Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2538 Smoke and Mirror (4)

Madame Maxime, Beauxbaton's headmaster, is of course very different from Hagrid, the forestry guard who lives on the edge of Hogwarts, and Pomona has heard of her even if she hasn't seen her.

Alchemy has always been Beauxbaton's strong point, but Madam Maxim's achievement is not in academics, but in her ability to manage a school composed of students from many countries well, such as the Triwizard Tournament. International competitions were a novelty for Hogwarts, but not for Beauxbatons.

She is like an elegant hostess, presiding over one salon after another to please the guests and hosts. Even though Hagrid looked like a kind-hearted big man in Pomona's eyes, Hagrid couldn't do it now. Being a friend was one thing, being a boyfriend was another.

In fact, Pomona didn't quite agree with Albus's idea, but the Philosopher's Stone has been destroyed, and it is unlikely to refine another one. If Beauxbatons forcibly asks for the Philosopher's Stone, or wants to witness It is impossible for the stone to be destroyed.

Did Hogwarts say that the Philosopher's Stone was destroyed? How could it be that Hogwarts took the Philosopher's Stone privately under the guise of destroying it?

This kind of thing can't be explained, not to mention that Albus has a very close personal relationship with Nicolome, and many of the things in his hands were given to him by Nicolome. Do you still want to return the gifts you sent?

This is a good way to solve the "trouble", let Hagrid go out and distract Madam Maxime, if he can do this.

After the initial shock, Pomona fell into anxiety again, and she didn't go to Hagrid "right, right away". After all, she was going to 'remind' Hagrid of his appearance without hurting him, and the term was coming to an end.

This issue can be discussed slowly during the holidays. The first priority is to find Ron's mouse, Scabbers. After dinner, Pomona sent house elves to the Gryffindor lounge to call Neville.

It was difficult for Neville's grades to improve, even if it was too late to make a surprise attack these days, the scene in the evening made her deeply aware that even if she knew the Summoning Curse, she would not be able to catch mice with her hands.

It's not easy to get over her fear, and while she's not afraid of rats, and she can levitate them and throw them out of tower windows if she uses a spell, she just doesn't want to touch it.

After returning to the office, she saw the ice cream that had completely melted into liquid, but instead of using the Freezing Charm to freeze it and continue eating, she threw it into the food recycling box and fed it to the magical animals. His appetite was indeed affected by the rats.

She didn't touch the mouse with her own hands, but she still felt that her hands were covered with mouse hair, which couldn't be washed off no matter how much she washed.

"Professor, are you looking for me?" Neville pushed the door open and entered.

"Oh, Neville, you're here at last," said Pomona happily.

"What's the matter with you?" Neville asked panicked.

She felt that she shouldn't have asked him to catch mice.

"How was class today?" She asked casually.

"Not bad." Neville nodded dully.

"What did you learn?" She asked gently again.

"Divination class, Professor Trelawney has started teaching us to use crystal balls," said Neville.

It was supposed to be a fourth grade class, and it looks like Sybil has brought it up to this semester.

The divination crystal ball used by wizards is different from that used by Muggles. There is smoke in it, and it is said that you can see the future through the smoke, so the book used in that class is also called "Seeing the Future Through the Clouds and Fog".

"She predicted you again..."

"Professor McGonagall told me that Professor Trelawney predicts that some students will die every year, so I don't need to care about it." Neville immediately said, "I heard that you and Professor Trelawney also got into a dispute because of me."

It cannot be said to be a dispute, but a complete "war". Who would have thought that the witch-like Sybill Trelawney would be so sharp-tongued.

But Pomona still smiled hypocritically.

"I just suggested that she don't say irresponsible and inappropriate remarks or hints to the underage children. We haven't had any disputes." She said sweetly, "Sybil accepted it, and she did it. She didn't I didn't say how you were, did I?"

Neville looked at her ignorantly.

"How is your Happy Charm practice?" Pomona asked.

Neville shook his head, "Simon suggested to me that it's better to practice Transfiguration well, and the spell can ignore it."

Pomona did not answer, after all Transfiguration is also Gryffindor's "domain".

She felt bitter. In fact, she shouldn't let Neville catch mice. Even though Scabbers doesn't have any special skills, Neville is her student, not her servant, but she does need help. How can she talk to a child? ?

"You need me, don't you, Professor," Neville asked.

"Could you please do me a favor." She said helplessly, "Please go to Hagrid's place. He has a lot of mouse traps. You can see if there is Scabbers among the mice."

"Ron's pet?" Neville asked.

"Yes." She nodded. "It's still alive. I saw him today."

"That's great! Hermione and Ron thought it was dead!" Neville said happily. "If I find it, they won't fight."

"You can think of it that way," Pomona said.

"I'd like to help," Neville said firmly.

"But your studies..."

"I'll work hard, like Harry, who studies Quidditch in his spare time."

"Great to hear that," Pomona said with a smile. "Where are you going to live for the summer?"

"I..." Neville scratched his head.

"I've prepared tents, and you and the rest of us can camp," Pomona explained. "How about you decide where to camp?"

"I don't think I can..."

"You can do it, Neville Longbottom. At Hogwarts, you learn more than what you read in books. You should have heard of Newt Scamander. He is a naturalist. Traveling around the world, sometimes places where there are no hotels.”

"We're using The Monster Book of Monsters this term," said Neville.

"I would suggest that Hagrid continue to use "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" next semester. You can go to Megan Jones, and she will help you find a campsite."

"I see, Dean, no, Professor." Neville said hastily.

Pomona sometimes wondered how Neville had ended up in Gryffindor by the Sorting Hat.

But as long as she remembered what Neville said, "What's so scary about Malfoy", she felt that she had an explanation.

"I told Minerva that she's considering giving you the password to the Gryffindor lounge so you don't have to stand at the door waiting to go in with the others," Pomona said. Neville."

Neville was on the verge of tears.

Although Minerva had her own considerations about this matter, she was a bit ignorant of Neville's feelings. Neville was already in the third grade, and sometimes he had to wait for the first grade to open the door for him.

"Sometimes we need help, but we still have to rely on ourselves." Pomona said helplessly, "It's not that you can't remember the password. I told Professor Snape the password, and he answered it right."

Neville's tears backed away.

"You can tell Simon or Dean Thomas that if he tells you the password, you can tell him what the herbal medicine test is about." Pomona lowered his voice and said, "Before the official test, you can practice."

"But that's cheating," Neville said seriously.

Pomona didn't know how to tell Neville, did he really think that Hermione's exam questions were all predictions?

"You can go back," Pomona said with a smile.

"Thank you, Professor," said Neville, and left her office.

After Neville left, she went to take care of some other chores. During the holidays, the students would take a lot of luggage, and the house elves needed to assign people to carry it. Dobby volunteered to help.

He's an oddball among house-elves, not only wearing shoes, but also traveling, as if making up for his captivity at the Malfoy's house.

But no matter how much it loves freedom, it will always return to Hogwarts, or Harry Potter.

There were quite a few house-elves with families, too, and Pomona couldn't think of any "girl" who would like Dobby.

As for a human girl marrying Dobby, that's even more impossible.

Friends are one thing, boyfriends are another.

Before lights out, Pomona sat down in front of the vanity mirror, and there was a beautiful woman in the mirror who looked nothing like the fat, lovely Sprout.

Are all the mirrors at Hogwarts magical?

She pressed out the magic lantern, and everything was shrouded in darkness, then she stood up and lay down on the bed.

The mirror is then like the Mirror of Erised, which becomes an empty mirror when no one is standing in front of it.

==================================================== =============

Muhammad mentions in his book, Alexandria of Aphroditesia, that when things are not gazed deeply, they appear farther away, and that vision enlarges the image due to gaze.

Not everyone named Alexander is Alexander the Great who is good at fighting, but there are also philosophers, poets and so on.

At this moment, all the scholars, engineers, etc. gathered in the castle decorated with roses, they said all kinds of flattering words around her, like the focus of her crowd.

Every summer, that is, July 7th according to the lunar calendar, the main star of Lyra is located at the very center of the zenith, and people can observe it just by looking up. At that moment, Vega seems to be the center of the entire starry sky.

Through observation and calculation by humans, Vega was once the North Star around 12,000 BC, and it is predicted that it will become the North Star again in 14,000.

But being a pole star is lonely. In oriental mythology, there is a star named Cowherd who will meet Vega on that day.

They are 16.4 light-years away, and it is practically impossible to meet, but human fantasy has eliminated the gap between them.

Muhammad wrote in the book that the imagination in people's hearts makes us not like an empty mirror, where things that cannot be seen cannot be reflected. Many things with attributes printed in the mirror will be removed with the things, or Turning in another direction, or the relationship between the two being hindered and disappearing, cannot be imprinted in the mirror.

The ancient Egyptians believed that they would get enlightenment in their dreams, and there would be explanations in their dreams for things that they could not understand when they were awake, just like some questions that scientists have been thinking about for a long time but could not think of answers, they would come to them after sleeping. It exists in people's hearts and minds, but it cannot be reflected in the mirror. The things reflected in the mirror need to have the attributes printed in the mirror.

If only she was still the fat Sprout, neglected and unwanted, but at least she was happy and didn't have to worry about food, clothing and shelter.

"Things that are not there" are indeed more attractive than "things that are already there", and she is not exempt. When she studied food magic, she never thought that this is also a luxury. Some people have to rely on crime to get food. , The spices for seasoning are even more unaffordable, not to mention the fuel and time required for cooking.

But she subconsciously licked her lower lip, missing the sweet taste.

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