Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2545 Smoke and Mirror (11)

"Come here!" Madam Pomonfrey took Pomona's hand and made her sit on the side of the hospital bed near the magic lantern, carefully examining the wound on Pomona's forehead.

"How did this happen?" Madam Pomfrey said, carefully wiping Pomona's wound.

The medicine mixed with Baixian quickly healed the wound without leaving any scars.

"Faces are very important to girls, especially if you are with werewolves." Madam Pomfrey glanced at Remus Lupine who was sleeping on the hospital bed not far away, and said in a low voice, "The scratches of werewolves will hurt you." leaving scars."

"I know." Pomona nodded.

"Boys are always careless." Madam Pomfrey sighed, "You have to be careful."

Pomona was troubled. Sirius and James never cared if they were hurt, so why should she have to be careful?


"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo " Ron Weasley is saying to Mrs. Pomfrey, clutching his injured leg.

Madam Pomfrey was changing his dressing, and when she saw Pomona approaching, she immediately smiled.

"Here you are, Dean." Then Madam Pomfrey pulled the bandage hard, and Ron screamed in pain.

Pomona looked at Ron, the lesson of pain should have impressed him enough.

"I have something to ask you," Pomona said, and the two walked away from Ron to talk in secret.

"Which did you heal Sirius Black with white and silver powder?" asked Pomona.

"Only these are useful for werewolf scratches, of course they are," Madam Pomfrey whispered.

"How is he recovering?"

"There was a lot of blood, and I gave him blood tonic."

Footsteps came, and the two stopped talking.

"Hi, Dean." Tonks waved at the two of them.

"Let's talk about the past later, let me talk to Madam Pomfrey." Fudge said, then passed Tonks and walked in front of Madam Pomfrey. "Is it convenient for Mr. Weasley to visit now?"

"Are you trying to talk about the interrogation?" Pomfrey said neither humble nor overbearing, "He is sleeping."

As they talked, Ron closed his eyes and fell asleep, purring.

"Just a few minor problems," said Fudge, then passed Madam Pomfrey to Ron's hospital bed, and peered in through the curtain.

Ron purred louder.

"Can you wake him up?" Fudge asked.

"You're disturbing the patient's rest, Mr. Minister, not to mention that Mr. Weasley's parents haven't come yet. You should wait for them to come before you ask Mr. Weasley any questions," Madam Pomfrey said.

Fudge left in embarrassment, but Tonks didn't.

"How was my performance last night?" Tonks asked Pomona expectantly.

"How did you end up with Ginny?" Pomona asked.

Tonks looked around and leaned into Pomona's ear, "The whole Gryffindor is blaming Ginny for causing the panic last year. No one wants to talk to her, except Harry, but She didn't think Harry would like her."

"She even told you that?" said Pomona, startled.

"She also likes Gwenog Jones and wants to be a Seeker like her, but her mother won't let her play Quidditch with her brothers, so she can only sneak into the broom shed at home and use them now she wants one of her own, but Molly won't buy her one."

"Tonks!" Fudge called from outside the door.

"I'm leaving." Tonks waved his hand. "Goodbye, Dean."

Tonks trotted away from the hospital wing, tripping over the foot of the bed and nearly falling.

The reason why Tonks explored with the twins but was never caught is very simple, because she is a natural disguise Animagus, even if she is caught, she can change into someone else's appearance, and she will not remember her mistakes on her.

Pomona smiled helplessly, and turned to look at Ron who was still pretending to be asleep. He didn't have his own broomstick, and even his wand was second-hand. If it wasn't for Rohart, Ron would probably continue to use it. The old battered wand.

"Birthday present..." Pomona murmured. She remembered that Harry Potter received a broomstick for Christmas. curse.

Although it is Harry's birthday on July 31, it is already a holiday at that time.

"Sybill Trelawney," she whispered, leaving the hospital wing.

Minerva's office is also on the second floor, but when passing by Myrtle's bathroom, Pomona suddenly became hot all over for no reason, and she ran into the bathroom, and Spoon was reflected in the mirror above the sink. Lauter's chubby face.

Love is not only a weapon suitable for women, but also a weapon suitable for dealing with women. Pomona was ready to write a love letter to Madame Maxime instead of Hagrid. As far as she knew, the elegant half-giant had no suitors yet.

It was an absurd idea for Hagrid to pursue Madam Maxim. Apart from being a half-giant, Hagrid has nothing in common with Madam Maxim.

There may also be similarities, Hagrid domesticated thestrals, and Madame Maxime tamed the rune horse, but this was just a breakthrough, and Madame Maxime had to forget about Nicolome's "business" Dizziness" will do.

She turned on the faucet of the sink, allowing the water to fill the sink, and it looked like a Pensieve at a glance.

How can this be the same thing? One was just filled with plain water, and the other was filled with memories, maybe she saw them as the same because she really had a fever and was dizzy.

Of course, there is also a possibility that after Remus turned into a wolf, his mind is different from normal. This confusion extends to his memory, and also affects the people who look at his memory. His sanity is wiped out, and he is covered in blood. Fever, heart pounding violently.

"You know your true self, Remus! That's where your heart is!" Sirius yelled. "A skin is just a skin!"

However, Sirius' shouts were useless, the changes continued, and finally Sirius gave up.

"Run, run!"

Harry and Hermione could run, but Ron's leg was injured and he couldn't run at all.

They exuded the sweet smell of fresh flesh, reminding Remus of the honey-grilled steaks he had eaten at the Hogwarts start-of-term feast, tender and juicy.

He felt very hungry.

When she looked up again, what appeared in the mirror was the face of a bird-headed monster, which was so terrifying that she almost screamed at the mirror.

She quickly realized that this was herself too, and she regained her senses, the transformation was over, and it seemed to drain her strength, and she sat down against the sink in exhaustion.

The difference between Animagus and werewolf transformation is that the werewolf transformation is not controlled by oneself, just like what Pomona experienced just now, but the weird thing is why it didn't happen in Albus's office last night, but here What happened?

Pomona stood up again, looking at the snake-shaped faucet at the entrance to the chamber, which could be opened by speaking Parseltongue.

As a language, Parseltongue can be learned, but Harry was born with a Parseltongue. He also locked his cousin Dudley in the snake aquarium at the London Zoo, and put the pythons inside. Released and created a riot.

Although most people believe that Parseltongue can only be spoken by those who have developed an intimate relationship with the Dark Arts, that doesn't mean that everyone who speaks Parseltongue is a Dark wizard.

Werewolves are considered dark beings, and this washroom is surrounded by dark forces, so the metamorphosis happened.

"What are you doing?"

Pomona turned around and saw that it was Severus. The moonlight had corrected his complexion, which was much better than the sallowness of the day.

"Did you forget to take your medicine?" he asked again.

Medicine, what medicine?

She was a little dazed, then looked into the mirror and found a beautiful face inside.

Veela not only has a beautiful side, but also a monster side. Fortunately, she controlled it in time so that he didn't see it.

"Werewolf transformation can't be controlled with Polyjuice Potion," she whispered. "That force will break through the transformation magic of Polyjuice Potion."

"What are you talking about?" Severus asked in bewilderment.

"I didn't forget to drink the potion," she said distraughtly, scooping up a little water to wash her face. "Your Wolfsbane potion is an amazing invention, Severus."

"Not everyone thinks the same way you do." Severus said calmly, "People at the jury think I've exaggerated the efficacy, unless I show evidence."

Pomona looked at him in the mirror.

"Can you help me convince Lupine to testify for me? Anyway, his identity has been exposed." He said behind her. "His wolf howl attracted a lot of attention, and everyone on the Astronomy Tower saw it. "

She looked down at the rushing water in front of her, it was still crystal clear.

"In the future, I will continue to provide the Wolfsbane potion he drank, but he needs to find a safe place. How much to drink is not up to him to decide. He felt much better that night. I prepared it for him. A big pot, but he didn't finish it."

==================================================== ========

Georgiana gave Matilda a birthday gift - a jewelry necklace that once belonged to her, which can be worth at least 50,000 francs.

Then she made a list and prepared to give everyone a Christmas present.

Dudley had piles of presents for his birthday, but Harry had none of them, and it was Dudley's birthday that they went to the zoo.

Thinking of it this way, it is easy to understand why Mrs. Devodey felt unhappy, even though the Amethyst Lotus Ministry of Foreign Affairs had explained to her.

She planned to continue to place an order with the jeweler, and send a set of amethyst lamps to Mrs. Devorday, whether she took it and broke it or kept it, anyway, her gift has arrived. Then she remembered that Bonaparte's birthday was approaching.

His birthday is known to the public as August 15, but it was also his birthday on January 7, when he was still in Ajaccio, Corsica.

It is not impossible to give men jewelry, but can amethyst compare with the Regent diamond?

She saw Caesar appearing in the Roman theater with his purple silk robes.

But if purple is not well matched, it will become the clothes worn by "clowns".

So the gift can't be perfunctory, and she better not screw it up again.

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