Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2543 Smoke and Mirror (9)

Pomona looked at her watch, there were still 5 hours before the little monsters finished their last exam, not only them, but she was about to be "liberated".

"I hate glass," she said, looking up at the glass roof of the conservatory.

The students only need to stand here until the exam is over, while she herself has to be there in the morning and afternoon. For some grades, she can go to the shade of a tree to avoid the scorching sun. For some grades, she can only "expose" to the sun.

Then she thought of the dementors again, they at least brought a little coolness.

At noon, there were cramped students at the long tables in each college. They read books while eating. This scene may have given Albus and Felix a strange inspiration, and the two whispered endlessly.

No matter what, Pomona picked up the iced pumpkin juice and gulped down half of the glass in one gulp, while Minerva looked at her in shock.

"What?" Pomona asked.

"Aren't you too informal?" Minerva said cautiously, and then glanced at the long tables in the fourth courtyard of the auditorium. "Are the students watching?"

"Books are more attractive to them now than I am," Pomona said with a smile. "It's been a long semester."

It's finally coming to an end, she thought to herself, she took classes for a month longer than the normal semester, and even the next semester's classes were taken together.

"Come and take a look." Sinista said, and handed a newspaper to the two of them to read. "This is the photo of the comet hitting Jupiter the night before yesterday."

Pomona looked at the newspaper that Sinista handed over. It was published by Muggles. The photos could not be moved, but they were in color.

For Muggles, this is a good opportunity to study Jupiter's atmosphere, but Pomona reminds me of astrology, Jupiter represents Jupiter, but also Zeus, and comets are often very unlucky, that is, it is a bad omen .

Pomona glanced at Harry Potter. He had a lightning scar on his forehead. He didn't cover it with his hair. After all, he was a boy. If he was a girl, he would have covered it with thick bangs.

"Professor Sprout."

Albus Dumbledore suddenly appeared behind her.

"After dinner, please come to my office."

Then Albus left with Felix.

To be honest, the two of them are so old and tall... In fact, the office on the ground floor is more suitable for them. Why climb so high, the office must be on the tower?

"What did you do?" Minerva asked.

"I didn't do anything," Pomona said, and she spoke just as she met Snape's eyes, who were staring straight at her.

"I'm full," she said, then got up and left the table, and climbed up the tower.

Towers and lightning, in Tarot cards, represent change, and in the eyes of many people, they are unlucky cards.

She was so flustered that she stopped halfway up the stairs, and then she realized that she had changed, that she had "shrunk".

"Oh no." She wailed, looking at her hands, she couldn't see Dumbledore like that.

She just turned around to go back to the cellar to drink the potion, but she met Kingsley Shacklebolt, who was full of thoughts and didn't even look at Pomona.

Further down she ran into Alastor Moody again, who could actually have taken the spiral staircase to the third floor, and seeing him limping Pomona had to step aside until he reached the corridor where the kitchen was. meet anyone.

"Where have you been?" She suddenly heard someone shout,

Then Snape took off his invisibility cloak.

"A meeting." Pomona finished and walked to the office.

"What meeting?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"I don't know, what happened to your potion? How did it expire prematurely?" She pushed him.

"Are you seeing someone?" He asked immobile.

"I don't have time to talk to you about this." She said depressedly, walked into the office, and drank the compound soup in the afternoon in advance.

Soon she began to "swell" again, propping up the loose witch's robe.

"I have to go," said Pomona, but Snape stood still in the doorway, and she had to sidle through.

All her attention was devoted to running out of time, not to keep Albus waiting, trotting all the way up the tower, which was more tiring than walking.

When she reached the top of the building, Kingsley and Alastor Moody had already come out of the office.

"Good afternoon." Kingsley smiled at Pomona, then brushed past him.

Alastormoody glared at her for a while, then limped away too.

Inexplicably, she walked towards the principal's office with the door open.

There was a large wooden box on the headmaster's desk, and there was a crystal ball, and when his hand touched the crystal ball, some images appeared, but before she could see clearly, Albus had let go of his hand.

"Come in," said Albus.

"You looking for me, Headmaster?" Pomona asked.

"I have news for you." Albus handed her a piece of paper.

She took it. It was a document issued by the Ministry of Magic. Buckbeak's trial was still lost, and the execution was executed this evening.

"Should I tell Scamander?" Pomona asked.

"I don't think it would be helpful for Newt to know about it, but I do need your help with something," said Albus, handing a card to Pomona "Tell the man you found, The 'test' will begin tonight."

Pomona took the card, with a golden arrow on it that looked like a compass.

"Test, what test?" Pomona asked.

Phoenix Fox suddenly called out.

"In the last war, we lost many members. Although I don't want that day to come, we must be prepared." Albus said, "The one in your hand is a member that can be developed."

"I see, Principal." Pomona put the card away. "How do I see that person?"

"Compared with this, I think you have more important things to do." Albus said, "Are you full of doubts about the future?"

She frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Look at the papers in your hand," said Albus. "What does that symbol representing the Ministry of Magic say in ancient runes?"

The logo of the Ministry of Magic is the capital "m", which actually looks a lot like the ancient rune ehwaz, which stands for progress, movement and cooperation.

"You want me to reconcile with Sybil?" Pomona asked.

"The feud between you, unlike Gryffindor and Slytherin, I don't want it to deepen," Albus said softly.

"There's nothing more to say, Albus," said Pomona coldly. "I'll make it up with Sybil."

"There is one more thing I want to tell you." Albus said, "The Triwizard Tournament is on its own, no matter how dangerous the situation is, in fact it was stopped because of the casualties of some players and spectators. of."

"Did you get hit by the giant stick of the troll security today?" Pomona asked inexplicably, "Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

The old fool smiled mysteriously, looking down at the crystal ball on the table.

==================================================== ======

"Oh! That's what happened!"

The people who were talking about Jet Devils and Arabian horses looked back at Georgiana.

Even though she speaks English, she still attracts attention.

She smiled in embarrassment, and waited for other people to turn their attention to other places before she restrained her smile.

She had seen the crystal ball on Albus's desk at Nickelomet's house. It could not predict the distant future, and it was just some pictures, but it could give Albus the same hint as the "prophet" Grindelwald.

He knew what was going to happen in the "future", so he sent Pomona to take the card to Tonks, and Tonks believed that the next thing to do was her test to join the Order of the Phoenix.

When the dementors started flying towards the small lake in the Forbidden Forest, Tonks said he saw Sirius and Harry in another direction, and led the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic over so that they would not interfere with the experiment up.

Generally speaking, people who try to change the "future" will encounter two situations. One is to be killed by their past self, or disappear together. The past self cannot see the future self. It was his father who blamed him and Sirius for saving him and Sirius. This obsession even made him and Hermione "follow time travel" like apparition followers.

This has never happened in a time travel experiment. At the same time, in order to prevent the "savior" from encountering any accidents, members of the Order of the Phoenix hid in the Forbidden Forest to observe, ready to protect Harry at any time.

Pomona went to find Sybil, met Neville, and he told her about finding Scabbers. She sent an owl to tell Sirius, and Sirius rushed to Hagrid's cabin and met the three of them.

When Remus went to the Shrieking Shack, Snape followed him, in fact he always suspected that Remus was secretly helping Black, and then the prophesied scene happened.

At that time, Pomona was in the astronomy tower and wanted to see what happened to the sky after the comet hit Jupiter. She saw the scene by the lake in the Forbidden Forest through the telescope.

Harry's Patronus was so dazzling that she almost thought it was Albus's Phoenix Patronus. Other candidates on the tower also saw it. Because of an accident, Sinista asked everyone to go back to the dormitory. Lower Pomona alone.

All this she could just watch, she was too far away, and she didn't have a broomstick, or Fantastic Beasts to help fly there, and Hogwarts banned apparition.

After it's all over, Albus has access to Remus' memories to see what happened in the Shrieking Shack.

Severus knows Occlumency, the memories he provided are not credible, Sirius and Peter Pedilou are at large, and the other three little guys are still in time travel.

After meeting Neville, Pomona saw Harry run away in a panic, and then she went upstairs to "reconcile" with Sybil. During the chat, she saw that something was wrong with the smoke in the crystal ball. The powder smoke was very close to the white mist of the prophecy ball, so she brought the crystal ball to the principal's office.

There was only one servant in Sybil's prophecy, and she didn't use the plural, so she should be referring to Peter Pedilou. Severus, who used to be a Death Eater and Voldemort's servant, is no longer.

Comets have always been symbols of disaster, even though they hit Jupiter.

Jupiter, Zeus, Lightning, the scar on Harry's forehead...

"Madam." Matilda came over crying, "please help me."

Georgiana looked at her with a sense of foreboding.

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