Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2564 Smoke and Mirror (Thirty)

The word werewolf comes from Anglo-Saxon, wer means "man" and wolf means "wolf". The reason why we put man before wolf is because the transformation process of werewolf is from man to wolf. Animagus (animagus) emphasizes the transformation from animals to people, so animals (animals) are placed in front of wizards (magus).

However, in non-Anglo-Saxon languages, werewolves are called lycantrope, lykos means wolf, and anthropos means people. Some werewolves call themselves "lycaon", and some werewolves call themselves moonborn as Kettleburn said. The former is "mooncalf", the difference is that the former is very satisfied with his current state, while the latter hopes to completely become a wolf or a human by means of sacrifice.

Moonborns believe that werewolves are similar to blood orcs, they are both cursed, and eventually they will become complete animals, that is, real wolves, there is no difference between real wolves and wolves, only they can understand human language.

As for those who want to change back to human form, they observe the "fast" and insist on not eating human flesh. Their situation is somewhat similar to that of Remus Lupin, the difference is that they rely on prayer to maintain their rationality, while Remus has the wolfsbane potion. can drink.

This is not meaningless. There is a werewolf who claims to be Toss who maintains rationality to a certain extent after transformation, but he is only a very rare phenomenon. Most werewolves still lose their rationality after transformation.

The werewolf's change made the Ministry of Magic of all countries maintain a high level of vigilance, but some people in the British Ministry of Magic, headed by Ludo Bagman, thought it didn't matter. Werewolves can also love Quidditch, right? Scamander went to the Ministry of Magic meeting for this matter. He heard from "sources" that Ludo Bagman had set up a bet on the Quidditch World Cup, compared to his work at the Ministry of Magic. , he is more keen on gambling. Barty Crouch, who co-organized the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament with him, could not change Bagman's mind, and Bagman had more supporters than the scandal-plagued ex-Ministry of Magic Executive Director.

"So the whole Ministry of Magic is on vacation for that gala?" Pomona asked Scamander.

"Not everyone. There are still people working in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Don't forget that Barty Crouch is the head of that department." Scamander put a cup of tea in front of Pomona, "especially the Trading Standards Association."

"What are they going to do?" Pomona asked.

"A modified version of the wolfsbane potion test. For the sake of fairness, the Trading Standards Institute lent out the balance, which is enough for a person to stand on it. This scale is enchanted, and any levitation spell or weight loss spell will not work on it."

She was in total shock, and imagining Remus standing on the scales made her feel sick.

"The nomination of Improved Wolfsbane Potion has attracted a lot of attention, because many potions masters from Europe want to watch it live, although their original purpose is to watch the Quidditch World Cup." Scamander said "If It has been proven to be effective, just like the finals were held in advance, and the winner of the Prince Award must be the improved version of Wolfbane."

Pomona was in a complicated mood. Just as she was about to take a sip of tea, she thought of milk, then of cheese, and then she glanced at the dragon cheese in the fleece pocket.

"Neville!" she yelled.


After a while, Neville trotted into the living room.

"How did you find it?" asked Pomona.

Neville shook his head, "I found that there seems to be no difference between potions and herbal medicines, Professor, they are all made of magical raw materials."

He handed Pomona a copy of Scamander's handbook "as it says."

Pomona looks at Scamander.

"I can take care of animals, but I'm not good at teaching." Scamander smiled awkwardly.

So Pomona looked at Neville.

"In the beginning, the name of the course of herbal medicine was not 'herbology', but 'herbalism', biology is biology, the study of the structure, function and development of living things, and herbalism is herbal medicine, the medicine used by Madam Pomfrey Many of them are herbal medicines." Pomona replied, "Herbal medicine is to extract useful ingredients from plants. For example, Peruvian wizards use wine to extract certain ingredients from black vines, forming an 'umbilical relationship' with the forest. Even if Muggles understand How to find and make these magic materials, they can also make herbal medicine, but the effect is not as good as that of wizards, and magic medicine attaches great importance to the operation of wizards, even some materials without magic attributes will have magic power after passing through their hands. "

Neville nodded.

"It used to be very difficult to find those magic materials. If necessary, wizards would use magic spells to climb high mountains to collect the tears of the phoenix, but because of international trade, you can easily buy them in stores..."

"Tears of the Phoenix?" Scamander asked.

He obviously did it on purpose, but Pomona didn't intend to talk to him, and then said to Neville, "It's like a magic wand. In the past, wizards needed to go to the forest to find it by themselves, and sometimes they encountered very dangerous carnivorous plants and dangerous animals. You need to know how to repel them, and although there are many trees in a forest, there are very few trees suitable for making magic wands. When making herbs, you need to set standards for the selection of materials, and the magic power of the herbal medicine maker cannot make up for the innate deficiency of medicinal materials."

"In other words, you depend on the plants more than the plants depend on you," Scamander said to Neville.

"It's not that we don't rely on you, but we rely on your daily care of them. We take good care of the plants and animals. When they are healthy, the quality of the magic materials that can be provided to us will be better. Is your dragon cheese still there? asked Pomona.

"Yes." Neville took the gift out of his jacket pocket.

"If it was ordinary cheese, it would have melted in your pocket, Neville." Pomona said, "Fortunately, it is dragon cheese. You can eat it or use it to make herbs, but in "Dragon Blood Even if it is mentioned in "21 Ways of Using Dragon's Blood that it can be used as a cleaning agent, no one will actually use dragon's blood to clean the house."

"In other words, you can't use it to make herbal medicine until you're good at it," Scamander said. "Animal fats can also be used to extract ingredients from plants."

Neville stared thoughtfully at the dragon cheese in his hand.

"Where's your Bowtruckle?" Pomona asked Scamander.

"Excuse me, what did you say?" Scamander asked deaf.

She also asked casually, and didn't really want to know where the Bowtruckle went. While drinking tea, she couldn't help wondering why Albus had to write dragon's blood as a cleaning agent to gather up 21 ways to use it, 20 What is the problem?

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"Advanced Potion Production" was written by Lebasio Pollach, a graduate of Castrobushe. Strictly speaking, it is difficult to distinguish the difference between herbs and potions. Some potions are also applied on the body surface like herbs. For example, fire-resistant ointment, you don’t have to be afraid of being burned by the flames if you apply it on your body. In theory, herbal medicine is more focused on treatment, and applying burn ointment can make the wound recover quickly. But there are also some herbs that have offensive power. In addition to assisting Legilimency and Imperius Curse, Black Vine Water can also destroy the brain defense. If it is destroyed by force, that person's brain is basically gone, but it is now It seems to be divided into potions.

In the era of great geographical discovery, herbalists mainly focused on discovering new plants, such as the function and structure of saccharomyces, leaving behind their own discoveries through writing books. In the era of Pomona, it has begun to approach potions, and Toots' rejuvenation and rejuvenation potions are very useful.

Generally, Pomona does not prepare rejuvenation potions and rejuvenation potions. After all, there are former "superior" potion masters working for the "gardener". She only needs to adjust the ratio of experimental rejuvenation potions and rejuvenation potions on various magical plants That's it.

When the book is used, she will hate less, now she has to prepare the potion by herself.

Speaking of people who live in solitude, one has to mention the author of "Book of Potions", Zygmunt Bach. In the seventh chapter of his book, in addition to the production process of Felix Elixir, he also recorded a person named The story of the wizard of Tertius, the youngest and only wizard in his family, who was thrown out of the house by his family out of fear of his strange powers, and Tertius fell into the sea in his escape, and was washed to Hercules by the waves. Metra Island.

21 is a multiple of 7, is that why Albus filled in the line that uses dragon's blood as a cleaning agent?

Severus believed that Voldemort decided to make seven Horcruxes after reading the book.

The ball music sounded again, and the young people entered the dance floor in pairs and began to waltz.

This time it was not Alice who was dancing with the nephew of the Duke of Arenberg, but a Spanish noblewoman, and Alice was glaring at them angrily.

Is it because Bonaparte is not there, so no one asks her to dance the "opening dance"?

She was looking for her guardian, Richard Edgeworth, when a tall dark-haired man approached her.

"Can I ask you to dance?" the man said to her in English, extending his hand to invite her.

She felt like she had been petrified, because the person standing in front of her was clearly Sirius Black.

happy teacher's day moon face

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