Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2539 Smoke and Mirror (5)

No matter how much damage the mysterious man has brought to the wizarding world, and how bad his character is, at least one thing is certain, that is, his appearance is very handsome.

Pomona lay sprawled on the bed, reading a book on the soul written by an ancient Arabic scholar for Christmas, and munching on Honeydukes' sugar quill, which was also her Christmas present, from Albus.

She deliberately turned to the page that Albus had marked: The soul will be in all forms, conscious and ignorant, by relation.

The "ignorance" used in the French translation is perception, feeling, and an Arabic story is cited at the end of the sentence, "There is something in Amir's soul that Said will not know, because one thing related to many things can be based on the relationship." and divide".

Panpsychism believes that all things have spirits. A tree or a stone is the same as a person, such as a diary. It does not have consciousness, but humans do.

But the example in the book is a young father and his son. The father is the relationship between him and his sons. The young is his own nature and the core of all relationships. After connecting with the context, she feels that there is a problem with the translation of this place.

Panpsychism appeared in France and Italy in the 17th century. How could Arabs living in the 10th century know about it?

"Damn French!" she cursed under her breath, what a damned translation.

However, even if there were original texts, she could not understand them because she did not understand Arabic. Use the time converter to go to a thousand years to ask the author in front of him, she can't understand, unless she goes back to the past with a translator like Hermione.

Before Hermione, no time traveler had brought his companions back to the past, and they all went alone. Fortunately, the time they traveled was not long, and the location was not large, but they can still be regarded as "top secret" It's kept secret.

This kind of problem often occurs when translating documents, because the translator’s subjectivity misleads the readers, so she put a question mark on this place with a sugar quill, and continued reading past it.

'The soul begins with a body, and therefore the soul begins to exist in a corporeal matter available to the soul, and the body which begins to exist is the soul's domain and instrument. '

"Again!" she complained, this time the "matter" appeared in German, derived from Kant, and she put a question mark here again with a sugar quill.

'In the substance of the soul which begins with a certain form, there is a natural tendency to occupy the form, to use it, to consider its various forms, and to direct oneself towards it. '

Due to the tendency of the soul to occupy the body, Tom Riddle almost occupied Ginny's body, and the same was true when the mysterious man possessed Quirrell's body, but the mysterious man's soul in Quirrell's body had no way to use Quirrell's body. Luo's body, but Ginny was manipulated, writing words on the wall with chicken blood.

But here she noticed the word "entity of the soul". The explanation in the book is not the materialized soul, but two actions of the "entity", one is related to the body and is the domination of the body, and the other The one has to do with his origin, which is by intellectual perception, and these two activities are opposed to each other, because the soul's substance, occupied by the one, is detached from the other.

Imaginative mastery, bodily joys of all kinds, anger, fear, sadness, pleasure, and pain, are bodily dominations of the first kind. And these situations are useless to you when you are thinking about an intelligible thing, which is the second form.

When she was trying to understand the meaning of this sentence, a heavy object fell on her body and almost suffocated her.

When she managed to catch her breath, a kiss took her breath away, but she still smelled the sage.

Can the soul be separated from the body? It is okay to write in the book, and she really felt it, light and warm, and she felt relaxed.

"What are you reading?" the man who had trespassed in her bedroom asked her.

"Albus gave me a Christmas present. He said he got it when Cairo won the prize." Pomona found herself lying on top of him instead of the bed, and leaned her head against his chest. "You Do you think he lied? This book actually belongs to Nick Flamel."

He didn't speak, and his fingers gently circled the back of her neck, which felt very itchy.

"What did he give you this book for?" he asked casually.

"About Harry Potter, the diary, and the shape of the soul." She said comfortably with her eyes closed. At the age of 16, his soul remained consistent with the body at that time. The soul we saw later possessing Quirrell was the same as when he was old. I just read a strange place about perception And unconscious, I think he mistranslated, how could people in the 10th century know about animism."

"You don't want to know what I did today?" he asked.

"Karkaroff still haunts you?" she asked.

"No, I've been thinking about you all day." He moved his hand from her neck down her spine "Did you miss me?"

She was about to say yes.

There was a violent shaking in her head, and she found that the person in front of her had changed.

She had just come from the Grand Trianon at the Parc de Vincennes, he had just finished working on the nationalization of tobacco, and she was angry, feeling forgotten, doing something unknown, he was silent, accepting Her "revenge", and then he said to her, "You can't pretend that nothing happened."

She felt terrible and horrifying, and when she really "woke up", she found herself in a castle in Belgium.

It was already dark outside, and it seemed that she was going to spend the night in this place full of roses today.

Roses are not only beautiful in shape, but also have a strong fragrance, which overwhelms the smell of sage.

But she touched the back of her neck anyway, but the wound was too shallow for her fingers to feel it.

That was when she was dying, and Severus used a taboo method to transfer his vitality to her, regardless of whether his lifespan as a human would be shortened by doing so.

She also thought that her long life was meaningless after losing him, so she let him teach her the forbidden art, and then they made a vow in the screaming shack, which was more painful to her than the vows made at his wedding. The image is profound.

He left a mark on her body, similar to the lightning scar Voldemort left on Harry, the difference is that when Voldemort is close, Harry's scar will be hot and painful, and she seems to feel nothing.

Maybe it's because he wasn't close.

Then she looked at the table where she was resting on her stomach just now. There were papers there. She was planning to write a letter, but at this moment she remembered Tom Riddle's diary, which was once spread out in front of Harry. Harry was still writing on it, but nothing happened, not even his scar hurt.

And Slytherin's locket, Hufflepuff's gold cup, Ravenclaw's diadem, none of his wounds reacted, as for Nagini, if Harry was in pain, he would have noticed Bagshot was no longer himself.

The diary, locket, cup, diadem and even Nagini all have in common that none of them were involved in Voldemort's murder of Lily, even though Nagini may have been a Horcrux created after Voldemort's first death.

As for the ring with the resurrection stone, she didn't know much information, because Dumbledore didn't seem to believe her at that time.

She needs to continue reading that book, and the key is to find the translator of that book. She wants to make a bet that this book was translated by scholars who came back from Egypt with Napoleon in the early 18th century.

So she rang the bell, and Matilda came in when she heard it.

"Go get Mr. St. Tyrrell," Georgiana said, and then "And Philyl."

"Yes, ma'am," said Matilda, and withdrew.

After she was gone, Georgiana took out her wand and cast "shut your ears and listen".

What they said later might be "confidential", and she didn't want anyone to eavesdrop.

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