Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2563 Smoke and Mirror (29)

Summer vacation at Scamander's is a completely different experience than summer at Lily's.

There is no refrigerator, TV and "Coke", but there are also things that the Muggle world does not have.

She was doing her summer homework while eating Honeydukes' licorice wand, and after finishing her dissertation on transfiguration, she planned to go to Scamander's study, where he kept a lot of his travels around the world.

But Scamander doesn't like to teach her. It is said that his Boggart is a desk full of documents, and what he fears most is this kind of work that has been sitting still.

Whose Boggart would be like that? What a weirdo.

"Pomona," Tina called softly. "You have a friend."

She looked up at Scamander's wife, who was being looked after by Tina during this time, and occasionally came to communicate with her in the study.

"I don't have any friends, I mean none of them are here," said Pomona, who thought there were other children in the Scamander family, but she was the only one.

"Let's go downstairs." Tina said with a smile.

Pomona looked at the thesis that was almost finished, and left with Tina. They went to the basement floor.

Looking from this place, you can see the mirror-like lake, but it is actually very deep, not like the black lake, where you can roll up your trouser legs and stand on the stone pile.

"Where's that man?" Pomona asked confused.

"Look over there." Tina said, pointing in one direction.

She looked in the direction Tina pointed, and there seemed to be some ripples on the water, but they disappeared after a while, and the lake became calm again.

Just when she didn't know why and was about to ask Tina again, the water surface in that direction began to surge, and in the blink of an eye, there was a "crash", and the horse-shaped water monster jumped up from the bottom of the lake, and the splashing water sparkled in the sun glow.

Then she quickly spotted Sirius Black in the pygmy weed-like "hair", which was completely wet, and he was shaking his head like a dog.

"Why is Blake here?" Pomona asked Tina excitedly.

"He doesn't want to spend the summer vacation at home, and asked Principal Dumbledore to help him find a place to live for a few days." Tina said.

It didn't make sense, Sirius would spend the summer with James Potter if he really had nowhere to go.

Just then Sirius pulled on the reins, and the kelpie swam to Scamander's house.

"Don't tell him I'm here!" said Pomona, grabbing the hem of his robe and running.

"What's wrong with you?" Tina asked.

She didn't answer Tina's question and ran away at the "speed of light".

In fact, Sirius stayed at the Scamander's house until the James Potter family returned from vacation abroad before going to the Potter's house. He also saw a Hippogriff there, which later became Buckbeak.

She wondered if Tina had told him that a "friend" was also at Scamander's house, but she hadn't seen Sirius or spoken to him during that time anyway, as she had been at school. Good at doing - "invisibility".

Pomona put down his wand, and now the entire castle was guarded by security guards. Even if a wizard passed by, he didn't have to worry about discovering the existence of the castle, although the place itself was hard enough to find.

She went back along the same road and looked at the lake on the way. She didn't know if it was caused by the wind or when Kelpai himself was driving underwater. There were slight ripples on the lake, as if there would be a water monster riding a horse at any moment. The gray-eyed boy will jump out of the water.

Where are you, Sirius?

Then she thought of Peter Pedilou who had escaped. How could he live in the form of a mouse for so many years?

Humans seem to be able to do anything in order to survive.

After she returned to Scamander's house, she walked through the corridor to the living room. Newt Scamander had already returned, and he was standing at a round table talking to Neville.

"...Ayahuasca is indeed used by black wizards as an auxiliary drug for the Imperius Curse and Legilimency, but the wizards in America use it to communicate with the 'spirit of nature', and the wizards in Peru call it the 'umbilical cord of the forest', There is something in the human body as well as in the plants..."

"What do you mean?" Neville asked Scamander, confused.

Scamander scratched his nose, "You can understand it this way. Humans and plants have no way to communicate, but they have re-established their connection through the 'umbilical cord'. You can know what they want?"

Neville still didn't understand.

But Scamander no longer knew how to explain it to him.

"Do you think potions are necessary?" Pomona said suddenly.

Neville and Scamander looked at Pomona together.

"...I, I don't know." Neville said inarticulately.

"I know you don't like Snape, but you can tell me honestly what you think, Mr Longbottom," said Pomona.

"I think it needs to exist. If it weren't for the decoction he made, those who were petrified by the basilisk would not be able to wake up." Neville said, "I asked my grandparents, and they said they don't know any magic spells that can achieve this. Effect."

"There are a lot of wizards who feel that if you have a wand and a spell, you don't need a potion. It's just superfluous, but there are also people who don't know how to use magic and wands, such as Mr. Filch. He doesn't use the Happy Charm, but he I can experience the feeling of magic through euphoria.” Pomona said, “Communication with plants is a kind of 'talent', I can feel what plants need, they are thirsty, or need some fertilizer, but ordinary people cannot Communicate with them, the potion that Mr. Scamander just mentioned has this ability, so that people who don't have 'talent' can temporarily have 'talent'."

"Yes, that's it," Scamander said to Neville, "but it's not a potion, it's an herbal medicine, and Castrobusher is very good at herbalism."

"Can herbs be so magical?" Neville asked.

"You're asking the wrong question, Longbottom. What's the difference between herbs and potions?" Pomona asked.

Neville was lost in thought.

"You can go to the bookshelf inside to find the answer. I have something to discuss with Mr. Scamander," Pomona said.

Neville obediently had to leave, leaving Pomona and Newt alone in the living room.

"Where's my turtle!" Pomona asked after Neville had gone away.

"Is that what you want to say?" Newt smiled weirdly.

"No, in order to prevent Hogwarts' birds and snakes from regenerating, on behalf of the school, I would like to ask you to exchange birds and snakes." Pomona said dryly.

"You represent the school, so I have to promise you?" Newt asked back.

Pomona looked at him in shock, she didn't expect Scamander to be such a bad person.

"How about this? You take some Nifflers, I can hardly fit them in this room," said Scamander.

"Those little thieves..." she grumbled, not wanting to take them back to school.

"Then there's nothing I can do," said Scamander, turning and leaving the drawing room.

==================================================== ==========

In the end, Pomona agreed to Scamander's request and brought the Nifflers back to Hogwarts. After all, there were only two old people in that family, he and Tina, and it was not suitable for raising such vigorous animals. .

But even if they are brought back to school, they are not allowed to enter the castle. There are many shiny things on the girls' headdresses. Even if these are worthless, if they are stolen, they will cause conflicts.

In addition to boyfriends and toothbrushes that cannot be shared, some jewelry cannot be shared casually.

Although tolerance is better than hatred, there is a limit to tolerance. If apologies always work, there will be no Unforgivable Curses.

In fact, Georgiana knew in her heart that Miss Campini had already admitted it, but she still gave herself an excuse. Bonaparte was taking care of the fellow Campini. Miss Campini said that and met Shaputal last Christmas. That female star is about the same.

If she told Bonaparte why she forgave him, he would definitely admit it and continue doing what he should do.

She'd always make excuses for herself anyway, which made her look like a complete fool.

Queenie's talent is to know what the other party is thinking at any time, but this "talent" is not so good. It couldn't be turned on and off at will, even when she didn't want to hear it, unless she could live in isolation. However, she married a Muggle who opened a bakery. In order to be able to marry him, she also joined Grindelwald and planned to abolish the International Statute of Secrecy, but the prohibition of witches and Muggles from marrying did not exist at the beginning of the International Statute of Secrecy. But because a scavenger's descendant leaked the secret, the Magical Congress of America had to issue a law and move out of its original position.

The vast majority of people are willing to be smart, not stupid...

Georgiana accidentally sees the adopted daughter of the Duchess of Alba. Seeing her, Georgiana always thinks of Leta Lestrange, a girl who lives in gossip.

Some people are so annoying, I want to keep their mouths shut,

It's a pity that she can't really cast spells on her classmates like Lita, so she can only endure those whispering voices, just like when she was in class in the greenhouse, she never cared about the children's discipline, and she could talk when she wanted to, anyway. It's not really a classroom either.

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