Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2589 Cheese Trap (25)

There is a kind of antelope called oryges distributed in the Arabian Peninsula and parts of Africa. They have only one horn, which grows in the middle of the head like a unicorn, but it is very sharp, plus their flexible bounce and speed , making them very difficult to deal with.

Scamander jotted down his discovery in a textbook on aquatic plants, and it was not included in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them because although it has only one horn, it is similar to a swallowtail dog and has no "use" , and its horns are not as useful for making potions and props as unicorn horn powder.

What content is allowed to be included in the teaching materials will be reviewed by relevant committees. For example, the black vine water and the Egyptian blue water lily will not be included in the Hogwarts textbooks for grades 1-7. Moreover, at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the magic world of Europe and the magic world of African countries were better, so this textbook about aquatic plants in Africa was approved.

It was also during that time that Joseph Karma's parents came to France from Senegal. But due to Lestrange's inappropriate actions, scandals spread throughout Europe.

This incident was already part of "history" for Neville and his generation, but as an Auror who died in the line of duty, and the fiancée of the head of the Auror's office, Rita was still remembered. At that time, the Imperius Curse was not yet an Unforgivable Curse. After all, it was not like the Avada Kedavra Curse and the Cruciatus Curse, as long as the willpower was strong enough, it could be resisted.

Newt Scamander is Leta's classmate and best friend, and both of them are the kind of loners who can't fit in the group. Not all Hufflepuffs are so social.

Together, they participated in the operation of the British Ministry of Magic in Paris. Because Scamander smuggled to France without a travel permit, but because he prevented the destruction of Paris in time, the merits and demerits were offset, while his brother Theseus Having been promoted, they have no hindrance to travel to other countries afterwards.

Severus's "travel" to XZ encountered certain obstacles. People in the Ministry of Magic were worried that he would not come back after going to XZ. It was Albus who made the guarantee to make the trip possible, temporarily staying away from England, a place of right and wrong.

This summer, because Harry's vacation is later than Dursley's, he will experience less "suffering" than before, and the Dursley family will go to Spain for vacation, so when Harry was invited to spend the summer vacation at the Weasleys' house, Fernon agreed without hesitation.

While everyone is playing, someone stays in the school and "works". But the first item of the Triwizard Tournament is to find the "golden egg" from the dragon's lair. Snape can't fish for three days like Pomona, and it's a "delay" for two days, but "Master "At present, he is not in such a mood, he is still worried about his "examination".

Albus asked him to stay in school to adjust his status, and his position was replaced by Felix. Fei Liwei didn't have any thoughts, but just attended a social event on behalf of Hogwarts, how could he feel?

But the girls were overjoyed. They all wanted to be Cedric's partner, and they all invited him.

Cedric is like an antelope that has strayed into the lion's den by mistake, and will be torn to pieces by the lionesses at any time.

Or maybe he's just a succulent cutlet for which the lionesses are ready to fight.

The scene was really horrible. Pomona found the stand with the best view and looked through the binoculars. Instead of carrying binoculars like she did, Severus looked down at the half-ruined maze below.

"How are you going to animate the maze?" Severus asked.

"Wait a minute." Pomona looked intently into the tent, and Heidi and Lucinda seemed to be about to fight.

"Do you remember my cloak?" Snape asked grimly.

"which one?"

"The one set on fire by the hyacinths."

The memory of Pomona came back quickly. It was Harry's first year of school. He participated in Quidditch, but the Nimbus 2000 he was riding suddenly lost control. Hermione thought that Snape was attacking Harry's broom cast a curse, and...

She put down the binoculars in her hand.

"I can't tell you, that's a secret!"

He twisted his lips and finally smiled falsely "We're friends, aren't we?"

Pomona continued to shake his head, "I want to make sure the game is fair."

"How do I know if you will tell others the secret?" He muttered dissatisfied.

"You don't need to know," said Pomona. "Ginny's secret is safe with me."

"What's Ginny's secret?"

"Since when have you been so curious about little girls' secrets?"

The old bat was so angry that he put on a mask.

Pomona sneered, and Tom Riddle didn't care about Ginny's thoughts. He just listened patiently in order to use her and let her open her heart to him.

Until she figured out why Wormtail ran near the Slytherin dungeons, she'd better keep her mouth shut. If Harry hadn't gone there that night with the Marauder's Map, Snape and Wormtail might have met.

Does this seem like a coincidence?

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In 2004, shortly after they returned to the human world from their seclusion, there was an incident involving Severus' student Marcus. His sword drained electricity from the Muggle grid, wreaking havoc, and he is said to have participated in Nightcallers.

During the operation, Severus used a potion containing unicorn blood and basilisk poison, which created a very strong smoke effect.

It was a long time ago, and she wasn't sure if it was true, that Voldemort's original body potion was said to have included unicorn blood and Nagini's snake venom. Voldemort also publicly admitted that he used many spells of his own creation during his resurrection.

There are many people interested in immortality who would like to know, but Voldemort will not tell him easily unless that person is serving him.

Voldemort invited Harry to join him and gain immortality. Harry's willingness does not mean that others are unwilling, especially after seeing "live" examples.

After Harry summoned the physical Patronus by the lake, none of the Patronuses he summoned in the future were as powerful as that night. Some things cannot be repeated unless the reasons are analyzed and the scene at that time can be reproduced.

Cedric died, like a sacrifice, and there was the Goblet of Fire, and what was placed in that newly created trophy was not the hyacinth fire, but a part of the flame that burned in the Goblet of Fire.

Plants do not have to be propagated by seed germination, but can also be propagated by division. Pomona originally wanted to cut a part from the wooden cup of the Goblet of Fire to breed hedges.

There is a magical plant called the fire seed bush, which will burn as long as it is alive. Hagrid uses it to hatch dragon eggs. Of course, this "little secret" was learned by Pomona later. At the same time, it is also a material for fire-breathing potions. When taking its seeds, make sure that the fire of the kindling bush is extinguished.

The Goblet of Fire looked like a tree made of trees. When a bush lived for a long time, it would become as strong as the tree.

It is usually in the "flame off" state, and when it is awakened, it will burn as when it is "alive".

The salamander feeds on flames, and it cannot live without the fire. In ancient runes, it represents 6, because it only eats pepper without the fire, and it can only live for so long as 6 hours.

Albus "branched" the fire from the Goblet of Fire, kind of like Voldemort cutting his own soul, but he didn't murder anyone.

This involves fire magic again. It is also a high-temperature fire, and the fire sprayed by the fire dragon will not be attached to spirits like Fiendfire.

The practice shrub hedges for the children were not tinder shrubs, since Pomona hadn't mastered "sprouting" at the time.

And at the time they weren't sure if they could skip the awards ceremony until the Dark Mark reappeared at the World Cup.

Newt attended the party of the Ministry of Magic, hoping that the Ministry of Magic would strengthen its vigilance in order to prevent the magic animal mascot from getting out of control.

But Ludo Bagman said, "How much damage can leprechauns and veela do?"

Werewolves can love Quidditch too, right?

It is said that the Goblet of Fire was confiscated by the International Federation of Wizards. No one knows where it is hidden. It may be the headquarters of the Federation, or it may be in a cave on a hill.

Pomona believes that this is the key to the resurrection of the mysterious man.

Because the color of the fire is very similar to the color of the human soul.

"Ma'am." Caroline Lestrange walked to her couch. "My uncle is here."

"What is he here for?"

Caroline shook her head.

Georgiana had to sit up and wrap herself in her cloak.

"Let him come."

So Coraline left her room.

Pomona walked to the cage and held "Mango" in her arms.

"If only you were a cooler pet," she said to Mango.

Mango closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep.

The milk Voldemort said was Nagini's snake venom

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