Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2537 Smoke and Mirror (3)

Severus' so-called "strategy" is actually to score as many points as possible with the Quaffle before catching the Snitch. After all, the Snitch only has 150 points. Lippert can't win if he catches the Snitch.

This means that the whole team must participate in active fighting, instead of focusing on defense as in the past. The Quaffle is just passed around and does not take the initiative to shoot. The goalkeeper is useless. The key to winning or losing is the Seeker.

Harry’s Firebolt made many people lose confidence. Not all Quidditch players have brooms of the same level as the Nimbus 2000 eliminated by Harry Potter, and some even use the sweeping series provided by the school. It is an antique "handed down from generation to generation". Ravenclaw's female seekers are still using Comet 260. In the words of Gryffindor Quidditch captain Oliver Wood, Comet 260 is simply It's a joke.

What's the point of fighting for second or third place if you can't win the championship? In the past, Slytherin had always won, and then Gryffindor "returned the game". Although they were not the ones who defeated Slytherin, people in other houses also felt that it was worth celebrating. Now it was Gryffindor's turn to keep winning, and the others couldn't count on Slytherin to win it back.

The new tactics mean that the importance of players in each position of the team has changed. At present, all colleges have not paid attention to the selection of goalkeepers, especially Gryffindor. They pin all their hopes on Harry and his team. For the Firebolt, if they don't pay attention to the situation of other colleges and adjust their strategies and formations, then they will lose miserably in the next Quidditch House Cup.

So Zakales quickly gave up being a Seeker and decided to become a Chaser.

Pomona doesn't want to dampen the enthusiasm of its college students. Even in college-level games, it's not that simple to make a 150-point difference unless the goalkeeper is jinxed.

But at least they were moving, on this hot, sunny summer day.

It was the same last time, because it was windy, rainy, thunderous and lightning outside, the match between Slytherin and Gryffindor was replaced by Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.

Hufflepuff's color was yellow, and seeing Quidditch players flying fast on black broomsticks reminded her of... bees, maybe they could win.

She didn't want the children to fly for too long, and was just about to call them down...

"I heard you speak French?" Severus asked suddenly.

"Why are you asking this question all of a sudden?" the Pomona police officer asked.

"Who told you to learn it?" He asked inexplicably.

"Why do you think that someone else asked me to learn it, and I didn't want to learn it myself?" She was trembling with anger.

He carefully recognized her expression, and said after a while, "Beauxbaton was partly funded by Nicholas. Do you think Mrs. Maxime will ask us to get back the Philosopher's Stone."

Pomona got serious.

"Besides the Sorcerer's Stone, and the notes left by Nicolas, how much do you think Albus has hidden?" Severus continued to ask.

"That's why you asked me who told me to learn French?" she asked.

He looked at her without speaking.

"I heard that the Philosopher's Stone was destroyed, it's true..."

"We can't give Beauxbatons what they destroyed, and we can't give them back the legacy of Nicolas."

"What's the use of telling me this, most of them will choose to live in the Ravenclaw lounge." Pomona said dissatisfied.

Who would live in a semi-basement with a tall tower with lakes and mountains to admire?

"I heard Madame Maxime is still single." Snape said dryly, "She's a half-giant."

Pomona gasped.

"You're kidding!" she yelled, her voice changing.

"That wasn't my idea." Severus smiled hypocritically. "I can't convey the news to Hagrid. You should find a way."

Pomona continued to look up at the Quidditch players flying in the sky, and felt that he was very suitable for the cartoon effect now, like hitting his head against a wall with circles around his head.

"I did you a favor, can you do me a favor?" Severus whispered in her ear, lowering his voice.

She subconsciously took a step back.

"You want Nicolas' notes?"

"It's us." Severus said seductively. "We can study together."

She was just about to say 'what you said just now was like My-Know-Who invited Harry to join him for immortality'.

But before she could say it, a mouse ran past her, and then saw an ugly ginger cat chasing it like crazy.

She quickly recognized the cat as Crookshanks, and Hermione's cat had been chasing Ron's mouse, Scabbers, and they thought Crookshanks had eaten Scabbers.

"Then...then...then..." She tugged on Snape's robe in desperation, hoping that he would quickly use the Summoning Charm to summon Scabbers.

"What?" He looked at her puzzled.

She was in such a hurry that she was speechless, like a baboon.

"Catch that mouse!"

When she finally regained her ability to express herself and speak out, both Scabbers and Crookshanks had disappeared.

"Think about what I just said," said Snape, looking at her with "caring" eyes before leaving.

She didn't dare to ask him what he was thinking just now, if she had been able to use the magic spell by herself just now instead of relying on him, Ban Ban might have "got it".


She rubbed her forehead, thinking of the pile of mice again, but she would rather take care of the mice than taking care of the philobine caterpillars. Is the author of Hogwarts?

She really needed to talk to Hagrid, right now, right away.

But before that, she called all the players of the Quidditch team down. It's a hot day, so don't suffer from heat stroke.

==================================================== ==============

After Georgiana got off the car, she came to the castle with the English garden. She had lunch here last time, and she also gave a lot of amethyst lotus flowers to the ladies present.

Went here today to find that it has been redecorated, there are roses everywhere, they come in all kinds of colors, and the roses outside are covered by snow.

It's very old fashioned to send roses when you do something wrong.

Her eyes quickly shifted from the rose to the other people who came with her, and she found St. Tyrell among the carriage and the crowd.

She didn't finish the book Albus gave her for Christmas because she was "distracted", and now she wants to finish it.

She didn't know if the book existed among the books Napoleon brought back from Egypt, and she didn't know if it had a French translation, but she could at least order it to be looked for, otherwise what's the use of power?

Albus had said that death was like going to bed after a long day. This metaphor is actually very frustrating. Albus may not be the happy and kind old man in the eyes of children.

He lives very tired, has too many burdens, and living too clearly will hinder the search for happiness.

But there was a second part of what he said, that to the sober mind death is but another great adventure.

She didn't have this self-confidence, and felt that she was very clear-headed.

Then she looked at the bracelet on her hand, the hair-hidden bracelet. She clearly remembered that she had slapped Bonaparte after putting on the bracelet.

It made her feel better that way.

As for these roses, it was a waste of money to buy so many, and she would not stay in this place permanently.

It doesn't seem to work as a gift, so what should she do with these flowers?

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