Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2562 Smoke and Mirror (28)

At the beginning, the "summer homework" that Pomona arranged for Neville was to go to Scamander's house to retrieve her turtle, and later added other tasks, but she forgot one thing, how would Neville get there?

He is not in the fourth grade yet, and he has no extraordinary talent for magic, so it is impossible to apparate. And Newt Scamander lived in the mountains far away from the city. Even if Neville used the Floo network to reach the city closest to his home, he still had to ride a broomstick. It happened that Neville couldn't ride, so Pomona had to take him to Scamander's house.

Newborn babies are not allowed to apparate. In order to send Harry safely to Penny's house, the entire wizarding world has spent a lot of effort and violated many international secrecy laws. Even the Muggles felt abnormal.

It was not in vain to create such a big battle. Harry has survived until now. Unlike Harry, Neville "must" go to the relative's house he doesn't like every year to spend the summer vacation that could have been unforgettable. The other children hate the start of school for him. He said he was "running to freedom", and even asked George and Fred to help him "break out of prison".

Pomona also plans to let two "runners" take care of this in the future, but let's forget about it today. She took Neville's apparition to the banks of the Spey River in northern Scotland, next to the great lake in the canyon There is a dam-like stone building that is Scamander's home.

The Spey River, like the Ness River, will flow into the North Sea, and because it is the water gathered by the melting snow mountains, the temperature of the lake is very low, which is not suitable for human swimming, but it is very suitable for the life of the horse-shaped water monster.

Not all horse-shaped monsters are as pushy as the Loch Ness horse-shaped water monster. The horse-shaped water monster fed by Scamander is very disciplined and does not exclude humans from riding on its back. Looking at the familiar scenery, she felt an unspeakable sadness, but she continued to lead Neville towards the door of Scamander's house.

Known as the "eccentric," Scamander's house had few visitors and didn't even ring the doorbell, so Pomona had to knock on the door.

Neville looked around, as if he hadn't recovered from the dizziness caused by Apparation.

After a while, the door opened, but it was not Scamander who opened the door, but an elderly woman, who could be seen to be very beautiful in her youth.

"You are..." She looked at Pomona and Neville.

"You must be Tina," Pomona said. "We met when I was a kid spending the summer at your house."

Tina tilted her head to recall.

"Is Newt there?" Pomona asked.

"What do you want from him?" Tina asked.

"The birds and snakes at Hogwarts want to find your family's mate. I am Pomona Sprout, a teacher at Hogwarts, and this is my student Neville Longbottom." Pomona said.

"Come in, he won't be back in a while." Tina said and took a half step back, letting the two into the room.

Everything here is the same as it was when she last left more than ten years ago.

However, she didn't take two steps, but two Xixiu jumped out, one running ahead and the other running wildly behind, and soon disappeared.

"Put away your shiny things," Pomona said to Neville in a low voice.

Neville didn't know, so he had to ask "What shiny thing?"

Pomona turned her head and saw a Niffler trying to grab the brass buckle on the schoolbag in Neville's hand.

"Oh, it's you again!" Tina grabbed the back of Xixiu's neck, "You can't treat guests like this."

Then she walked away with a sniff.

"Just like that," Pomona said, and then he walked forward familiarly, and soon came to the "underground", or the "zoo" on the water's edge.

Neither the furniture nor the wallpaper had changed, but the animals had changed a lot. Some of the old ones she knew were gone, replaced by young ones who didn't know her.

"How about some pumpkin juice? Or would you rather have tea?" Tina asked.

"Pumpkin juice, thank you." Pomona demanded aggressively. "I want it iced."

Not long after, Tina came downstairs with three glasses of iced pumpkin juice.

"Do you want to wait here? Or go upstairs?"

"I think it'll do here, don't you think, Neville?" asked Pomona.

Neville was staring at a snail in a daze. He heard Pomona's question and subconsciously nodded.

"Thank you," Pomona said to Tina, taking a sip of the iced pumpkin juice.

It didn't have the unique frothy bouncing feeling of carbonated drinks like cola, but it was better than that sweet and greasy. She was so relieved to look at the lake and mountains in front of her.

"I remember you." Tina said with a smile. "You're the little girl who asked us if we had 'Coke'."

"What's a Coke?" Neville asked.

"I'll buy you a drink next time I'm in the Muggle community," Pomona said to Neville, then looked at Tina again.

"Are you looking for your turtle?" Tina asked.

"How do you know?" Pomona frowned.

"Newt told me you'd come to him," Tina replied.

"How could he think I would hurt my pet?" Pomona asked.

"He thinks you are the kind of person who won't give up easily, come on." Tina said, took off her shoes, walked to the edge of the steps and sat down, soaking her feet in the cold lake water.

It was too casual for someone meeting for the first time, but it wasn't their first meeting either.

So Pomona also took off his shoes, soaked his feet in the water, and drank iced pumpkin juice together.

"What about you, young man?" Tina looked at Neville.

He shook his head primly and continued to visit Newt's house.

"What's Scamander doing?" asked Pomona.

"Going to a meeting at the Ministry of Magic, I heard that there is an urgent matter." Tina looked at Pomona. "I remember that Hogwarts has a defensive magic circle, you'd better turn it on."

Pomona didn't object. Hogwarts' defensive magic can resist werewolves, but because last year's Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was a werewolf, this setting was changed.

"Is this the Auror's suggestion?" Pomona asked.

"That's right." Tina looked at the lake. "I also want to set up defensive magic."

"I'll help you when you're done," Pomona said.

"Thank you," Tina said.

"You're welcome, it's easy." Pomona said to Tina, and looked at Neville again. "These animals are dangerous. We're leaving. You can go up by yourself later."

"Yes, Professor," said Neville.

"Are you all Hufflepuffs?" Tina asked.

"No, he's Gryffindor," Pomona replied.

"Why is he here?" Tina asked.

Pomona couldn't explain it.

Severus had asked her before, why she didn't give this opportunity to Cedric.

Do you want to tell Tina that she didn't think so much?

So she took a sip of pumpkin juice, trying to overshadow the problem.

Tina was so perceptive that she didn't ask any further questions, and drank pumpkin juice while looking at the scenery.

It's strange, even though they didn't speak, Pomona didn't have that embarrassing feeling of insisting on saying something.

She felt very peaceful, and even wanted to keep it like this.

==================================================== ===========

Article 22 of the Declaration of Human Rights issued in 1793: Education is necessary for everyone, and society should do everything possible to support the development of public reason and make education available to every citizen.

Condorcet held the same opinion on this point. He advocated the implementation of public education for all citizens, and through education, the ordinary people who were firmly bound by ignorance, fanaticism and superstition were liberated. All people should have equal opportunities to go to school, regardless of social status. High and low and gender differences, regardless of occupation, ended the Church's monopoly on knowledge.

Compared with Napoleon, Robespierre practiced de-Christianization during his reign. The world saw the chaos in France at that time, not to mention Du Maurier and the clerks appointed by the National Government invaded the church's gold and silverware, documents , there are sentries both day and night. All the neighborhoods in Brussels unanimously rejected all the proposals of the French, and anyone who dared to defend the French would be insulted and attacked in the street.

The central school was designed by Condorcet, advocating secularization and scientific academicism, but Napoleon intends to carry out educational reforms. The purpose of education is to cultivate shrewd and capable officials who can serve the country and citizens who can expand production.

Just like a person who broke free from the shackles on his body and gained freedom. The stage tasks of the central school have been completed, and now it is time to start "modernization".

After the Jacobins came to power, approval was required to open a university. The University of Rouen, which she visited, was closed during the revolution. The school building was once used as a textile factory, and later it was used as a charity to provide children with accommodation and places to eat.

Condorcet, on the other hand, supports that any citizen can open an educational institution, and is independent of the intervention of the church and the state, avoiding becoming a tool for controlling thoughts.

But not all principals have defeated Grindelwald like Albus Dumbledore, and he is also the president of the International Federation of Wizards, and also won the First Wizarding War, the chief representative of Wizengamot, 21 kinds of dragon blood discoverer of uses.

And even with so many titles, it is not as good as the charge of "rebellion". The "good idea" Ginny thought, da is the abbreviation of Dumbledore's Army, and Fudge has an excuse to arrest Albus. There was also an opportunity to interfere in Hogwarts affairs, and Doris Umbridge became Headmaster.

With Pomona's character, she would never let two snuffers into the office, but if Umritch leaves, someone else will replace her, which cannot change the "general trend" of the Ministry of Magic's intervention in the school.

Fudge trying to cover up Voldemort's return, Harry desperately trying to publish the "truth" but only the Quibblers are willing to publish it, and Umbridge's "everything is quiet" in class, she makes Harry write a lot after class The black magic punishment of "I must not lie".

This is the beauty of power, when you want to distort a certain fact, there will always be a group of "smart people" to help.

But no matter how much you distort a fact, there will always be a day when the truth will be revealed. After the Battle of the Ministry of Magic, Fudge resigned, and the Daily Prophet finally published the article that the mysterious man had returned, even for slandering Harry. There was no public apology.

She didn't know whether her "little conspiracy" Chaputal saw it. At the rally in Paris, Grindelwald spit out smoke and showed the people present the "future" he saw. For people in the Great War, even wizards don’t want to go through it again, especially the final “finale” nuclear bomb explosion, it’s not TNT, there will be radiation and dust clouds, which will affect people farther away.

Perhaps, Albus had seen Gellert in the Mirror of Erised, the one who had brought him joy, understanding, and potentially, the one who killed his sister.

He has experienced loss and knows that war will lose more. In the final analysis, it was because Arianna was attacked by three Muggles, causing her magic riot to be silently parasitized, and the life of their family changed drastically. But what did Arianna do? She was just using magic in her own garden, and was seen by three children who were looking into other people's houses.

What the purger said just now did not make her hair stand on end. They are also witches, some are trampled like wild flowers, and some are held in hands like roses, even if they have thorns, people like them.

The magic is because of the Polyjuice Potion, which she knows from both experiences.

Life wasn't fair, she knew it, and Severus knew it, but he, like Albus, didn't want to go back and change things, like not saying that word, or kicking those three Muggle kids out. Walk.

Albus needs the painful memory, to remind himself not to get dizzy and walk that dangerous road with Grindelwald.

Severus, on the other hand, had learned a lot from the Death Eaters, he had changed, he had learned to be graceful, he wasn't that Slytherin boy at the door of the Gryffindor lounge, yelling that Lily wouldn't leave until he came out.

That's something he couldn't learn in school and people like them.

Those magical animals were actually as smelly as ordinary animals, so they were not suitable for a living room, but she was willing to stay there and chat with Tina.

After all, no matter how beautiful Veela is, she is also a beast. She belongs there, so why bother to imitate Ravenclaw who "comes from the quiet lakeside" and dresses elegantly. As a Hufflepuff who is good at keeping secrets, don't tell those "geniuses" what kind of spell the carriage and boat used to run "automatically", maybe they can really research something.

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