Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2587 Cheese Trap (23)

"What you just said is written in this book?"

Pomona casually picked up a book that was spread out on Felix's desk.

"No, it's another one." Feliwei reached out and took the book from Pomona across the desk.

She looked at the binding of that book, and it must have been at least one or two hundred years old, the key is that it was written in French.

This reminded her of Madame Maxime, her original purpose, and the reminder from Severus in the double-sided mirror yesterday that a student would come to Hogg to take advantage of this Triwizard Tournament Watts searches for Nicole May's legacy.

She felt that Albus shouldn't be keeping things that belonged to other people, even though he had a good relationship with Nicolas.

Moreover, he also asked Nick to give up immortality, why did she have a strange feeling?


Just as Pomona was hurrying towards the lounge, Neville stopped her.

"Oh, what can you do?" Pomona asked.

"I want to ask, does our school have an aquatic plant greenhouse?" Neville handed the book in his arms to Pomona. "I found this at Scamander's house."

Pomona took the book, which was a herbalism textbook used at Hogwarts, which described magical plants in Africa, but it is useless now.

"We don't have an aquatic plant greenhouse." Pomona returned the book to Neville.

"What? Why?" Neville asked.

Pomona pointed to himself.

"Because I'm the professor of Herbology at Hogwarts." After she finished speaking, she turned and opened the door of the office. Countless letters greeted her.

She almost forgot about it, so she closed the door.

"Come on, let's go to the greenhouse."

"Longbottom." Snape walked over with a stiff face, "Who allowed you to come to school during the holidays?"

"See you later," Neville said to Pomona, and brushed past his old Boggart.

She thought Snape would teach him a lesson, but instead he grabbed her arm and dragged her into the office.

"What letter?" he asked questioningly.

"What, what letter?" Then she saw a pile of letters on the table, "That's a letter from parents complaining about why the school hired werewolves as teachers."

"Don't play tricks, when did you and Felius start to communicate?" He continued to question.

"I didn't." She tried to push his shoulder, pushing him away. "He just passed Greta's invitation to me."

He listened quietly.

"You know, the Advanced Herbalism Council is the foreign department of the Ministry of Magic, and she needs me to invite those 'foreign friends'." Pomona said.

"So it's a big diplomatic ball?" he said grimly.

"I don't know if it's a diplomatic ball. I guess I didn't run away from the big scene." Pomona said, "especially at this time."

"You guys have been chatting about how to wear clothes for so long?"

"Of course not. He also told me about the lake."

"anything else?"

"Why should I tell you?" she asked back.

"How about doing a deal, I'll help you boil the invigorating potion, and you tell me what the principle of the maze is?"

"No!" she said immediately, which angered him.

"Are you willing to tell Fei Liwei but not me?"

She remembered the "prophecy" that the Dark Lord would be reunited with his servants tonight, although she knew that Snape could not have left the school that night, but the missing Peter Pediru was more suspicious. Harry was holding the Marauder's Map that day and met Peter Pedillo in the portrait gallery, not far from the Slytherin dungeons.

What is he going to do? To meet Snape, who is also a Death Eater?

"Answer my question!" he said through gritted teeth.

"I lied to him," said Pomona. "That's a secret, and I can't reveal it."

The tense anger that seemed to be gushing out of his body disappeared.

"And I don't think you need to work on the uplifting potion. These senior students can do it."

"How about our cooperation? Same as before," he suggested.

"I thought your 'eggs' were ready," Pomona said. "Please step aside, thanks."

He still wouldn't let her go.

"One last question. You went to the Quidditch pitch the afternoon of the accident and met the pink-haired Auror."

"You mean Tonks? She's just finished training." Pomona said lightly. "And Ginny, they're chatting together."

"What are you talking about?" He asked curiously.

"I can't tell."

Immediately he was angry again.

"How can I tell you the girl's secret." She knocked him away with the waist of the bucket.

Tonks didn't ask Pomona to keep it a secret, but she intended to keep it from Ginny, even though Ginny liked Harry for everyone to see.

He took her by the arm again.

"I want to help, how about letting me join?"

She thought of the eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest. The interns probably wouldn't be able to clean them up before school started. His potion might come in handy.

"I'm going to find Hagrid, are you going?"

"Of course." He was so kind as to open the door for her.

In fact, she came to sleep, and now she can't sleep, but she doesn't feel tired at all.

==================================================== =========

Georgiana got up from the water, wrapped herself tightly in the towel, and lay down on the deck chair.

Sybil with the "inner eye" seldom leaves the tower in order to avoid worldly events affecting her prediction results, so Pomona entrusted her with the riddles that the Sphinx asked the contestants to write, anyway she It is often said that some prophecies like puzzles make people guess.

However, when Sybil was "awake"... the spy was in front of the spider, maybe she had predicted something, but Pomona would have misunderstood it, thinking that the spy was talking about Snape, and ignoring the others.

He looks suspicious at first sight, doesn't he?

Hagrid was among the builders of the maze, but Hagrid has a "bad record". In the school year at Philosopher's Stone, he leaked the weakness of the three-headed dog because of a dragon egg. In order to prevent him from leaking the secret again, Pomona decided to Let him come in last and grow the hedges tall and strong.

This may be Hagrid's "talent". Whether it is a pumpkin or a snail, it will become a big head, and he is also very familiar with those shrubs. After all, Hagrid got its seeds from a passerby in order to hatch dragon eggs. Received.

He even had a way of getting Sniffweed, which made the Nifflers less fond of collecting shiny things, because they got what they wanted most.

One night, Albus sent Pomona to the trophy storage room, where a wooden box adorned with gemstones was kept.

Then he tapped the wooden box three times with the Elder Wand, and the wooden box flew up, revealing a wooden cup inside.

"This is the Goblet of Fire." Albus said, looking at the wooden goblet. "It's amazing, isn't it?"

It would not be unusual if this cup was only used for drinking, but what it contained was not wine, but fire. Normally, isn’t wood thrown into the fireplace to help the fire burn?

"What spell is on it?" asked Pomona.

"Would you believe me if I told you it was formed naturally?" asked Albus.

Pomona looked at the goblet. Only part of it was hand-carved, and the other part was the grain of wood.

There are actually tortoises in pet stores with beautiful jewels in their shells, but Pomona doesn't do that.

She thinks it's fine to keep it natural.

"What did you feel?" Albus asked.

"It's alive," Pomona said.

"What does it want?" Albus asked.

"Do you have Firewhiskey?" Pomona asked.

"It wants to drink?" Albus asked.

"No, I want a drink," said Pomona. "Won't you have some too?"

"You know, the Goblet of Fire makes an unbiased and just choice," said Albus. "I hope you will keep your head clear."

"Why are you talking drunk without drinking?" Pomona smirked.

Albus smiled mysteriously and left the trophy room.

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