Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2544 Smoke and Mirror (10)

After the last year's exams, Pomona came to Sybil's tower with a basket of spices made from agaria geraniums.

It is a favorite of fortune-tellers and is said to lull them into a sort of half-dream state, although Pomona personally believes it is a natural effect of the pollen of the geranium of the dragon's tooth.

"Hey, Sybil, I was the one who was too serious last time." Pomona rehearsed the "repertoire" in her mind as she walked, feeling extremely depressed.

'Why should I apologize first! '

Halfway on the way, she met the students who had just come down from the divination classroom, and they were chattering about what happened in class just now.

"Professor!" Neville yelled, "I found Scabbers!"

"Yes, where?"

"In Hagrid's rat cage."

Pomona wanted to turn around and leave, but she glanced at the tower that was close at hand, and felt that she shouldn't just go back.

"I heard something happened in class," Pomona asked Neville.

Neville nodded. "Hermione was kicked out of the classroom by Professor Trelawney."

"What's going on here?" Pomona asked in feigned surprise.

"The professor asked us to see what we saw in the crystal ball. Hermione said she saw a 'bad omen', and then Professor Trelawney said that she felt that she hadn't learned this noble science since she saw Hermione walk into the classroom on the first day. The 'gift' of language, she is young, but her heart is like an old woman, and her soul is like a dry page."

"Oh, really?" Pomona said in surprise.

She wasn't surprised at all actually, it was pretty much what Trelawney said.

"Yes!" Neville's eyes widened in surprise, and he said with a smile, "I remember, Professor."

Pomona wished Neville had said that sooner rather than after all his exams were over.

After a while, Harry Potter came down the stairs with a pale face. He looked like he was frightened.

"You go back first." Pomona said to Neville, and then walked up the stairs by herself.

Halfway through the seemingly endless spiral staircase she meets Cinderella, who is as aloof as ever.

Trelawney was clearing her throat when Pomona arrived in the Divination class room, and when she saw Pomona appear, she stood upright immediately, and the glasses made her look like a dragonfly.

The two of them stood, neither of them speaking.

"What do you think the comet hit Jupiter the day before yesterday, Sybil?" said Pomona dryly.

"I'm not a charlatan like an astrologer. I only talk about what I see after the third eye appears." Trelawney also said dryly.

She couldn't take it anymore, and gave the petals in her hand to Sybil.

"What's this for?" Sybil asked.

"Gift," Pomona said.

"You misremembered my birthday," said Sybil.

"Not a birthday present... what is this?" Pomona looked at the crystal ball next to him.

"Mr. Potter helped me pick it up, and it was thrown to the ground by the rude Miss Hermione Granger." Sybil said with a smile, "What a gentleman."

'I think it's just because Harry is so kind, even though you said that about his friend'.

But Pomona said nothing and picked up the crystal ball.

Inside the ball was Sybil's face, staring straight ahead with a blank stare.

"Can I borrow this?" Pomona said.

"Of course," Sybil said. "It's my last class of the term anyway."

"Where did you spend the summer?" Pomona asked.

Trelawney was silent.

"School will be very busy during summer vacation, do you want to help?"

"That depends on what to do," Sybil said.

Because Cassandra's offspring can't do menial jobs, can they?

Pomona shook his head, put the geranium petals on the table, put the crystal ball into the flannel pocket, and followed the instructions on the card to the Quidditch pitch.

There was no one outside the stadium, she walked into the stands, and there were two people sitting in the corner of the lawn chatting.

Pomona picked up the card, made sure it pointed in this direction, and stared at the two of them carefully.

One of them was Ginny Weasley, a second-year student, and the other was Tonks. Ginny was worried, and Tonks was comforting her.

Pomona continued to stagger forward until she came to Tonks, and they both looked up at her blankly.

"Your 'test' begins tonight," Pomona said to Tonks.

"Excuse me, what did you say?" Tonks asked inexplicably.

"You know what I'm talking about," Pomona said, and waddled away.

"Hey!" Tonks yelled after Pomona was gone. "I know how to do it!"

Pomona shrugged, she didn't know what Tonks was going to do.

She returned to the office from the Quidditch pitch, found Scabbers' news for Spike to give to Sirius, and prepared to climb up to the principal's office on the top floor with the crystal ball. But she changed her mind halfway, she went to the kitchen to get dinner first, and planned to eat it later when she went to the Astronomy Tower.

Such is the simplicity of a busy day in Pomona.

Even if they are conscious chess pieces, they cannot be allowed to do too complicated tasks. First, it is not conducive to their efficient work. Second, when facing Boggarts, there is not only one way to overcome them by laughing at fear, as long as Be able to do things right, don't force him to do things in the same way as the chess player himself does.

That's how it is to work under Albus, but is it possible for a chess piece to become a chess player?

Pomona knew that Severus might have done it, he designed the Battle of the Seven Potters, and a series of plans after Albus's death, but he was actually controlled by Albus, and he believed that Harry was One of the seven Horcruxes.

Although Voldemort is cruel and has no scruples about using the Unforgivable Curse, he may not be as cold-blooded as Albus Dumbledore when he was a chess player.

As it is written in Muhammad, all happiness, anger, fear, sadness and pain will hinder rational thinking and will affect his performance. The chess pieces can only hope that they will be sacrificed later, just like Pomona, she was "sacrificed" during the Battle of Hogwarts, and Albus had already "sacrificed" both himself and Severus before that. sacrifice".

Life was unfair, Severus himself had said it, he had recognized it early on, James Potter had helped him remember it. So many people witnessed that scene, but the school did not punish James in any way, and even made him the head of the boys.

No matter which world it is, Fei Liwei is right. She should stay away from humans. As for the future of humans, why should she be a mixed-blood magical creature?

"Have you cried enough?" she asked tiredly.

Matilda nodded.

In fact, it's not much, just the money left over from shopping, and the sum of the zeros and zeros is about 80,000 to 90,000.

She also blamed herself for being paid too little when she was in Paris.

"When I was young, I went to Venice. In that city, men could put on masks after they owed gambling debts and continue to live in society, but women were not allowed to gamble. They would drive nails into their jaws." She stroked Holding Matilda's tender hand, "The only gamble we are allowed to do is marriage."

Then she turned Matilda's hand over and read her palm like Sybil had done.

"You had two marriages," said Georgiana. "The first was happy and short, and the second..."

"I will never dare again." Matilda knelt down and said, "Help me, ma'am."

"You have to remember, dear, some mistakes in this world can not be forgiven and forgiven by apologizing and admitting mistakes." Georgiana said wearily.

"I remember, ma'am," said Matilda.

She felt that Matilda would definitely not remember, because the lesson was not deep enough.

But if the lesson is too profound, it will hurt deeply, and it will hurt even in cloudy and rainy days.

"I won't cancel the bet for you. If you want to bet, you have to admit defeat. Pleading is not always useful. If there is a next time, I will exile you to a place where you can't make mistakes."

Matilda was a little confused.

"Would you like to help me?" Matilda said pleasantly.

She felt that there seemed to be some misunderstanding between her and Matilda.

"Didn't you hear the last part of my sentence?" Georgiana asked.

"I thought...you were going to marry me off." Matilda wiped her tears.

"I think most people will choose to stay in Paris." Georgiana said.

Matilda shook her head.

"Don't you like Paris?"

"I want to stay in Paris with the person I like." Matilda cried.

Georgiana rolled her eyes, she couldn't usually see it, but she didn't expect that Matilda was also a wayward lady.

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