Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2546 Smoke and Mirror (12)

There are many spells in Romania's dragon sanctuary, but dragons, unlike unicorns and merfolk, don't like to stay in "the area available to them". Dragons are always looking for opportunities and are ready to cross the boundaries of the reserve to go out in search of prey.

In some cases, the spells fail because the magic of the animals themselves breaks the spells, like a fish tearing through a net. It is ineffective against fire dragons with ordinary magic, even including some strengthening magic, so these animals are classified as five-star dangerous creatures by the Ministry of Magic.

But the situation of werewolves is different. They have a certain magic resistance attribute, but they can't resist Fiendfire, and the damage caused by Fiendfire on Fire Dragon's body may only make them break their skin.

The dragon leather gloves, leather boots and other items currently on the market are all collected after the death of the dragon. In the past, this "job" belonged to the eight-eyed spider.

It is precisely because dragons are difficult to deal with that people can safely deposit money in Gringotts, because there is a dragon guarding the depths of Gringotts.

Of course, besides dragons, there are other defensive magics.

Pomona withdrew his hand from a golden cup and turned to look at the old wizard with white beard and hair.

"How does it feel?" Albus asked softly.

"Hot." She said in amazement, "It's like a copper cauldron just taken off the fire."

"It's a curse," said Albus' hoarse voice. "The goblins will add this to their Duplication Charms, so that thieves who break into their vaults will be drowned in boiling riches."

"Oh~" she took a step back, "I touched it just now, why didn't it copy it?"

"Would you like my office to be flooded with copies of it?" Albus laughed. "I suppose it's because of that heat that you're deforming today and disabling Polyjuice Potion."

"I've heard werewolves are cursed," Pomona said.

"This was just a theory before, not to mention that no one has successfully retrieved the memory of the werewolf transformation." Albus looked at the Pensieve thoughtfully, "Obviously, Severus' potion is not just for Levin. Mus just stayed awake after turning into a wolf."

"This is a huge discovery!" Pomona said immediately. "The judges are so unreasonable."

Albus looked at her through his half-moon glasses.

"If you want to prove the curative effect, you must provide evidence, otherwise anyone can claim that their potion is amazing. I remember that Professor Rohart invented a bird snake egg yolk hair treatment before. It is really effective, but the cost is too high .”

"Potion of Wolfsbane is not a slippery agent," Pomona said aloud.

"The main users of wolfbane potion are werewolves. I think you know the current living conditions of werewolves, and how difficult it is to manage werewolves. Newt tried to establish a werewolf registry, but there was no werewolf to register."

Pomona didn't ask Remus to register, just like Minerva became a registered Animagus, his identity disclosure and registration are two different things.

"That's not the only reason you came to me, is it?" Albus asked.

She paused.

"Severus hopes that Remus can testify to prove the efficacy of the wolfsbane potion. In addition, in exchange, he will provide Remus with the potion for free in the future."

Albus was lost in thought.

"I think we must learn to tolerate the existence of people whose values ​​are different from ours." Dumbledore said.

"Not because he made a deal with you?" Pomona asked.

"Minerva once asked me what I could learn from Professor Rohart, and the answer I told her was, 'You can learn what not to do, what not to do from a bad teacher. People', but I'm going to give you a different answer today." Albus held Pomona's hand that was nearly burned just now "Tell me, why do you tolerate him indulging in the Dark Arts?"

"The world is dangerous. If humans don't have the strength to defeat the dragons, they will be eaten by them. Do you think dragons will set up protected areas for humans?" Pomona said, "Also, you should tell me the answer, why not?" Ask me questions."

"Do you think Severus is a bad teacher?" Albus asked.

Pomona was shocked.

"We always need to use the correct name for things. The more we can't call the mysterious man correctly, the more we will strengthen our fear of him. The same is true when we define Rohart as a bad teacher. You think there is nothing to learn from him. of?"

"He knew what he wanted," Pomona said.

"And do you know what you want?" Albus asked.

She subconsciously withdrew her hand, as if afraid that Albus would touch her pulse.

"Do you think Rohart is handsome?" Albus asked suddenly.

"What?" she exclaimed.

"A lot of witches think he's handsome," said Albus wildly.

It is undeniable that Rohart is good-looking, flashy is one of his few advantages, but... Sirius said that she is a bad commentator, and she admitted that she really couldn't find wonderful words to explain.

"That's because he's full of confidence, and when he's timid he looks haggard," said Albus. "Where do you think his confidence comes from?"

Pomona nearly laughed out loud.

"His 'accomplishment,'" Pomona said with a stifled laugh.

"I think we'll see a different Severus, and if he succeeds, it will open up a new path not only for him personally, but for all of us," Albus whispered. Along the way, there will always be some sacrifices that cannot be avoided."

But she didn't want it to be Remus, obviously because he didn't want to hurt anyone.

However, the feeling of hunger is not something that can be endured for a while.

"Thank you, Albus," said Pomona, and was about to leave.

"Is it because there are too few young people in contact with?" Albus said suddenly.

Pomona looked back, meeting Albus's eyes.

She ran away before even saying "I don't know what you're talking about".

She wondered in horror as she hurried down the school corridor, could he know? No, he couldn't possibly know, by the way, where is the Mirror of Erised?

==================================================== ==========

What would she look like if one day she died and her soul left her body?

Is it as beautiful as a mixed-race Veela, or is it short and pudgy and very flattering?

She remembered that it had been placed in an empty classroom on the fifth floor, but it had since been moved, hidden somewhere in that castle full of secrets.

Of course Albus moved it not because of Harry, Harry was not immersed in the illusion created by the Mirror of Erised, but she herself was more easily lost.

She put down the quill and let out a long sigh, even though she was as handsome as Tom Riddle, she turned into a snake-faced monster in the end.

Except for Bella who was still obsessed and crazy about him as before, everyone else had changed to some extent. After all, people still distinguish things based on their shapes. No one looks at an apple and insists on saying it is a pear, or that it is clearly a deer but insists on saying it is a horse.

For most people, form is external, something formed, but some people have such a powerful imagination that they imagine themselves to be a dog, and they really are a dog.

The crux of the problem is the transformation from dogs back to people. Many wizards who illegally tried Animagus lived in St. Mungo's Hospital, and they were all stuck here.

Severus could memorize spells in the first grade that he couldn't remember in the seventh grade, and he also had a talent for potions, but if he was given another twenty years, he wouldn't be able to learn the Animagus.

Who made him so stubborn, even Albus Dumbledore, who was good at "persuading and persuading", couldn't help him.

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall."

She chanted the spell like Snow White's stepmother, but there is no magic mirror here that will tell her "you are the most beautiful woman in the world", even if it is a lie, she wants to hear it.

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