Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2561 Smoke and Mirror (27)

When an animal looks in a mirror, it cannot tell that what is in the mirror is itself.

But it can feel a certain need, like hunger, which prompts them to hunt and eat. If they don't feel hungry, they won't think of storing more food for the winter like humans, because in winter, Many animals are out and hunting will be tough.

People will also see dark clouds, and start looking for shelter from the rain. The so-called planning for rainy days is not just based on perception, but imagination based on perception.

Of course, not all animals can’t distinguish themselves in the mirror, such as elephants and orangutans, and not all animals don’t know how to store food for the winter, such as squirrels, they will find a tree hole to hide the nuts, which will attract people’s attention. Come to the hungry to pick up. Sometimes people get unexpected things, like an Albanian farmer who found a crown that looked like it was worth a lot.


"Aha, Dean!" Kettleburn saw Pomona and Neville, and dragged his cautious half-leg to them.

He was fitted with a wooden prosthetic leg, which, while not looking like a pirate, was still somewhat handicapped.

"Did you come back from the Dragon Sanctuary so early in order to catch the Quidditch World Cup, Silva?" Pomona asked.

"Don't save me face, Dean, I know my legs and feet are failing." Kettleburn took out two small boxes from his pocket. "Here, this is the dragon cheese I bought in the reserve."

"Thank you." She took the gift, but didn't rush to open it. "How did you gain from this trip?"

"It's amazing, I've actually been to other places besides the Dragon Sanctuary, and the wizards in those places are very interesting." Kettleburn said, and then began to tell what he had seen and heard.

In fact, besides the fire dragon, the fire dragon reserve also has a strong wind dragon named Drague, who will help humans chase down the fire dragons that run out of the reserve.

It is very smart, but the key is that it is not as agitated and breathes fire like a fire dragon. The staff of the reserve feel that it seems to understand human speech.

In addition to being extremely fast, it will also summon heavy rain, and let the rain extinguish the fire sprayed by the dragon. It has stayed in that place for almost a hundred years, and has never had a dispute with the dragon trainer. The dragon trainers Nor will it constrain and control it.

"It was a very beautiful dragon, I have no words to describe it," Kettleburn said.

"Did you take a picture of it?" Pomona asked.

"I did bring a camera, but unfortunately the film was gone, there was so much novelty out there to take pictures," Kettleburn said.

Pomona thought it strange that the dragon tamers would let Kettleburn, who had only half a leg and one arm, into the sanctuary, but she thought of Charlie Weasley, a student of Kettleburn who used to be Quite under the care of Kettleburn.

"There is another thing. I heard that Hogwarts has a werewolf as a professor. Who is he?" Kettleburn asked, "Is it the one who replaced me?"

"Hagrid? No~" Pomona shook his head with a smile. "You've known him longer than I do. Do you think he's a werewolf?"

"So, it's the other one." Kettleburn said with horror on his face, "The one who succeeded Lockhart as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

Remus did not come to the school for the interview, and by the time he arrived on the Hogwarts Express, Kettleburn had retired and left England.

"Besides the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, where else have you been?" Pomona asked with a smile.

"In Europe, werewolves call themselves mooncalf, and they sacrifice a calf once a year, praying that they can become wolves or people." Kettleburn said, "but some people say they sacrificed It's a kid, of course, I don't believe it, and I've heard that werewolves from Europe are flocking to England, and it seems like a 'big party' is starting."

Neville looked horrified.

"Go get us drinks," Pomona told him.

Neville immediately left his seat and went to the bar to get drinks for them.

"Because they're trying to mess with the Quidditch World Cup?" asked Pomona.

"I don't think it's that simple. Anyway, I won't go to the World Cup to join in the fun." Kettleburn said, "it's better to go home and be safe."

How can England be safe in Europe at present, and there are no Death Eaters and werewolves in Europe.

But she dismissed the idea of ​​letting Neville stay with him temporarily, God knows what he would say to Neville.

"Here comes the wine," said Neville, like a tavern waiter.

"Thanks." Pomona took the butterbeer off the tray, and continued chatting with Kettleburn, even though she wasn't all that interested in the Dragon Sanctuary.

==================================================== =====

Corsica originally belonged to the Republic of Genoa. In 1769, due to the Marquis of Choiseul, the French bought it from the Genoese and formed part of France.

When Napoleon was a cadet, he had followed Pauli in making Corsica independent from the French. Although he is now the first ruler of France, Genoa is considered part of his hometown, so it is not difficult to understand that he will take gentle measures against the Genoese.

Miss Campini's affair with him is just a rumor. She gave a "judgment" without confronting him. This is actually very unfair. Corsican dialect and Genoese have many similarities. Georgiana and Jim I also feel cordial when communicating in English. Maybe he just helped a fellow villager and gave some gifts. It was all because Georgiana thought too much and overreacted.

Rumors stop at wise men. If she really thinks she is a wise man, she should also listen to what the "defendant" has to say. She can't be like Crouch who passed the judgment without asking Sirius Black.

This was her reaction after hearing Bertin's "advice", and she actually wanted to forgive him a little bit.


Just as she and others were smirking hypocritically, Minister of the Interior Shaputal came, and his face looked very bad.

"Excuse me," Pomona said to the nobleman from Norway, and followed Schaptal to a small balcony.

"You made the Englishman announce those proposals?" Chapthal asked seriously.

"Yes." She said frankly.

"So do you have any idea how much of an impact this will have?" asked Schaptal.

"I know." She said indifferently.

"Then you're still going to do it?" Chaputar asked.

"I know what you mean." Georgiana smiled. "I'm not French."

"so what?"

"There are some things I can do. At worst, people will say that the foreign woman doesn't know anything." Georgiana touched her arm, it was too cold to blow on the balcony.

"Go get a shawl." Shaputal said to the waiter not far away, and then looked at Georgiana. "What do you mean?"

"Today the gendarmerie told me that because of the Declaration of Human Rights in 1793, the Belgian police cannot take dogs on duty. May I ask which article in the declaration is in violation?" Georgiana said, but she continued without waiting for Schaptal to speak." If I remember correctly, the 1793 Declaration of Human Rights was announced by Robespierre, 18 more articles than the 1789 version. This declaration stipulates that everyone has the right to education, and Condorcet’s idea is unanimous."

Shaptal watched her silently.

"That child, the convex lens that Fresnel used to make lighthouse lights uses the principle left over by Condorcet. He just thinks that Condorcet is right, and he can't hinder the discovery of truth because of politics." Georgiana lowered her voice and said .

"You know that you still support him?" Shaputar also lowered his voice, "Are you helping him or harming him?"

"Are you a politician or a scientist?" Georgiana whispered, "Why should the truth that can stand the test of practice be buried? If this is the case, then human beings will live in 'darkness' forever..."

"Do you think your actions are not inappropriate?" Shaputal asked.

"I only know that Mayor Lupe is from a seminary, and Talleyrand, a priest can become a secular official by taking off his robe, let alone a seminary student who has not put on a priest's robe." She took a breath and calmed down Own heartbeat "Young people are more receptive than old people."

"They also act impulsively, like you," Chapthal scolded.

"You think I'm crazy?" Georgiana asked.

Shapthal sighed "I know..."

"No, you don't know." She interrupted him with a wave of her hand. "You men, like women, will lose your mind. Judges are supposed to be fair, but the judges here are asked to refuse to support equality..."

"Have you asked the First Consul?" Shaputal said suddenly.

She stopped talking.

"I thought you understood . . . I'm rejecting your proposal," Shaputal said.

"This is for the Belgian Parliament..."

"I am the Minister of the Interior, and everything about the interior needs to be signed by me." Shaputar said fiercely.

Georgiana fell silent again.

"I'll pass on suggestions for repairing water purification and water delivery facilities, but I'll talk about the rest when I get back to Paris." After finishing his sentence, Chaputal left the small balcony.

She felt a fire in her heart, and even though it was snowing outside, she didn't feel cold in her gorgeous but thin evening dress.

She looked at the roses in the yard, which should have bloomed in May, and now they bloomed under the snow, looking "unnatural", like the "wreath" made of filigree on her head.

She missed Hogwarts, as if she were in that glorious summer meadow full of flowers, but then she wore a witch hat and forgot that she could take it off and make a wreath out of those flowers.

A warm shawl was draped over her shoulders.

Although it was a bit late, the person holding the shawl did not forget, she was just about to turn around and say "thank you"...

"The captain told me that I would feel like I turned into a puff of smoke. When I passed through the place covered by smoke, my body would stay." The clearer said softly in her ear, "At first, I didn't see roses, but I smelled them. Arriving at the scent of roses, then I felt a lot of people slowly gathering together in the thick fog, I didn't know those people until I saw the captain appear, I followed him and found a woman, he grabbed her by the hair , and threw her to the ground."

The Scavenger touched her cheek with the back of his hand. "'She's a witch,' said the captain, and he told us to attack her."

"You did as he said?" she asked.

"He said it was to uphold the belief, but I don't know what belief he was talking about." After the purger finished speaking, he took a half step back. She felt that he was far away, turned her head, and looked at him.

"She is not as beautiful as you, and roses are more suitable for you." The purger smiled sinisterly, and turned back to the brightly lit room.

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