroch is here."

"Let him in," Georgiana said, and after a while Matilda brought her nightgown, and when she put it on, Duroch had already entered.

"Is there a problem?"

"The leader of the bandit gang who tried to kidnap you has been arrested." Di Roque said, "Thanks to the citywide search today."

"You want to blame me?" Georgiana asked.

Duroc didn't answer.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I didn't do it on purpose?" she asked again.

"It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not, the first consul must believe it." Di Roque said, "I will report the truth."

"Whatever you want," said Georgiana dryly. "Is there anything else?"

"The Genoese bankers want to make amends to you. They have nothing to do with Mademoiselle Campini."

"It doesn't matter why make amends?" Georgiana asked.

"Would you like to go?" Duroc asked.

"Let them come." She said weakly, "What should come will always come."

"Then I'll leave you alone," said Duroch, walking out of her room.

"Your tea, ma'am," said Matilda, placing the freshly brewed tea in front of her.

Georgiana never thought that Matilda would gamble because of her words, and even lost all her savings.

She took the tea and drank it directly, not worried whether she would be poisoned.

The memory just now gave her a brief sense of happiness, but it couldn't change any of the current situation.

After drinking the tea, she subconsciously glanced at the tea stains at the bottom of the cup. What Hagrid got was the leaves of the Sniffing Grass, not the seeds. That kind of plant cannot grow a whole plant directly from the leaves. They don't spare the copper buckles either.

The Sniffing Grass itself also had that metallic luster, and Pomona thought it was the extract that satisfied the Nifflers, so she asked Hagrid to meet that person again and buy more. But what can be bought in this "market" depends on luck, anyway, she never met again before she left Hogwarts.

Poor Nifflers, their favorite is gone. But animals don't have the concept of being sad, they just try to fill the pockets on their stomachs.

In fact, it is not the first time that Nick did something like that in 1927. It is said that he did it 200 years ago, but he did not say when.

The closest Paris was destroyed 200 years ago should have been during the French Revolution, when many palaces and buildings were demolished.

Will it be so?

She put down the teacup, and as soon as she looked up, she saw a black figure sitting on the chair by the fireplace. She couldn't see his face clearly, but she somehow remembered Rose and Jack in the Titanic, but he didn't have a paintbrush in his hand .

In fact, butter will change from solid to liquid when it softens, but it is not suitable for oil paints. Many paints are poisonous. Even if they paint food, no matter how tempting they are, they are still inedible.

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