Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2547 Smoke and Mirror (13)

On March 24, 1993, several American Muggle astronomers discovered a comet while observing the sky. This comet broke away from the asteroid belt outside the solar system and entered the solar system to become a periodic comet.

But it is not as harmless as Halley's comet. According to the trajectory calculated by the computer, it will directly hit the earth in July 1994.

However, according to continuous observations, observers discovered that this comet does not revolve around the sun, but orbits Jupiter, with a revolution period of 2 years.

That is to say, according to the orbit of the comet, it will enter the surface of Jupiter in July 1994, be torn into several pieces by the huge tidal force on the surface of Jupiter, and fall into Jupiter's atmosphere.

This impact occurred in the southern hemisphere of Jupiter. The impact of the largest piece of debris is powerful enough to destroy the earth once. It is precisely because of this impact that people believe more in the theory that the meteorite impact that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

Through archaeological and geological fossils, Muggles believe that dinosaurs once existed on the earth, but they don't believe in fire-breathing dragons.

Because they did not find fossils of dragons, nor did they see real living creatures, even if there were so-called specimens, they turned out to be fakes.

The school's "black market" once sold a brain enhancer, which was said to clear the mind, enhance memory, and photographic memory.

In fact, it is just a tonic for rats. After drinking it, people will be fine, but there is no curative effect as the seller said. It is just that they will be very excited at night, but they will not sit down and read like Leonardo da Vinci, and they will think of something that grinds their teeth. bite.

The school hospital was busy all the time, Snape boiled potions that not only had horrible colors and smells, but also put them in confinement for half a semester next semester, Albus laughed a few times like Santa Claus and ignored it Yes, it is said that several students have considered transferring to foreign wizarding schools, and they don't want to board the Hogwarts Express next semester.

Finally, the little monsters are gone, but this vacation will not be very long, only one month, and then the "big guys" will meet again~~~

Pomona looked up at the sky. It was daytime and no stars could be seen. In fact, the sun was only a medium-sized star, which was much smaller than the bright stars in the night sky. , so that its light eclipses the stars of the day. And at night, the moon's brilliance will also affect astronomical observation, but the night of the full moon last happened to be the exam week. Unless someone wants to miss the exam, who would use an optical telescope to observe the night sky under such poor observation conditions.

"What are you looking for?" Sybil looked up at the sky with Pomona, and her dragonfly glasses seemed to have more advantages than Pomona's eyes.

"It's nothing." She was perfunctory, walking back in an extremely unhappy mood.

She didn't want to go back to the office, and the owl sent her letters every day, all from her parents, including several screaming letters, complaining that no matter how short the school was of teachers, she shouldn't find werewolves.

It was an open secret that Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts was cursed, and even Rohart didn't want to teach at first, and it was Albus who said he could use Harry's fame to make Rohart more famous.

Who will be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for next school year? It's really "looking forward to".

"What's with your nails?" Sybil said, staring at Pomona's hand, then at her own.

It was one of the few things about Sybil that could be called beautiful, and Minerva had done her manicure in Ravenclaw blue.

"I have to farm." Pomona squinted. "You don't know that food can't be conjured?"

Sybil put her hands away and rubbed like a rodent.

Pomona didn't like rats in the first place, and even more so when he learned that Peter Pedilou's Animagus was a rat.

Her reflections on Peter were only limited to the fact that he was always following Sirius, that the hijackers would attack Slytherin's snotlings together, that Remus spent the most uncomfortable days with Madam Pomfrey after transforming, Back to the dormitory to be taken care of by Peter, she didn't even know that his Animagus had succeeded.

Boys want their Animagus to be majestic and handsome. For example, tigers, lions, James and Sirius are all big when they transform. Peter transforming into a mouse has nothing to show off in front of girls.

Gryffindor turned out to be a cowardly traitor, and Peter also joined the Order of the Phoenix, which means that he was probably the culprit who leaked the identity of the members of the Order of the Phoenix during the first war, causing a large number of casualties.

But everything cannot be absolute, who knows what secrets will be revealed again.

"...13th century" Felix said to Severus next to him. Because of the height difference, he wanted to speak loudly. "It has the function of screening and removing unnecessary 'impurities'."

"What are you talking about?" Pomona leaned over and asked.

Snape turned his gaze to her.

"The Goblet of Fire." He said slowly, then looked down at Felix, "but the Goblet of Fire chose the 'champion'."

"What I want to say is that it might have been an alchemy prop, which was used for heating and forging." Feliwei said, "The Triwizard Tournament was first held in the 13th century, when alchemy was very popular in Europe."

"It's like a stove for heating pots, isn't it?" Pomona asked foolishly.

Now Felix and Severus looked at her together.

Pomona glanced at Trelawney next to her, and she also frowned, looking at Pomona with strange eyes.

"Hahaha, just kidding." She smiled dryly.

Apparently no one was amused, but at least no one was staring at her.

Love really makes people mentally decline.

She slandered.

On the first day of the holiday, Pomona usually sleeps, but this semester is so busy that she doesn't even have time for this "little hobby".

First of all, she went to the campsite of the remaining students. They chose the location next to the Quidditch pitch, which was also very close to Hogsmeade, and they would go to the town for dinner.

At first Pomona was worried that they would not get used to it. In fact, she thought too much. They can take care of themselves. There is no one in the other tents. The largest tent is used as a conference room and a material storage room. There is a big blackboard inside. , Meghan Jones chalking up her schedule.

"Dean!" Megan put down the chalk and greeted Pomona happily.

Megan Jones is tall and stocky, much like her relative Gwenog Jones of the Holyhead Harpies, but unlike that self-centered relative, Megan never mentions family The "celebrity".

"What about the others?" Pomona asked.

"Going to get butterbeer," said Megan.

"Is there my share?"

"I'll have to ask," Megan said, picking up her schoolbag still on the floor and pulling out a mirror.

This is a simplified version of the double-sided mirror. After all, not every family has a lot of props made by goblins like Black.

"Hello!" A blurred face appeared on the opposite side of the mirror.

"The dean also wants to drink beer, so bring a glass here." Megan said.

"Okay, is there anything else?"

Megan looked at Pomona.

"Don't get drunk, you guys have to come back and sign a non-disclosure agreement!" Pomona yelled.

"Understood." The other party perfunctory, and then the mirror was empty.

This is requested by the Ministry of Magic. They can't be busy with the Quidditch World Cup and decorate the Hogwarts arena at the same time. They are worried that minors will leak the secrets, so they ask to sign this document. After signing the document, they If you use magic during the holidays, you won't be monitored by Zongsi.

She didn't want the Ministry of Magic officials to see a group of young people who didn't know what to do without their parents and teachers, but she also knew that her reminder was unnecessary.

Those without self-control were sent to the train, and those who remained knew what they should do.

There was really nothing to do on the first day. Pomona walked out of the tent and looked at the Quidditch pitch not far away. The curtains that had been arranged around were pulled away, revealing the wooden skeleton inside.

If the Goblet of Fire is really a good source of power as Feliway said, it's just that I don't know if it can push the entire maze.

==================================================== =======

Georgiana recalled her previous idea to build a labyrinth that could trap the Yin Yin tree underground in Paris. She handed over a suspected piece of paper to the French Ministry of Magic for testing, and she also specifically explained that it could not be burned with fire.

But the French never disappoint when it comes to screwing things up.

As long as there is it, Grindelwald's black magic will not only not destroy Paris, but also become a new source of power for the entire magic circle, preventing the Second World War from starting in France and being triggered by wizards.

If the so-called Witch Protection Act was passed in the 17th century, wizards would need to register to receive legal protection, thus providing witch hunters with a death list.

Should the wizard be lucky, because William III of Orange was busy fighting the Sun King Louis XIV at the time.

If the war between Britain and France continues, the Prince Regent will have no money to "beautify London" and transform Charles Cross Road, where the Leaky Cauldron is located.

But she ignored the history and "do whatever she wants" in order to prolong the "Amiens Peace Treaty".

If there is no peace, what's the point of what she did before?

She took off the fire opal ring from her hand and put it on the table.

When can I wake up from this dream?

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